
O you who seek forgiveness and kindness through good deeds, rejoice for you have attained nearness.

ألا يا راجيا عفوا ولطفا

1. O you who seek forgiveness and kindness through good deeds, rejoice for you have attained nearness.
You have dug a well in the wilderness, and your reward from your Lord is not hidden.

١. ألا يا راجياً عفواً ولطفاً
بفعل البر أبشر نلت زلفى

2. You have quenched the thirst in the hearts of a people, so from the Pool of the Intercessor you shall drink.
And at its completion he inscribed: Its water is sweet and purified.

٢. لقد أحدثت بئراً في فلاةٍ
وأجرك عند ربك ليس يخفى

٣. ومن عطش شفيت صدور قوم
فمن حوض المشفع سوف تشفى

٤. وقال لدى التمام أرّخ
ردوه فماءه عذب مصفى