
Your resolve in matters witnessed by mosques

شهدت بحزمك في الأمور مساجد

1. Your resolve in matters witnessed by mosques
And your blessed ambition is witness

١. شهدت بحزمك في الأمور مساجدُ
ونفوذ همتك الزكية شاهد

2. The success of your efforts in governance bore fruit
Among the people, so what can the denier say?

٢. وسعود سعيك في الولاية أسفرت
بين الأنام فما يقول الجاحد

3. What do the envious plot, and what might
They conceal, yet your good name remains evident

٣. ماذا يروم الحاسدون وما عسى
أن يكتموه وحسن ذكرك شايد

4. The eyelids of others sleep, ignorant
Of high ranks, while your eyelid remains awake

٤. تغفى جفون سواك عن رتب العلا
جهلاً بها ويبيت جفنك ساهد

5. Until you gathered from the pottery ranks
Proving you as one of highest honors

٥. حتى جمعت من الفخار مراتباً
تقضي بأنك في المفاخر واحد

6. You witnessed what time did to a mosque
Ruin befell it as the worshipper fled

٦. شاهدتم فعل الزمان بمسجد
نزل الخراب به وفرّ العابد

7. As if a raven were its caller to prayer
And a widow its prostrating worshipper

٧. فكأنما فيه الغراب مؤذن
وارمل معتكف لديه وساجد

8. Lamenting the cracking of his heart from its abandonment
Saying "Why have the emigrants grown distant?"

٨. يشكو تصدّع قلبه من هجره
ويقول ما للهاجرين تباعدوا

9. You answered him and mended his heart
While many before you were aloof

٩. فأجبتموه وقد جبرتم قلبه
ودعا كثيراً قبلكم فتزاهدوا

10. And you gathered its congregation at all times
With worshippers, and its reward is yours

١٠. وجمعتم في كل وقت شمله
بالعابدين وأجره لك عايد

11. You attributed it to the Praiseworthy, what an
Attribution bearing witness you are one who praises

١١. ونسبتموه إلى الحميد فيا لها
من نسبة شهدت بأنك حامد

12. Its completion restored the finest mosque
Time passes, yet your name in it remains eternal

١٢. وتمامه وافى بألطف مسجد
يفنى الزمان وفيه ذكرك خالد