
The Commander of the Faithful forbade me from folly

نهاني أمير المؤمنين عن الصبا

1. The Commander of the Faithful forbade me from folly,
Yet beyond the passion there is a sea I cannot swim.

١. نَهاني أَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ عَنِ الصِبا
فَدونَ الغَواني عَومَةٌ لا أَعومُها

2. And the showers of eve rain down wine
From which none can slake their thirst but its pourer.

٢. وَأَغيَدَ مِطرابِ العَشِيَّاتِ مُرعَشٍ
مِنَ الخَمرِ لا يَلقاكَ إِلاّ نَديمُها

3. We recounted the stories of days gone by,
Both its praise and its blame were sweet to us.

٣. كَرَرنا أَحاديثَ الزَمانِ الَّذي مضى
فَلَذَّ لنا مَحمودُها وَذَميمُها

4. By God, I know not if I will outlive desire
Or if my soul will flee, blaming it.

٤. فَوَاللَهِ لا أَدري أَقَضّى لُبانَةً
مِنَ الصَحوِ أَم وَلّى بِنَفسٍ يَلومُها

5. And I have hands generous in plenty
Yet in want, pride spurns what would debase it.

٥. وَإِنّي لَفَيّاضُ اليَدَينِ عَلى الغِنى
وَفي الفَقرِ عَفُّ النَفسُ عَمّا يَذيمُها

6. I fear insult, yet at times
I pardon the bare-backed their foolishness.

٦. وَإِنّي لَمَخشِيُّ العُرام وَرُبَّما
صَفَحتُ عَنِ العَوراءِ بادٍ شَكيمُها

7. When the Heir brings my revelry to an end
I will come to him with another, and make it last.

٧. إِذا ما وَلِيُّ العَهدِ قَضّى لُبانَتي
وَقَفتُ بِأُخرى عِندَهُ أَستَديمُها

8. I ransom you - when sedition rises
And its chieftain with it.

٨. فِدىً لَكَ ما أَلقَت إِلَيكَ مَطِيَّتي
إِذا فِتنَةٌ قامَت وَقامَ زَعيمُها

9. You tossed as a boy in the Prophet's house,
Bundled and tied to you - its amulet.

٩. تَقَلَّبتَ في بَيتِ النُبُوَّةِ يافِعاً
وَخِرقاً وَمَعقوداً عَلَيكَ تَميمُها