
Time has taken the youth and innocence away

ذهب الدهر بسمط وبرا

1. Time has taken the youth and innocence away,
My tears flowed down my cheeks.

١. ذَهَبَ الدَهرُ بِسِمطٍ وَبَرا
وَجَرى دَمعِيَ سَحّاً في الرِدا

2. I prepared myself for the days yet to come,
While my brethren passed away into death.

٢. وَتَأَيَّيتُ لِيَومٍ لاحِقٍ
وَمَضى في المَوتِ إِخوانُ الصَفا

3. My heart is like the wings of a bird.
Tomorrow, I must face the bitterness of fate.

٣. فَفُؤادي كَجَناحَي طائِرٍ
مِن غَدٍ لا بُدَّ مِن مُرِّ القَضا

4. When I socialize with people,
The ruler is a master in taking, a slave in giving.

٤. وَمِنَ القَومِ إِذا ناسَمتُهُم
مَلِكٌ في الأَخذِ عَبدٌ في العَطا

5. He asks people for favors yet grants them nothing.
His only concern is to take without realizing it.

٥. يَسأَلُ الناسَ وَلا يُعطيهُمُ
هَمُّهُ هاتِ وَلَم يَشعُر بِها

6. A brother with a graceful disposition asked me
About my two companions, implying they're unequal.

٦. وَأَخٍ ذي نيقَةٍ يَسأَلُني
عَن خَليطَيَّ وَلَيسا بِسَوا

7. I said one is a pig, the other a watchful dog.
The first is like people, the second has a loud bark.

٧. قُلتُ خِنزيرٌ وَكَلبٌ حارِسٌ
ذاكَ كَالناسِ وَهَذا ذو نِدا

8. Take the dog for what he has to offer.
He scares away the thief and guards the ruins.

٨. فَخُذِ الكَلبَ عَلى ما عِندَهُ
يُرعِبُ اللِصَّ وَيُقعي بِالفِنا

9. Few are those whose fathers were virtuous
And whose mothers were praised.

٩. قَلَّ مَن طابَ لَهُ آباؤُهُ
وَعَلى أُمّاتِهِ حُسنُ الثَنا

10. Approach me, you will find me a true friend,
Generous when asked for advice.

١٠. اِدنُ مِنّي تَلقَني ذا مِرَّةٍ
ناصِحَ الجَيبِ كَريماً في الإِخا

11. I see you journeying through life endlessly,
Without rest, entertainment or song.

١١. ما أَراكَ الدَهرَ إِلّا شاخِصاً
دائِبَ الرِحلَةِ في غَيرِ غَنا

12. Leave this world and live in its shade.
Seeking worldly things brings nothing but harm.

١٢. فَدَعِ الدُنيا وَعِش في ظِلِّها
طَلَبُ الدُنيا مِنَ الداءِ العَيا

13. Sometimes, provision comes without effort,
While the hard worker returns empty handed.

١٣. رُبَّما جاءَ مُقيماً رِزقُهُ
وَسَعى ساعٍ وَأَخطا في الرَجا

14. The demise of a person is caused by his own evil.
Few are those spared from the evil of demise.

١٤. وَفَناءُ المَرءِ مِن آفاتِهِ
قَلَّ مَن يَسلَمُ مِن عِيِّ الفَنا

15. People see me as a lion.
They say so deliberately, guided by their wisdom.

١٥. وَأَرى الناسَ يَرَوني أَسَداً
فَيَقولونَ بِقَصدٍ وَهُدى

16. Be content with the portions the Distributor gives you.
A person perishes then becomes nothing but dust.

١٦. فَاِرضَ بِالقِسمَةِ مِن قَسّامِها
يُعدِمُ المَرءُ وَيَغدو ذا ثَرا

17. Oh you who suffers, be satisfied with your provision.
How little suffices you in your prolonged grief!

١٧. أَيُّها العاني لِيُكفى رِزقَهُ
هانَ ما يَكفيكَ مِن طولِ العَنا

18. The soul finds peace when you make it feel secure.
The cure for worries is wine and music.

١٨. تَرجِعُ النَفسُ إِذا وَقَّرتَها
وَدَواءُ الهَمِّ مِن خَمرٍ وَما

19. Begging suits the son of a shabby woman.
Brushing one's teeth is forbidden except after meals.

١٩. وَالدَعيُّ اِبنُ خُلَيقٍ عَجَبٌ
حُرِمَ المِسواكَ إِلّا مِن وَرا