
What are these flashes that I see - are they emeralds?

عوارض آس ما أرى أم زبرجد

1. What are these flashes that I see - are they emeralds?
Or are they rubies, or that rosy cheek?

١. عوارض آس ما أرى أم زبرجد
وياقوتة أم ذاك خدّ مورّد

2. Is it pure honey, or sweet-smelling perfume?
Or are they the glances of one with a bare sword?

٢. وطل أقاح أم رحيق معطر
وأسهم لحظ أم حسام مجرد

3. My soul sings though her glance troubles me,
Delicate in build, rosy in color, tender.

٣. بروحي أغن فاتر اللحظ فتنة
رقيق المباني أزهر اللون أغيد

4. The zealot accuses me in his ignorance -
Can the shining sun be accused of blindness?

٤. يعنفني فيه العذول بجهله
وهل يبصر الشمس المنيرة أرمد

5. All people witness that he
Is most generous, though my heart is captive to his love,

٥. وقد شهدت كل الأنام بأنه
أغنى وقلبي في هواه مقيد

6. As they witness for the beloved's son that he
Is the refuge of glory, its foundation and support,

٦. كما شهدت لابن الحبيب بأنه
همام إليه المجد يعزى ويسند

7. A generous one - in his hand you see the sea at times
And at others a blazing fire flares up,

٧. جواد ترى في كفه البحر تارة
وأخرى ترى ناراً بها تتوقد

8. And in his chest a copious sea of knowledge,
Long, unending, complete, unlimited,

٨. وفي صدره بحر من العلم وافر
طويل مديد كامل لا يحدّد

9. His eloquence able to clarify meanings,
His unique phrases like strung pearls,

٩. كفيل بتوضيح المعاني بيانه
وألفاظه در فريد منضد

10. O One in this world, none can equal you,
The sum of the high conclude you are peerless,

١٠. فيا واحد الدنيا مثناك لم يرد
وجمع العلى يقضي بأنك مفرد

11. Your command is absolute, none contends it,
The assembly of the lofty rule you have no equal,

١١. وأمرك ماض ما له من مضارع
وحمع العلى يقضي بأنك مفرد

12. You humbled the enemies when you stood up to assert them,
Your destiny, a lofty edifice, remains intact,

١٢. خفضت العدا لما انتصبت لجزمهم
وقدرك مرفوع البناء مشيد

13. You cut off the heads that purified the land by cutting them
And your sharp sword joined them,

١٣. قطعت رقاباً طهّر الأرض قطعها
وواصلها منك الحسام المهند

14. As if the sword's insects were tempted by love of them
And kissing them an obligation imposed,

١٤. كأن ذباب السيف مغرىً بحبها
وتقبيلها فرض عليه مؤكد

15. When passion showed them to him he flung himself upon them
As if war's tryst were for union,

١٥. ولما براه الشوق ألقى بنفسه
عليها كأن الحرب للوصل موعد

16. How your son made the champions drink in the fray
The cups of demise while the sword was his hand!

١٦. وكم جرع الأبطال نجلك في الوغى
كؤوس المنايا والحسام لها يد

17. Do lions not beget but fierce cubs
Who rage and gain praise and acclaim?

١٧. وهل تلد الآساد إلا ضراغماً
تصول وتحظى بالثناء وتحمد

18. Your brother was generous and did not stint with himself
So to God belongs virtue he gathered and hoarded,

١٨. وجاد ولم يبخل أخوك بنفسه
فلله فضل قد حواه وسؤدد

19. How fine is the ending of one who
Died in God's way, striving and battling!

١٩. وحسن ختام المرء فكيف من
قضى في سبيل الله وهو مجاهد