
O people, my ear is enamored with one alive

يا قوم أذني لبعض الحي عاشقة

1. O people, my ear is enamored with one alive
And the ear may fall in love before the eye at times

١. يا قَومِ أَذني لِبَعضِ الحَيِّ عاشِقَةٌ
وَالأُذنُ تَعشَقُ قَبلَ العَينِ أَحيانا

2. They said, "With whom unseen do you rave?" I said, "To them
The ear and eye both give the heart what they contain."

٢. قالوا بِمَن لا تَرى تَهذي فَقُلتُ لَهُم
الأُذنُ كَالعَينِ تُؤتي القَلبَ ما كانا

3. Is there a cure for one impassioned with a damsel -
Who meets her essence and scent at both her sides?

٣. هَل مِن دَواءٍ لِمَشغُوفٍ بِجارِيَةٍ
يَلقَى بِلُقيانِها رَوحاً وَرَيحانا