
The dwelling was stronger yet disabled by the barrenness of Al-Thamad

أقوى وعطل من فراطة الثمد

1. The dwelling was stronger yet disabled by the barrenness of Al-Thamad
So a quarter from you and from your pasture is the support

١. أَقوى وَعُطِّلَ مِن فُرّاطَةَ الثَمَدُ
فَالرَبعُ مِنكِ وَمِن رَيّاكِ فَالسَنَدُ

2. The plateau became more desolate than those who used to inhabit it
The plateau of Al-Wirag that did not yield any frozen water for it

٢. فَالهُضبُ أَوحَشَ مِمَّن كانَ يَسكُنُهُ
هَضبُ الوِراقِ فَما جادَت لَهُ الجَمَدُ

3. The one I was accustomed to stay there for long times
The hill where the plain and knots meet

٣. فَمَن عَهِدتُ بِهِ الأُلّافَ تَسكُنُهُ
فَالعَرجُ حَيثُ تَلاقى القاعُ وَالعُقَدُ

4. They abandoned the dwellings of Najd and its inhabitants
So I did not know where they headed

٤. عافوا المَنازِلَ مِن نَجدٍ وَساكِنِهِ
فَما دَرَيتُ لِأَنّى طِيَّةٍ عَمَدوا

5. But there were disagreements between me and them
And for the estranged, the crow of separation and the ostrich are friends

٥. لَكِن جَرَت سُنُحٌ بَيني وَبَينَهُمُ
وَالأَشأَمانِ غُرابُ البَينِ وَالصُرَدُ

6. They departed with their caravan until their tracks faded
And with the mixed company of neighbors dispersed

٦. صاحا بِسَيرِهِمُ حَتّى اِستَحَثَّ بِهِم
وَبِالخَليطِ مِنَ الجيرانِ فَاِنجَرَدوا

7. And they left behind scattered remnants for you
Around it there is no trace of them, no scent and no track

٧. وَخَلَّفوا لَكَ آثاراً مُدَعثَرَةً
ما حَولَها سَبَدٌ مِنهُم وَلا لَبَدُ

8. Except the groves and the mounds of Dimaan
Upon its slopes ruins and date palms

٨. إِلّا العِراصَ وَإِلّا الهُدبَ مِن دِمَنٍ
عَلى هَدامِلِها الأَهدامُ وَالنَجَدُ

9. So stop wherever you wish on a trace
Of what can be detected, it will be detected

٩. فَقِف بِهِنَّ عَلى ما شِئتَ مِن أَثرٍ
مِمّا يُلَبَّدُ مِنها فَهوَ مُلتَبِدُ

10. And from the innocence of two quarters and from Ataan
Monkeys and wild cats roam between them

١٠. وَمِن مَباءَةِ رِبعانٍ وَمِن عَطَنٍ
يَدِبُّ بَينَهُمُ القِردانُ وَالقَرَدُ

11. And a playground for neighboring settlements bite them
And every frequented resort is bitten

١١. وَمَلعَبٍ لِجَوارٍ يَنتَقِدنَ بِهِ
وَكُلِّ مُنتَزَهٍ لِلَّهوِ مُنتَقَدُ

12. They built them while the parted has singing camel riders
With necklaces and twined armlets like twisted fibers

١٢. بانوا بِهِنَّ وَفي الأَحداجِ غانِيَةٌ
في جيدِها وَمَتالي ليتِها غَيَدُ

13. Spotted she camels with bridles and hairy she camels with girths
Whose fodder is Rwad that grows in Maha

١٣. عَبلٌ مُسَوَّرُها وَعثٌ مُؤَزَّرُها
مِثلُ المَهاةِ رَداحٌ نَبتُهُ رَوَدُ

14. Slender smooth-bodied Jirdahal she camels that can
Give life and kill whoever she promises

١٤. هَيفاءُ لَفّاءُ جِردَحلٌ مُخَلخَلُها
تُحيي وَتَقتُلُ مَن شاءَت بِما تَعِدُ

15. So whoever she brought benefit to cannot win
Nor can whoever she killed have a mind or leader

١٥. فَما يَفوزُ الَّذي أَحيَت بِمَنفَعَةٍ
وَلا لِمَن قَتَلَت عَقلٌ وَلا قَوَدُ

16. She corrupted an original lineage with distorted sand grouses
Like palaces that have termites eating them

١٦. تَخدي بِها أُصُلاً بُزلٌ مُخَيَّسَةٌ
مِثلُ القُصورِ عَلَيها البُدَّنُ الخُرُدُ

17. Until they took a morning bath in the family of Qarqara
As drink for them and for the Eternal they sought refuge with

١٧. حَتّى اِغتَمَسنَ ضُحىً في آلِ قَرقَرَةٍ
سَقياً لَهُنَّ وَلِلصَمدِ الَّذي صَمَدوا

18. So count them and no command can deter them
When it comes to pleasures and wandered desires

١٨. فَعِدهُما وَلِأَمرٍ ما يُزَحزِحُهُم
عِندَ الهَواهي وَأَهواءٌ بِهِم بَدَدُ

19. And say to one seeking refuge in the royal abode
Words that neither deceit nor gossip can turn away from

١٩. وَقُل لِمُرتَفِقٍ في بَيتِ مَملَكَةٍ
قَولاً تَبَرَّأَ مِنهُ الغَيُّ وَالفَنَدُ

20. What do you see my heir in a man
That his heart has embedded in it the causes of his passion

٢٠. ماذا تَرى يا وَلِيَّ العَهدِ في رَجُلٍ
بِقَلبِهِ مِن دَواعي شَوقِهِ كَمَدُ

21. He stayed in a country until he wept out of boredom
From some of it and some of it wept for him

٢١. أَقامَ في بَلَدٍ حَتّى بَكى ضَجَراً
مِن بَعضِها وَبَكَت مِن بَعضِهِ بَلَدُ

22. If a hardship comes to him tomorrow or the day after
In the morning the news and coolness will come to him

٢٢. إِذا أَتاهُ غَداً أَو بَعدَهُ ثَقَلٌ
تَغدو إِلَيهِ بِهِ الأَنباءُ وَالبُرُدُ

23. And riding animals were prepared for you one day
That were not born or give birth

٢٣. وَقُرِّبَت لِمَسيرٍ مِنكَ يَومَئِذٍ
مَراكِبٌ مِنكَ لَم تولَد وَلا تَلِدُ

24. You shall embark on them a path with no trace
On a flat plain with no grief or renew

٢٤. تَغلي بِهِنَّ طَريقٌ ما بِهِ أَثَرٌ
في مُستَوٍ ما بِهِ حَزنٌ وَلا جَدَدُ

25. Their course is not in the sky nor the earth
They do not stand still or walk or move

٢٥. لا في السَماءِ وَلا في الأَرضِ مَسلَكُها
وَلا تَقومُ وَلا تَمشي وَلا تَخِدُ

26. They do not taste food as long as they live nor
Do they drink water while the thoroughbreds are the flowers

٢٦. وَلا يَذُقنَ أَكالاً ما بَقينَ وَلا
يَشرَبنَ ماءً وَهُنَّ الشُرَّعُ الوُرُدُ

27. Stout fully caparisoned nimble she camels
That no diseases tired them at nights

٢٧. جونٌ مُجَلَّلَةٌ قُعسٌ مُجَرشَعَةٌ
ما باتَ يُرمِضُها أَينٌ وَلا خَضَدُ

28. Crisis turns in their tails and through them
The pace steadies if they bolt so they are reined

٢٨. تُلوى الأَزمَّةُ في أَذنابِها وَبِها
في السَيرِ يُعدَلُ إِن جارَت فَتَقتَصِدُ

29. Of every she camel prompting the travel
Fear gathered jellybeans that datura ripped off

٢٩. مِن كُلِّ مُقرِبَةٍ لِلسَيرِ مُنقِزَةٍ
خَوفاً تَجَمَّعَ مِنها الجُؤجُؤُ الأُجُدُ

30. You will think they are seven, but when you start counting them
They are like fruits perfectly fitted in your palm

٣٠. مِن سَبعَةٍ فَإِذا أَنشَأتَ تَحسُبُها
وَفّاكَها كُمَّلاً في كَفِّكَ العَدَدُ

31. The fiddle, the tambourine, the flute play them
And poverty, drought, planks and poles too

٣١. السَمرُ وَالنَجرُ وَالنَحّارُ يَقرَعُها
وَالفَقرُ وَالقيرُ وَالأَلواحُ وَالعَمَدُ

32. So they have a flair and have a guide in their course
Like a cloud among its kinsfolk is foam

٣٢. فَقَد وَفَت وَلَها في وَفقِها عَلَمٌ
مِثلُ السَحابَةِ في أَقرابِها زَبَدُ

33. On a later notice after my good fate guided
They came complimenting after they were cautious

٣٣. في نُشرَةٍ بَعدَ حَظّي طيبَ جادِيَةٍ
جاءَت تَهادى بِهِم مِن بَعدِ ما هَجَدوا

34. So it startled out camels unmatched by any
If you stand they stand if you say sit they sit

٣٤. فَثَوَّرَت بَقَراً ما مِثلُهُم بَقَرٌ
إِن قُمتَ قاموا وَإِن قُلتَ اِقعُدوا قَعَدوا

35. So your throne remained above the water holding it
A turbulent sea with surging waves and foam

٣٥. فَباتَ عَرشُكَ فَوقَ الماءِ يَحمِلُهُ
بَحرٌ تَلاطَمَ فيهِ المَوجُ وَالزَبَدُ

36. The wind blows hard and the water pours forth
While you seek refuge and the travel makes one naked

٣٦. وَالريحُ مُرسَلَةٌ وَالماءُ مُنصَلِتٌ
وَأَنتَ مُرتَفِقٌ وَالسَيرُ مُنجَرِدُ

37. To your father commander of the faithful we
Have a purpose and openness that has no ruse

٣٧. إِلى أَبيكَ أَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ بِنا
نَفدٌ إِلَيهِ وَفَتحٌ ما بِهِ نَفَدُ

38. And may God reform through the Mahdi our corruption
And heal their chests after denial had festered

٣٨. وَاللَهُ أَصلَحَ بِالمَهدِيِّ فاسِدَنا
سِرنا إِلَيهِ وَكانَ الناسُ قَد فَسَدوا

39. As the swelling of the spleen is healed with violet oil
Until they recovered and the habits of zeal were said to return them

٣٩. داوى صُدورَهُمُ مِن بَعدِ ما نَغِلَت
كَما يُداوى بِدُهنِ العُرَّةِ العَنَدُ

40. And he did not spare anyone who had tyrannized and wronged
Except that he took them in his grip so they were harvested

٤٠. حَتّى اِستَصَحّوا وَحَتّى قيلَ قَد رَجَعوا
مِمّا دَعَتهُم إِلَيهِ العادَةُ العُنُدُ

41. But there was not for the groups of polytheists by him
A horde or scattered bands

٤١. وَلَم يَدَع أَحَداً مِمَّن طَغى وَبَغى
إِلّا تَناوَلَهُم بِالكَفِّ فَاِحتُصِدوا

42. He closed the gaps with God's steadfast horses
And in the horses and their horsemen is justification

٤٢. بَل لَم يَكُن لِجُموعِ المُشرِكينَ بِهِ
وَلا يُشَيِّعُهُ جَولٌ وَلا بَدَدُ

43. Then you returned and did not stay in any valley
Except you were just, no injustice and no deviation

٤٣. سَدَّ الثُغورَ بِخَيلِ اللَهِ مُلجَمَةٍ
وَفي الخُيولِ وَفي فُرسانِها سَدَدُ

44. This is for your prosperity and man boasts
And boasting in it and in his days is stupidity

٤٤. ثُمَّ اِنثَنَيتَ وَلَم تَنزِل بِهِ أَوَداً
إِلّا عَدَلتَ فَلا جَورٌ وَلا أَوَدُ

45. If the tribes boast in their countries
And all of them vie in the position of ancestors

٤٥. هَذا لِيُمنِكَ وَالإِنسانُ مُفتَخِرٌ
وَالفَخرُ فيهِ وَفي أَيّامِهِ كَبَدُ

46. Surely boasting is to whoever built for you
A glory that Mount Uhud falls short of its pillars

٤٦. إِذا القَبائِلُ في بُلدانِها اِفتَخَرَت
وَكُلُّهُم في مَقامِ الجِدِّ مُحتَشِدُ

47. In the area of Mecca are relics for your ancestors
That were built by Ma'ad's grandfather Odod

٤٧. إِنَّ الفَخارَ إِلى مَن قَد بَنى لَكُمو
مَجداً تَقاصَرَ عَن أَركانِهِ أُحُدُ

48. God had always been and nothing had existed so He originated it
And none but you of its inhabitants are its pillars

٤٨. بِبَطنِ مَكَّةَ آثارٌ لِأَوَّلِكُم
مِمّا بَنى لِمَعَدٍّ جَدُّهُ أُدَدُ

49. Except the abodes around it whose pegs were planted
If the peg told of its neighbors

٤٩. اللَهُ كانَ وَما كانَت فَكَوَّنَها
وَما بِها غَيرُكُم مِن أَهلِها سَنَدُ

50. Abodes perish and whoever inhabits them perishes
And your abodes and the veils of your abodes are renewers

٥٠. إِلّا الدَيارَ الَّتي مِن حَولِها وُتِدَت
لَو كانَ يُخبِرُ عَن جيرانِهِ الوَتِدُ

51. And the house of your paternal uncle Hujr in the region of Yemen
A house in which honor and mastery were complete

٥١. تَبلى الدِيارُ وَيَبلى مَن يَحِلُّ بِها
وَدورُكُم وَمَغاني دورِكُم جُدُدُ

52. And the house of Amr and structure of the house of Thi Yazin
And Thi Al-Kila' and he to whom soldiers yield

٥٢. وَبَيتُ خالِكَ حُجرٍ في ذُرى يَمَنٍ
بَيتٌ تَكامَلَ فيهِ العِزُّ وَالنَضَدُ

53. And Tubba' and the iron garments he has
In times iron is spun in its times hides

٥٣. وَبَيتُ عَمروٍ وَمَبنى بَيتِ ذي يَزَنٍ
وَذي الكِلاعِ وَمَن دانَت لَهُ الجَنَدُ

54. So boast there of people of generosity
That if God made eternity for people of heights they would be

٥٤. وَتُبَّعٌ وَسَرابيلُ الحَديدِ لَهُ
أَزمانَ يُنسَجُ في أَزمانِهِ الزَرَدُ

55. Do you see a non-Arab among people or an Arab
Except that for your paternal uncle among them is a bounty and hand

٥٥. فَاِفخَر هُناكَ بِأَقوامٍ ذَوي كَرَمٍ
لَو خَلَّدَ اللَهُ قَوماً لِلعُلى خَلَدوا

56. If they reward you with gratitude then loyalty to it
And if you are denied then the precedent of denial preceded them

٥٦. وَهَل تَرى عَجَماً في الناسِ أَو عَرَباً
إِلّا لِخالِكَ فيهِم نِعمَةٌ وَيَدُ

57. So why is that and from where is it permissible for them
While all of them to you my honored son are loyal

٥٧. فَإِن جَزَوكَ بِشُكرٍ فَالوَفاءُ بِهِ
وَإِن جُحِدتَ فَعادٌ قَبلَهُمُ جَحَدوا

58. And you my master of Islam and its master
And for every doctrine among its people is a pillar

٥٨. فَكَيفَ ذاكَ وَمِن أَنّى يَسوغُ لَهُم
وَكُلُّهُم لَكَ يا اِبنَ الخَيرِ مُعتَبِدُ

59. If they compete with you in glory you were more glorious
And you are the glorious helper, honest and loyal

٥٩. وَأَنتَ يا سَيِّدَ الإِسلامِ سَيِّدُهُم
وَكُلُّ دينٍ لَهُ مِن أَهلِهِ سَنَدُ

60. Or if they reconciled with you then the reconciliation that pleased you
Or fought you so the lion is in your attire

٦٠. إِن فاخَروكَ بِمَجدٍ كُنتَ أَمجَدَهُم
وَما ظَلَمتَ وَأَنتَ الماجِدُ النَجُدُ

61. Not like a lion crouching in the thickets
Above his shoulders the hyrax and its burrows he protects

٦١. أَو صالَحوكَ فَصُلحٌ ما رَعَوكَ بِهِ
أَو حارَبوكَ فَفي سِربالِكَ الأَسَدُ

62. He protects the cubs and protects the lairs of his prowess
And burning charcoal has inflamed his trunk

٦٢. ما اللَيثُ مُفتَرِشاً في الغيلِ كَلكَلَهُ
عَلى مَناكِبِهِ مِن فَوقِهِ لِبَدُ

63. A day with more daring, no by God, than you when
The brave sons of war flared up in its flames

٦٣. يَحمي الشُبولَ وَيَحمي غيلَ لَبوَتِهِ
وَقَد تَحَرَّقَ في حَيزومِهِ الحَرَدُ

64. Under the platter their skulls like monkeys
Upon it the eggs blaze

٦٤. يَوماً بِأَجرَأَ لا وَاللَهِ مِنكَ إِذا
أَبناءُ حَربٍ عَلى نيرانِها اِحتَرَدوا

65. In every narrow fight that squeezes
The breast of the brave when blindness blankets him

٦٥. تَحتَ العَجاجَةِ إِذ فيها جَماجِمُهُم
مِثلَ القُرودِ عَلَيها البَيضُ تَتَّقِدُ

66. While the firewood like the old woman of fire has cooled
Bald, white-haired, with its knots tied

٦٦. في كُلِّ مُعتَرَكٍ ضَنكٍ يَضيقُ بِهِ
صَدرُ الكَمِيِّ إِذا ما عَمَّهُ الرَمَدُ

67. Nothing remains in her mouth to gnaw on
Except the tongue and the little toe, rotten and degraded

٦٧. وَالجُردُ مِثلُ عَجوزِ النارِ قَد بَرَدَت
شَوهاءُ شَهباءُ مُزوَرٌّ بِها الكَتَدُ

68. She labored when she saw a group
Bearing arms against a people for them is number

٦٨. لَم يَبقَ في فَمِها شَيءٌ تَلوكُ بِهِ
إِلّا اللِسانُ وَإِلّا الدُردُرُ الدَرِدُ

69. And Al Mushrafiyah, its tents are folded
From the veils, and the spear tips aim straight

٦٩. باتَت تَمَخَّضُ لَمّا أَن رَأَت عُدَداً
مِن السِلاحِ عَلى قَومٍ لَهُم عَدَدُ

70. If only the Mahdi of his nation would choose for us
About what he sees and the thick of war confuse

٧٠. وَالمَشرَفِيَّةُ قَد فُلَّت مَضارِبُها
عَنِ الكُماةِ وَأَطرافُ القَنا قِصَدُ

71. Which of the three are you in it when they betrayed
The covenant of God and the pact which they covenanted

٧١. لَو ما تخَيَّرَنا مَهدِيُّ أُمَّتِهِ
عَمّا يَرى وَكُماةُ الحَربِ تَطَّرِدُ

72. A stalwart hero in it who ignites it
With those who fight until the fuel grows

٧٢. أَيُّ الثَلاثَةِ فيها أَنتَ إِذ غَدَروا
بِذِمَّةِ اللَهِ وَالعَهدِ الَّذي عَهِدوا

73. Or a righteous one with cool water that extinguishes it
Until his intense coldness diminishes it

٧٣. أَفارِسٌ بَطَلٌ فيها تَوَقَّدُها
بِمَن تُحارِبُ حَتّى يَعظُمَ الوَقَدُ

74. Or a mercy that descended from his Lord to them
What he continued to sustain them after exhaustion

٧٤. أَم عارِضٌ بِرِدٌ بِالماءِ يُخمِدُها
حَتّى يُنَشنِشَها شُؤبوبُهُ البَرَدُ

75. He brings life to the countries after their death
And light comes out from it while the earth is buried

٧٥. أَم رَحمَةٌ نَزَلَت مِن رَبِّهِ لَهُمو
ما قَد تَدارَكَهُم مِنَ بَعدِ ما جَهِدوا

76. I wish I knew while the heat of summer moves
On two plains, malignant and regressing

٧٦. يُحيي البِلادَ بِها مِن بَعدِ مَوتَتِها
وَيَخرُجُ النَورُ مِنها وَالثَرى ثَأَدُ

77. What is with Moses and who is called to his allegiance
As if there is in his clothes a hidden quince

٧٧. يا لَيتَ شِعري وَمَرُّ القَيظِ مُختَلِفٌ
عَلى شَريجَينِ مَلفوظٌ وَمُزدَرَدُ

78. The days do not show in the season of his allegiance
To the councils except that he shudders

٧٨. ما بالُ موسى وَمَن يُدعى لِبَيعَتِهِ
كَأَنَّهُ قَفَصٌ في ثَوبِهِ صُرَدُ

79. And whoever turns to an evident matter of state
Rheum that its remedies bring relief yet it returns

٧٩. لا يُظهِرُ الدَهرُ ما في فَصلِ بَيعَتِهِ
إِلى المَجالِسِ إِلّا وَهوَ يَرتَعِدُ

80. Children of Abu Ja'far oh best carried
On the camels' litters, noble and generous

٨٠. وَمَن يَدِبُّ إِلى أَمرٍ بَداهِيَةٍ
رَبداءَ تَذرَبُ عَن أَدوائِها المِعَدُ

81. What has distracted you from one turning to you
For an allegiance that the One Eternal did not permit

٨١. بَني أَبي جَعفَرٍ يا خَيرَ مَن حَمَلَت
عَلى غَوارِبِها العِيدِيَّةُ الأُجُدُ

82. By God guide yourselves from people of a kingdom
That if it had supporters in earth they would unite

٨٢. ما بالُ غَفلَتِكُم عَمَّن يَدِبُّ لَكُم
بِبَيعَةٍ لَم يُجزِها الواحِدُ الصَمَدُ

83. Until it came to you peacefully while pure
With pardon that in it thunder applauds

٨٣. لِلَّهِ دَرُّكُمو مِن أَهلِ مَملَكَةٍ
ما إِن لَها عَنكُمو في الأَرضِ مُلتَحَدُ

84. Take the caliphate and fill the eye of your envier
With pus that the blind and bleary eyed will gouge out

٨٤. حَتّى أَتَتكُم تَهادى وَهيَ صافِيَةٌ
عَفواً يُصَفِّقُ فيها الراعِدُ الغَرِدُ

85. How many enviers of you hope for your caliphate
That if realized the jealous eye would pick out

٨٥. كِلوا الخِلافَةَ وَاِحشوا عَينَ حاسِدِكُم
قَيحاً يُفَقِّئُهُ العُوّارُ وَالرَمَدُ

86. It has awakened upon you unwary eyes
When the sentinels and observation have slumbered

٨٦. كَم حاسِدٍ لَكُمُ يَرجو خِلافَتَكُم
قَد كانَ يَفقَأُ مِنهُ المُقلَةَ الحَسَدُ

87. Why is that and he has no equipment for battle
Neither the mustering nor if he dies will he be missed

٨٧. أَذكى عَلَيكُم عُيوناً غَيرَ غافِلَةٍ
إِذا تَغَفَّلَتِ الأَحراسُ وَالرَصَدُ

88. He has come and gone while hopes are unrealized
Like counterfeit coins when scrutinized

٨٨. وَفيمَ ذاكَ وَلا في العيرِ عِدَّتُهُ
وَلا النَفيرُ وَلا إِن ماتَ يُفتَقَدُ

89. I am innocent to you of his guardianship
As the francolin is innocent of its hunter

٨٩. أَمسى وَأَصبَحَ وَالآمالُ مُعرِضَةٌ
كَالدِرهَمِ الزَيفِ مِنها حَينَ يُنتَقَدُ

90. And God will declare innocent whoever does not love you
On judgement day when intercession will not benefit

٩٠. إِنّي بَريءٌ إِلَيكُم مِن وِلايَتِهِ
كَما تَبَرَّأَ مِن قَنّاصِهِ الفَرَدُ

91. Yet I say about this to your riser
Words assisted by success and right guidance

٩١. وَاللَهُ يَبرَأُ مِمَّن لا يُحِبُّكُمو
يَومَ القِيامَةِ إِذ لا يَنفَعُ الحَفَدُ

92. My master the Mahdi your ownership
None should share its sweetness with you

٩٢. وَقَد أَقولُ عَلى هَذا لِقائِمِكُم
قَولاً يُساعِدُهُ التَوفيقُ وَالرَشَدُ

93. If one day you seek a man for it
To protect your men if absent and if present

٩٣. يا أَيُّها القائِمُ المَهدِيُّ مُلكُكُمو
لا يَشرَكَنَّكُمو في حُلوِهِ أَحَدُ

94. Then listen carefully when death flutters from a man
In whose counsel there is no artifice and no trouble

٩٤. إِن كُنتَ مُلتَمِساً يَوماً لَها رَجُلاً
يَكفي رِجالَكَ إِن غابوا وَإِن شَهِدوا

95. You call to your son Moses while he is wise in
His age and the soldiers have favored him

٩٥. فَاِسمَع وُقيتَ حِمامَ المَوتِ مِن رَجُلٍ
ما في مَشورَتِهِ أَفنٌ وَلا نَكَدُ

96. He is righteous to his father
And righteousness kindness and affection stem from

٩٦. تَدعو إِلى اِبنِكَ موسى وَهوَ مُحتَنَكٌ
في سِنِّهِ وَبِهِ ما أَنعَمَ الجُنُدُ

97. He is the son of she who if you are absent, you say to her
My Khayzuran, may abundant rainwater quench your thirst

٩٧. فَإِنَّهُ وَلَدٌ بَرٌّ بِوالِدِهِ
وَالبَرُّ يُخلَقُ مِنهُ الطُرفُ وَالتَلُدُ

98. You have not been absent in lands impermissible to you
Except that your heart and liver call you to it

٩٨. وَإِنَّهُ اِبنُ الَّتي إِن غِبتَ قُلتَ لَها
يا خَيزُرانُ سَقاكِ الوابِلُ الرَغِدُ

99. Moses and Moses which king
After the pillar of religion can rely on

٩٩. ما غِبتَ عَنها بِأَرضٍ لا تَحَلُّ بِها
إِلّا دَعاكَ إِلَيها القَلبُ وَالكَبِدُ

100. The partner of your soul resides in a body from you
As long as the soul and body are sustained

١٠٠. وَإِنَّ موسى وَموسى أَيُّما مَلِكٍ
عَلَيهِ بَعدَ عَمودِ الدينِ يُعتَمَدُ

101. He would have not been without you, the Mahdi of his nation
Rightfully with all perfect praise monopolizing

١٠١. شَريكُ روحِكَ يَأوي مِنكَ في جَسَدٍ
ما دامَ يُرزَقُ مِنهُ الروحُ وَالجَسَدُ

102. Delegate to him my commander of the faithful and do not
With that look forward to a tomorrow that will fool you

١٠٢. قَد كانَ لَولاكَ يا مَهدِيَّ أُمَّتِهِ
بِالحَمدِ أَجمَعَ وَالمَعروفِ يَنفَرِدُ

103. The nights and days are spiteful
And man perishes with no eternity

١٠٣. فَاِعقِد لَهُ يا أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ وَلا
تَنظُر بِهِ أَمَداً قَد طالَ ذا الأَمَدُ

104. This is my saying to you and God guides you
And God my Lord the One Eternal knows

١٠٤. وَاِجعَل بِعَينِكَ فيهِ الآنَ قُرَّتَها
فَقَد يَقَرُّ بِعَينِ الوالِدِ الوَلَدُ

105. That I have been loyal to you with my ancestral bounty
And does a hand offer generosity except with what it finds

١٠٥. وَاِعضُد أَخاهُ بِهِ لا تَترُكَنَّهُما
كَساعِدٍ مُفرَدٍ لَيسَت لَهُ عَضُدُ