
I lament the flame of sorrow in its hearth,

أشكو لهيب الأسى لموقده

1. I lament the flame of sorrow in its hearth,
And thank the heart in its endurance,

١. أشكو لهيب الأسى لموقده
وأشكر القلب في تجلده

2. And look to the mind in its evasions,
Drawing near with its hopes to the distant one.

٢. وأنظر إلى الفكر في تحيله
يدنو بآماله لمبعده

3. The branches prostrate themselves before it, fluttering,
And the rose is shy of its stream.

٣. مهفهف تسجد الغصون له
ويخجل الورد من مورده

4. I wish the journey would hasten with us
To the hours of my life at the time of its tryst.

٤. أودّ لو تسرع المسير بنا
ساعات عمري لوقت موعده

5. It strips the egg of its glaze,
And the temptation of the glance of its purity.

٥. يجرد البيض من لواحظه
وفتنة اللحظ من مجرده

6. Nor do I hope for salvation from my passion for it
With the heart enchained in its hand.

٦. ولست أرجو الخلاص من شغفي
به وقيد الفؤاد في يده

7. Except by versifying a pearl
That our age attributes to its most skilled,

٧. إلا بتقريض در حاشية
ينسبها عصرنا لأمجده

8. The times are not impressed by its gems
Because it is the making of a singular one.

٨. لا يعجب الدهر من فرائدها
لأنها من صنيع مفرده

9. It is like the breeze in its features,
And they described it as sorrow for its envy.

٩. كأنها الراح في شمائلها
وصفوها غصة لحسده

10. And scattered it in necklaces arranged
And composed it as temptation for its reciter.

١٠. ونثرها في العقود منتظم
ونظمها فتنة لمنشده

11. It struts among the peacocks its tail
Causing the glance in its sleepiness to tremble.

١١. تختال بين الطروس خردها
فتطرب اللحظ في تسهُّده

12. I was honored by the author who collected
The rarities of pearl in its necklace.

١٢. أكرم به من مصنف جمعت
نفائس الدر في مقلده

13. And if the end of time comes, indeed,
Its proofs have gone before, well-documented.

١٣. وإن أتى آخر الزمان فقد
تقدمت بينات مسنده

14. And if it comes singly and concisely,
In its merit, long from its enumerator.

١٤. وإن أتى مفرداً ومختصراً
في فضله طال عن معدده

15. It narrates on the authority of al-Jawhari its support,
From the appraiser of pearl from its inscriber.

١٥. يروي عن الجوهري مسنده
عن ناقد الدر عن منضده

16. And its meaning thrived in its eloquence,
That it nearly hid from its editor.

١٦. ورقَّ معناه في بلاغته
فكاد يخفى على مردده

17. Its biographer says in describing it
A necklace that pleases the prohibition with its tinkling.

١٧. يقول في وصفه مؤرخه
عقد يريح النهى بخرّده