1. How did yearning call him to find comfort
After he had become downcast
١. أَنّى دَعاهُ الشَوقُ فَاِرتاحا
مِن بَعدِ ما أَصبَحَ جَمّاحا
2. A friend reminded him of the days of his boyhood
When he had the key
٢. ذَكَّرَهُ عَهدَ الصِبى صاحِبٌ
كانَ لَهُ إِذّاكَ مِفتاحا
3. The days of serving at Abaddah
It was his habit, if he didn’t go early, to go in the evening
٣. أَيّامَ عَبّادَةُ مِن شَأنِهِ
إِن لَم يَزُرها باكِراً راحا
4. The heart is obsessed with what has passed
He meets with more and more sorrows
٤. القَلبُ مَشغوفٌ بِما قَد مَضى
يَلقى مِنَ الأَحزانِ أَتراحا
5. How could he not yearn for Ghadah
Who in the darkness is lamp enough
٥. وَكَيفَ لا يَصبو إِلى غادَةٍ
تَكفيكَ في الظَلماءِ مِصباحا
6. Magic of the eye, hers is a picture
On which beauty has lavished its artistry
٦. سَحّارَةُ العَينِ لَها صورَةٌ
جادَ عَلَيها الحُسنُ سَحّاحا
7. As though snow were lodged between her teeth
Mingling fragrance and apple
٧. كَأَن ثَلجاً بَينَ أَسنانِها
مُستَشرِكاً راحاً وَتُفّاحا
8. I concealed what I was going through because of her
Until when she tormented me I gave vent
٨. كاتَمتُ ما أَلقى إِلى وَجهِها
حَتّى إِذا عَذَّبَني باحا
9. Enough, my friend, to the love that cured me
No well-wisher lacks advice
٩. كَفى خَليلَيَّ هَوىً شَفَّني
لا يَعدِمُ الناصِحُ أَنصاحا
10. Say to him whom you never saw the like of
In a gathering, in body and mind
١٠. قولا لِمَن لَم تَرَيا مِثلَهُ
في مَحفَلٍ جِسماً وَأَلواحا
11. Give us back the life that used to be
That life was not mere make-believe
١١. كُرّي لَنا العَيشَ الَّذي قَد مَضى
ما كانَ ذاكَ العَيشُ ضَحضاحا
12. If I forgot you, which I did not,
I’d pine for you, and sigh
١٢. لا كُنتُ إِن كُنتُ تَناسَيتُكُم
لِهائِجٍ بَعدَكُمو ناحا
13. In my gown is the body of a haggard youth
A gust of wind would blow him over
١٣. في حُلَّتي جِسمُ فَتىً ناحِلٍ
لَو هَبَّتِ الريحُ لَهُ طاحا
14. It was my misfortune that the one I loved in Madinah
Her house perished and she did not perish
١٤. كانَ الشَقا حُبّي مَدينِيَّةً
راحَت بِها دارٌ وَما راحا
15. I solace myself with her, but not out of desire
I do not ogle the stars
١٥. أَرعى بِها النَجمَ وَما رَغبَتي
نَجماً بِطَرفِ العَينِ لَمّاحا
16. Yearning for her company is consuming me
But that yearning was no butcher
١٦. أَذابِحي الشَوقُ إِلى قُربِها
ما كانَ ذاكَ الشَوقُ ذَبّاحا
17. I’ve not forgotten what she and her companions said
As they strung the prayers together
١٧. لَم أَنسَ ما قالَت وَأَترابُها
في مَعرِكٍ يَنظِمنَ مِسباحا
18. Use less perfume, when you visit us
I’m afraid musk, if it spreads, will give us away
١٨. أَقلِل مِنَ الطيبِ إِذا زُرتَنا
إِنّي أَخافُ المِسكَ إِن فاحا
19. Do not leave us exposed to enemies
If you are wont to make light of terrors
١٩. لا تَترُكَنّا غَرَضاً لِلعِدى
إِن كُنتَ لِلأَهوالِ سَبّاحا
20. I did not know musk had given us away
The threshold of the house was redolent with perfume
٢٠. لَم أَدرِ أَنَّ المِسكَ واشٍ بِنا
إِنَّ حارَ بابُ الدارِ مِسباحا
21. Then another woman relented and said to her
Do not forbid what would set things right
٢١. فَسَمَّحَت أُخرى وَقالَت لَها
لا تَحرِما ما كانَ إِصلاحا
22. He needs perfume, being used to it
With which he starts the day, himself and his spirits
٢٢. لا بُدَّ مِن طيبٍ لِمُعتادِهِ
يَغدو بِهِ نَفساً وَأَرواحا
23. How many a night whose daybreak
Sundered pleasure that would have gone on and on
٢٣. كَم لَيلَةٍ قَد شَقَّ إِصباحُها
عَنّا نَعيماً كانَ زَحزاحا
24. We were not immoderate, not until
Dawn showed things plainly
٢٤. لَم نَنبَسِط فيهِ إِلى مُحرَمٍ
حَتّى رَأَينا الصُبحَ وَضّاحا
25. Apart from marvelous conversation, delighting me,
At which I rejoiced, counting it pure profit
٢٥. إِلّا حَديثاً مُعَجِباً أُنسُهُ
أَكبَرتُهُ غُنماً وَأَرباحا