
Time has played havoc with my resolve

قد لعب الدهر على هامتي

1. Time has played havoc with my resolve
And I have tasted bitter after sweet

١. قَد لَعِبَ الدَهرُ عَلى هامَتي
وَذُقتُ مُرّاً بَعدَ حَلواءِ

2. If you are at war with them, watch
My situation with impartial eyes

٢. إِن كُنتِ حَرباً لَهُمُ فَاِنظُري
شَطري بِعَينٍ غَيرِ حَولاءِ

3. Oh her beauty when she appeared to us
With languid eyes and drowsiness

٣. يا حُسنَها حينَ تَراءَت لَنا
مَكسورَةَ العَينِ بِإِغفاءِ

4. As if you had clothed her in a garden
Between yellow and green

٤. كَأَنَّما أَلبَستَها رَوضَةً
ما بَينَ صَفراءَ وَخَضراءِ

5. Amr blames me for a finger
On which the secrets grew silent

٥. يَلومُني عَمروٌ عَلى إِصبُعٍ
نَمَّت عَلَيَّ السِرَّ خَرساءِ

6. People have needs and I have passion
Kindled by things after other things

٦. لِلناسِ حاجاتٌ وَمِنّي الهَوى
يُذكيهِ شَيءٌ بَعدَ أَشياءِ

7. But oh you who are spurned by his opinion
Reproach a brother and step away from harm

٧. بَل أَيُّها المَهجورُ مِن رَأيِهِ
أَعتِب أَخاً وَاِخرُج عَنِ الداءِ

8. He who takes fire in his palms
Will have the fire splash back from my verses

٨. مَن يَأخُذِ النارَ بِأَطرافِهِ
يَنضَح عَلى النارِ مِنَ بإيتائي

9. You are a man set against our wrath
And fleeing from our disgrace

٩. أَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ في سُخطِنا ناصِبٌ
وَمِن هَوانا نازِحٌ ناءِ

10. As if you swore not to seek
My innocence or heed my verses

١٠. كَأَنَّما أَقسَمتَ لا تَبتَغي
بِرّي وَلا تَحفَل بِئيتائي

11. And if I slip into a sin
I have eaten forbidden meat

١١. وَإِن تَعَلَّلتُ إِلى زَلَّةٍ
أَكَلتُ في سَبعَةِ أَمعاءِ

12. You envied me when I attained wealth
You were nothing but a son of Eve

١٢. حَسَدتَني حينَ أَصَبتُ الغِنى
ما كُنتَ إِلّا كَاِبنَ حَوّاءِ

13. He met his brother, a pilgrim,
And stabbed him at dawn in treachery

١٣. لاقى أَخاهُ مُسلِماً مُحرِماً
بِطَعنَةٍ في الصُبحِ نَجلاءِ

14. While you accuse me though I am innocent
I appear to you bearing burdens

١٤. وَأَنتَ تَلحاني وَلا ذَنبَ لي
لَكُم يُرى حَمّالَ أَعبائي

15. As if you have suffered harm from me
More blue than the people of Haroura

١٥. كَأَنَّما عانيتَ بي عائِفاً
أَزرَقَ مِن أَهلِ حَروراءِ

16. So depart, blameworthy, or stay, finding refuge,
You are fed up with malice and harm

١٦. فَاِرحَل ذَميماً أَو أَقِم عائِذاً
مُلّيتَ مِن غِلٍّ وَأَدواءِ

17. No eye of a gloating enemy shall shed a tear
Crying for a brother who is no crier

١٧. لا رَقَأَت عَينُ اِمرِىءٍ شامِتٍ
يَبكي أَخاً لَيسَ بِبَكّاءِ

18. If you were a sword I had to face
I would have healed myself of my enemies

١٨. لَو كُنتَ سَيفاً لي أُلاقي بِهِ
طِبتُ بِهِ نَفساً لِأَعدائي

19. Or if you were my soul in my hands
I would have found myself forgiving

١٩. أَو كُنتَ نَفسي جُمِعَت في يَدي
أَلفَيتَني سَمحاً بِإِبقاءِ