1. My night has turned away, if only my night had not turned away
The night is but distress for the sleepless one
١. آبَ لَيلي لَيتَ لَيلي لَم يَأُب
إِنَّما اللَيلُ عَناءٌ لِلوَصِب
2. I anticipate the night as if I will find
Relief in the morning from the toil of fatigue
٢. أَرقُبُ اللَيلَ كَأَنّي واجِدٌ
راحَةً في الصُبحِ مِن جَهدِ التَعَب
3. And I know well that I will wake up
Just as I slept, if she does not reconcile
٣. وَلَقَد أَعلَمُ أَنّي مُصبِحٌ
مِثلَما أَمسَيتُ إِن لَم تَحتَسِب
4. So she bid me farewell, then made a sudden move
Leaving my heart to her in turmoil
٤. فَأَرَتني ثُمَّ شَطَّت شَطَّةً
تَرَكَت قَلبي إِلَيها يَضطَرِب
5. How little patience remains after what
Our conversations have multiplied, O Arabs!
٥. ما أَقَلَّ الصَبرَ عَنها بَعدَما
كَثُرَت فينا أَحاديثُ العَرَب
6. Rest your eyes a little while gazing
At a beloved, only what you love rests the eyes
٦. قِرَّ عَيناً بِحَبيبٍ نَظرَةً
لا يُقِرُّ العَينَ إِلّا ما تُحِب
7. And she left me struggling with a swarthy neighbor
The worst that can happen to a neighbor is to fall in love
٧. وَكَلَت بي جارَتي أَسهودَةً
شَرَّ ما وُكِّلَ بِالجارِ الجُنُب
8. And two well-wishers have blamed me since early morning
With a doctor, yet my doctor is to be avoided
٨. وَنَصيحَينِ أَلَمّا باكِراً
بِطَبيبٍ وَطَبيبي المُجتَنَب
9. They asked me to describe what I was going through but
I cannot describe, as I am feeling gloomy
٩. سَأَلاني وَصفَ ما أَلقى وَلا
أَستَطيعُ الوَصفَ إِنّي مُكتَئِب
10. Except I said to them something
I hid like a little rabbit
١٠. غَيرَ أَنّي قُلتُ في قَولِهِما
قَولَةً أَخفَيتُها كَالمُنتَيِب
11. Clarifying my need to be near,
Yet he does not come close though the house is deserted
١١. بَيَّنا مِن قُربِهِ لي حاجَةً
ثُمَّ لا يَقرُبُ وَالدارُ صَقَب
12. O my dear friend, show me her
Just for a glance, then ask me of my torment
١٢. يا خَليلَيَّ أَلِمّا بي بِها
نَظرَةً ثُمَّ سَلاني عَن وَصَب
13. My soul was too preoccupied with yearning to see her to describe this passion
So stop blaming me, for I am a lover
١٣. شُغِلَت نَفسِيَ عَن وَصفِ الهَوى
بِاِشتِياقي أَن أَراها وَطَرَب
14. God has written upon him what He has written
And I said to my heart when it did not find
١٤. فَاِترُكا لَومي فَإِنّي عاشِقٌ
كَتَبَ اللَهُ عَلَيهِ ما كَتَب
15. Solace in loving her and insisted
O you who aspires for her even after this, why do you care what trouble lies ahead
١٥. وَلَقَد قُلتُ لِقَلبي خالِياً
حينَ لَم يَلقَ هَواها وَدَأَب
16. No one intends what is right except a well-wisher
And none wishes you killed except one who is hostile
١٦. أَيُّها الناصِبُ في تَطلابِها
بَعدَ هَذا ما تُبالي ما نَصَب
17. Give the same measure to whoever alienates you
And if he draws near in affection, then draw near too
١٧. لا يُريدُ الرُشدَ إِلّا ناصِحٌ
وَيَلي قَتلَكَ إِلّا مَن تَعِب
18. Bear patiently with whoever has tasted
What you have not, for none can cure sickness except one who has recovered
١٨. كِل لِمَن يُقصيكَ مِثلاً صاعَهُ
وَإِذا قارَبَ وُدّاً فَاِقتَرِب
19. She killed me but my heart refused
What it obligated me until I fell in love
١٩. وَاِلقَ مَن قَد ذاقَ فيما لَم يَذُق
لا يُداوي السُقمَ إِلّا مَن يَطِب
20. So she is helpless when she turns away
And when she comes face to face, she is veiled
٢٠. قَتَلَتني فَأَبى قَلبي وَقَد
آنَ ما كَلَّفَني حَتّى أَحَب
21. No eye has seen, between Jumada and Rajab
An allurement like hers
٢١. فَهيَ عَجزاءُ إِذا ما أَدبَرَت
وَإِذا ما أَقبَلَت فيها قَبَب
22. She has led me astray with a delicate body
And an amazing garment - what an amazement!
٢٢. لَم تَرَ العَينُ لِعَينٍ فِتنَةً
مِثلَها بَينَ جُمادى وَرَجَب
23. The image of the sun was dimmed by her face
Beyond my hazel eyes gazing from the face veil
٢٣. تَيَّمَتني بِقَوامٍ خُرعُبٍ
وَبِدَلٍّ عَجَبٍ يا لَلعَجَب
24. The sweetness of her gaze is a cheap commodity
Her beauty has decreed that she be praised
٢٤. صورَةُ الشَمسِ جَلَت عَن وَجهِها
بَعدَ عَينَي جُؤذَرٍ في المُنتَقَب
25. She feels secure from fate and has no hope
That there will be relief from what that liar has spun for us
٢٥. حُلوَةُ المَنظَرِ رَيّا رَخصَةٌ
بَعَثَ الحُسنُ عَلَيها أَن تُسَب
26. How many like her we saw safely ensconced
While fate turned against them in an instant!
٢٦. تَأمَنُ الدَهرَ وَلا تَرجو لَنا
فَرَجاً مِمّا بِنا ذاكَ الكَذِب
27. No day after today should fool you,
Shout! For fate dozes off and lightly sleeps
٢٧. كَم رَأَينا مِثلَها في مَأمَنٍ
قَلَبَ الدَهرُ عَلَيهِ فَاِنقَلَب
28. It turns away to its wont
And when it pounces, revenues flow forth
٢٨. لا يَغُرَّنَّكَ يَومٌ مِن غَدٍ
صاحِ إِنَّ الدَهرَ يُغفي وَيَهُب
29. However pure it may seem, the livelihood
Of one who wakes to be plundered by office holders is not pure
٢٩. صادِ ذا ضِغنٍ إِلى غِرَّتِهِ
وَإِذا دَرَّت لَبونٌ فَاِحتَلِب
30. Al-‘Abbas did not stand firmly in his position
Fate toyed with him in that game
٣٠. لَيسَ بِالصافي وَإِن صَفَّيتَهُ
عَيشُ مَن يُصبِحُ نَهباً لِلرُتَب
31. His days drew near until when
Death came to him, he retreated and was gone
٣١. ما أَبو العَبّاسِ في أَثباتِهِ
لَعِبَ الدَهرُ بِهِ تِلكَ اللُعَب
٣٢. أَقبَلَت أَيّامُهُ حَتّى إِذا
جاءَهُ المَوتُ تَوَلّى فَذَهَب