1. My consolation, do not despair and turn to me
Death's prolonged share has come to me
١. أَجارَتَنا لا تَجزَعي وَأَنيبي
أَتاني مِنَ المَوتِ المُطِلِّ نَصيبي
2. My son lies on my heart and eyes as though
He took shelter hostage to stones and a confidant to my heart
٢. بُنَيِّي عَلى قَلبي وَعَيني كَأَنَّهُ
ثَوى رَهنَ أَحجارٍ وَجارَ قَليبِ
3. As though after Muhammad's death I am a stranger
And death after him is not strange to us
٣. كَأَنّي غَريبٌ بَعدَ مَوتِ مُحَمَّدٍ
وَما المَوتُ فينا بَعدَهُ بِغَريبِ
4. I was patient with the best young man, his loss pained me
Had I not feared God, my wailing would have been prolonged
٤. صَبَرتُ عَلى خَيرِ الفُتُوِّ رُزِئتُهُ
وَلَو لا اِتِّقاءُ اللَهِ طالَ نَحيبي
5. By my life, I would have prevented Muhammad's death
If death could be swayed by any healer
٥. لَعَمري لَقَد دافَعتُ مَوتَ مُحَمَّدٍ
لَو أَنَّ المَنايا تَرعَوي لِطَبيبِ
6. I do not anguish for something bound to pass whose grief is so widespread
From my wellsprings and destination of youth
٦. وَما جَزَعي مِن زائِلٍ عَمَّ فَجعُهُ
وَمِن وِردِ آباري وَقَصدِ شَعيبي
7. So I show endurance outwardly
Oh, what a sad heart lies within me
٧. فَأَصبَحتُ أُبدي لِلعُيونِ تَجَلُّداً
وَيا لَكَ مِن قَلبٍ عَلَيهِ كَئيبِ
8. The cooing of doves reminds me of his parting
As does the weeping of young and mature women
٨. يُذَكِّرُني نَوحُ الحَمامِ فِراقَهُ
وَإِرنانُ أَبكارِ النِساءِ وَثيبِ
9. I have a lesson in every day I do not exhaust
So I can be granted patience or remission of sins
٩. وَلي كُلَّ يَومٍ عَبرَةٌ لا أُفيضُها
لِأَحظى بِصَبرٍ أَو بِحَطِّ ذُنوبِ
10. To God I complain of a need grown old
Upon a tender heart not prone to doubts
١٠. إِلى اللَهِ أَشكو حاجَةً قَد تَقادَمَت
عَلى حَدَثٍ في القَلبِ غَيرِ مُريبِ
11. Death called him so he answered its summons
To God belongs the caller and respondent
١١. دَعَتهُ المَنايا فَاِستَجابَ لِصَوتِها
فَلِلَّهِ مِن داعٍ دَعا وَمُجيبِ
12. I cower before the calamities of fate, frightened
As if my heart flies in the wings of adversity
١٢. أَظَلُّ لِأَحداثِ المَنونِ مُرَوَّعاً
كَأَنَّ فُؤادي في جَناحِ طَلوبِ
13. I wonder at the quick pace of death toward him
Had it been up to me, I would not have been surprised
١٣. عَجِبتُ لِإِسراعِ المَنِيَّةِ نَحوَهُ
وَما كانَ لَو مُلّيتُهُ بِعَجيبِ
14. I was pained when my son's kindling caught fire
And every kin cast worries upon me
١٤. رُزِئتُ بُنَيِّي حينَ أَورَقَ عودُهُ
وَأَلقى عَلَيَّ الهَمَّ كُلُّ قَريبِ
15. I had hoped that Muhammad would suffice
As a valiant horseman and orator for us
١٥. وَقَد كُنتُ أَرجو أَن يَكونَ مُحَمَّدٌ
لَنا كافِياً مِن فارِسٍ وَخَطيبِ
16. His lasting was like a bride's bouquet
Vanished after the flowering and fragrance of boughs
١٦. وَكانَ كَرَيحانِ العَروسِ بَقاؤُهُ
ذَوى بَعدَ إِشراقِ الغُصونِ وَطيبِ
17. Tall, long-armed, straight like an honorable
Sword, not pretending, made others buckle
١٧. أَغَرُّ طَويلُ الساعِدَينِ سَمَيذَعٌ
كَسَيفِ المُحامي هُزَّ غَيرَ كَذوبِ
18. He went ahead while the perfume of one who departed
In the tracks of those who passed, led a willing camel
١٨. غَدا سَلَفٌ مِنّا وَهَجَّرَ رائِحٌ
عَلى أَثَرِ الغادينَ قَودَ جَنيبِ
19. We are but flocks of the past, the days'
Random strokes sometimes hitting and sometimes missing
١٩. وَما نَحنُ إِلّا كَالخَليطِ الَّذي مَضى
فَرائِسُ دَهرٍ مُخطِئٍ وَمُصيبِ
20. We hope to live a despicable life
That harmed our bodies and hearts
٢٠. نُؤَمِّلُ عَيشاً في حَياةٍ ذَميمَةٍ
أَضَرَّت بِأَبدانٍ لَنا وَقُلوبِ
21. No life is good if grief does not cease
At the loss of bliss or the leaving of a beloved
٢١. وَما خَيرُ عَيشاً لا يَزالُ مُفَجَّعاً
بِمَوتِ نَعيمٍ أَو فِراقِ حَبيبِ
22. When I wish, sights of slain youths visit me
Young and old around me
٢٢. إِذا شِئتُ راعَتني مُقيماً وَظاعِناً
مَصارِعُ شُبّانٍ لَدَيَّ وَشيبِ