1. My heart is infatuated with one whose beauty is sublime
Seeking union with one who does not unite
١. يهيم قلبي بمن رقّت شمائله
ويسأل الوصل ممن لا يواصله
2. I wish I knew, my patience worn out
Would it hurt if he were to treat me kindly?
٢. فليت شعري وثوب الصبر منخرق
ما ضرّه لو بمعروف يعامله
3. O you who has enchanted my heart with your glances
Will your eyelids not soften with tenderness and its showers?
٣. يا مفرداً سحرت قلبي لواحظه
أما ترق لجفن رق وابله
4. O heart why do you still harbor hopes
Of attaining what you desire from one who has rejected you
٤. يا قلب ما لك في نيل المنى طمع
قد صحّ بأسك ممن كنت تأمله
5. So leave your passion and attribute your praise poetry to one
Who will last through times while his merits do not fade
٥. فدع هواه وقلد عقد مدحك من
يطوي الزمان ولا تطوى فضائله
6. A sea of generosity, a treasure of glories
And no one knows where its coast lies
٦. كنز المفاخر بحر الجود وافره
وليس يعلم شخص أين ساحله
7. Without fear of the passage of years or
The delay of rain as long as his fingers remain
٧. ولا مخافة من محل السنين ومن
تأخر الغيث ما دامت أنامله
8. Glory cannot be complete without its father
And how can it remain an orphan when he is its guardian
٨. وما دها المجد يتم بعد والده
وكيف يبقى يتيماً وهو كافله
9. God has marked him with justice, seizing
Every opportunity for kindness, smiling, who can equal him?
٩. لله متسم بالعدل مغتنم
للفضل مبتسم من ذا يشاكله
10. As if he were a full moon in the dark night of glory
And his good fortune shone with the glad tidings it brought him
١٠. كأنه في سماء المجد بدر دجى
وسعده لاح بالبشرى يقابله
11. O you who claim to have gained all the honor
You have wasted your life on what you cannot attain
١١. يا مدَّعي جمع ما قد حاز من شرف
أفنيت عمرك فيما لا تطاوله
12. So how can you collect what the sea holds of pearls
When you count the sands but not its waves
١٢. فكيف تجمع ما في البحر من درر
تحصى الرمال ولا تحصى فواضله
13. The means of elevation still accompany him
And he debases those who oppose him
١٣. عوامل الرفع لا زالت مصاحبة
له ويخفض من عاداه عامله
14. You see him in the procession of the brave, their protector
Victorious, attaining what he hopes and desires
١٤. تراه في موكب الشجعان حمزتهم
وظافراً بالذي يرجو ويأمله
15. He did not busy himself with sciences over his religious obligations
Rather, he exhausted the writer of the right hand with supererogations
١٥. لم يشتغل بعلوم عن فرائضه
بل أتعبت كاتب اليمنى نوافله
16. O best of those who established supreme merit
And with whom his tribes boasted over all other peoples
١٦. يا خير من أسس العلياء وافتخرت
به على سائر الدنيا قبائله
17. Ibn Dhakir hopes for your prayer to benefit him
To be successful in attaining the good in both abodes
١٧. يرجو ابن ذكري دعاء منك ينفعه
يفوز بالخير في الدارين نائله
18. So please, by the souls of all worlds that I ransom
I have sought from you the best of kindness, so grant me it soon
١٨. فاسمح فدتك نفوس العالمين بما
رجوت منك فخير البر عاجله