1. O abode built with hides
After it was populated with pillows
١. يا دارُ أَقوَت بِالأَجالِد
بَعدَ المَسودِ بِها وَسائِد
2. There is no error in it but to study it
Between Al-Amaq to Kudakid
٢. لا غَروَ إِلّا دَرسُها
بَينَ الأَمَقِّ إِلى كُداكِد
3. The ostrich walks proudly in it
Like the walk of women to mosques
٣. يَمشي النَعامُ بِجَوِّها
مَشيَ النِساءِ إِلى المَساجِد
4. And I have seen in it friends
Joined together to friends
٤. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ بِها الخَرا
ئِدَ يَتَّصِلنَ إِلى الخَرائِد
5. Houries and lovely companions
Or like spouses in tents
٥. حورٌ أَوانِسُ كَالدُمى
أَو كَالأَهِلَّةِ في المَجاسِد
6. The neighing of steeds and roasted meat
Not bothered by carpets
٦. رُجُحُ الرَوادِفِ وَالشَوى
لا يَأتَزِرنَ عَلى الرَفائِد
7. Frolicking in finesse and chrysocolla and silk
Not grazing to mirage nor yearning at watches
٧. مُتَهَلِّلاتٌ في العَبي
رِ وَفي الزَبَرجَدِ وَالفَرائِد
8. The days of Abdah amongst them
As if she is the mother of necklaces
٨. لا يَرعَوينَ إِلى المُري
بِ وَيَنينَ عَلى المَراصِد
9. They envy the superiority of her beauty
You do not lack the envy of enviers
٩. أَيّامَ عَبدَةُ وَسطَهُن
ن كَأَنَّها أُمُّ القَلائِد
10. To God belongs Abdah when she left us
Led to the son of the leader
١٠. يَحسُدنَ فَضلَ جَمالِها
لا تَعدَمي حَسَدَ الحَواسِد
11. Like jewelry is the beauty of her talk
And her coquetry is one of the traps
١١. لِلَّهِ عَبدَةُ إِذ غَدَت
مِنّا تُزَفُّ إِلى اِبنِ قائِد
12. And I have enjoyed her spirit
And warded off a helpful body
١٢. كَالحَلي حُسنُ حَديثِها
وَدَلالُها إِحدى المَصايِد
13. Oh longing for our separation
And my turning over the pillows
١٣. وَلَقَد نَعِمتُ بِروحِها
وَدَفَعتُ عَن جَسَدٍ مُساعِد
14. Oh Abda my appointment stood up
And you stood up not far
١٤. يا شَوقَها لِفِراقِنا
وَتَقَلُّبي فَوقَ الوَسائِد
15. The matchmakers knocked so they were dumbfounded
And she was preoccupied from us, mother who worships
١٥. يا عَبدَ قَد شَخَصَ الفُؤا
دُ وَقَد شَخَصتِ فَغَيرُ باعِد
16. You do not fulfill your promises
Woe to me for those promises
١٦. قَرَعَ الوُشاةُ فَأَطرَقوا
وَشُغِلتِ عَنّا أُمَّ عابِد
17. And I say to a passionate lover
Other than me who sits composing poems
١٧. لا تُنجِزينَ مَواعِدي
وَيلي عَلى تِلكَ المَواعِد
18. Oh intruder galloping blindly
Shorten for you are not guided
١٨. وَلَقَد أَقولُ لِمولَعٍ
غَيرانَ يَقعُدُ بِالقَصائِد
19. Do not threaten me with meeting
And I have drank the blood of lions
١٩. يا ذا المُقَحِّمُ سادِراً
أَقصِر فَإِنَّكَ غَيرُ راشِد
20. I do not fear the envy of slanderers
Nor do I frighten by thunder rumbling
٢٠. لا توعِدَنّي بِاللِقا
ءِ وَقَد شَرِبتُ دَمَ الأَساوِد
21. Lions fear my domination
And pureness of aged shelters
٢١. لا أَتَّقي حَسَدَ الضَغي
نِ وَلا أُخَوَّفُ صَوتَ راعِد
22. A wound by mouths of
Storytellers in councils with composers
٢٢. يَخشى الأُسودُ عَرامَتي
وَنُقِيُّ مُعتَلَجِ الأَوابِد
23. How good is the strong knight of vengeance
In each blow like a defiant sword
٢٣. جُرحٌ بِأَفواهِ الرُوا
ةِ لَدى المَجالِسِ بِالمَناشِد
24. I heal from the injuries of
Troubled ones when the unguided barges
٢٤. وَلَنِعمَ جَندَلَةُ الرَدى
في مَأقِطٍ كَالسَيفِ عانِد
25. So leave foolishness to its people
The advent of the climber cut arguing
٢٥. أَشفي مِنَ اللَمَمِ المُعِن
نَ إِذا تَقَحَّمَ غَيرَ قاصِد
26. And if you fear an accusation
From an ignorant increasing
٢٦. فَدَعِ الفُضولَ لِأَهلِها
قَطَعَ المِراءَ حُضورُ صاعِد
27. Then sympathize with the soul of hearts
It is not cold to nobility
٢٧. وَإِذا خَشيتَ مُحيطَةً
مِن وارِقِ الجَهَلاتِ زائِد
28. Laud the most wondrous knight
For war in pitch-dark leader
٢٨. فَاِندُب لَها روحَ القُلو
بِ فَلَيسَ عَن شَرَفٍ بِبارِد
29. The lion of the Caliph meets
The throats of cunning with his attacks
٢٩. نَوِّه بِأَروَعَ مِسعَرٍ
لِلحَربِ في الغَمَراتِ قائِد
30. And the young man of the tribe in preservation
Its adornment in sights
٣٠. أَسَدُ الخَليفَةِ تَلتَقي
بِشَباتِهِ نَحرُ المَكايِد
31. Flowing in the goodness of the session
And not still on carpets
٣١. وَفَتى العَشيرَةِ في الحِفا
ظِ وَزَينُها عِندَ المَشاهِد
32. His great talents increased
For outgoing and incoming
٣٢. يَجري بِصالِحَةِ الخَلي
لِ وَلَيسَ عَن تِرَةٍ بِراقِد
33. He gives accompanied by joy
From common benefit silk
٣٣. كَثُرَت مَواهِبُهُ الكِبا
رُ لِصادِرٍ مِنّا وَوارِد
34. And you see the arrivals at his door
From amongst intermixed newcomer
٣٤. يُعطي القِيانَ مَعَ اللُهى
مِن سَيبِ مُشتَرِكِ الفَوائِد
35. Imposing themselves to a master
Hastening in good exceeding
٣٥. وَتَرى الحُلولَ بِبابِهِ
مِن بَينِ مُختَبِطٍ وَوافِد
36. Their hearts have mercy on him
And to his outstanding repeaters
٣٦. مَتَعَرِّضينَ لِسَيِّدٍ
عَجلانَ بِالمَعروفِ زائِد
37. A soul that wanders with the dew
And settles for the gallant settled
٣٧. عَطَفَت عَلَيهِ قُلوبُهُم
وَعَلى فَواضِلِهِ العَوائِد
38. You see the striking knight swords
And to havoc very easily seated
٣٨. رَوحٌ يَروحُ مَعَ النَدى
وَيَراحُ لِلبَطَلِ المُناجِد
39. How good is this young man sought
The game of the impossible from hunts
٣٩. تَرّاكُ أَلحِيَةِ الخَنا
وَإِلى الوَغى سَلِسُ المَقاوِد
40. And when the winds blow
Shaking the body of the reclined
٤٠. نِعمَ الفَتى يَسعى بِهِ
صيدُ المَحيلِ مِنَ الأَصايِد
41. And they shook the crests of palms
And did not find a supporter
٤١. وَإِذا الرِياحُ تَرَوَّحَت
مُقوَرَّةً جَسَدَ المَقاحِد
42. Its clouds rained on you
From subtleties and flags
٤٢. وَتَناوَحَت شُعَبَ الذِئا
بِ وَلَم تَجِد عَوداً بِعاضِد
43. Adornments and guidance of faces
And like deer from births
٤٣. مَطَرَت سَحائِبُهُ عَلَي
كَ مِنَ الطَرائِفِ وَالتَلائِد
44. So obtain your luck from a brother
Overflowing drinks glorified
٤٤. حُلَلاً وَمُعلَمَةَ الوُجو
هِ وَكَالظِباءِ مِنَ الوَلائِد
45. He aids you with his money
And with his sword in adversities
٤٥. فَاِظفِر بِحَظِّكَ مِن أَخٍ
مُتَدَفِّقِ الشَرَباتِ ماجِد
46. Tranquil in the quaking of wars
Shaded by the veil of chasers
٤٦. يُجدي عَلَيكَ بِمالِهِ
وَبِسَيفِهِ عِندَ الشَدائِد
47. A dominion from the sad king
To his palm tied with aid
٤٧. سامٍ لِزَلزَلَةِ الحُرو
بِ يُظِلُّهُ خَرقُ المَطارِد
48. Brain of the perplexed Bald
With the movement of the red-necked
٤٨. مَلكٌ مِنَ المَلِكِ الهُما
مِ لِكَفِّهِ وُصِلَت بِساعِد
49. And accustomed to hitting necks
And released them from shackles
٤٩. دَمّاغُ هاماتِ الرُبى
بِمَجَرِّ أَرعَنَ ذي رَثائِد
50. My family are your sacrifice
From an imam tribe vigilant and lost
٥٠. وَمُعَوَّدٌ ضَربَ الرِقا
بِ وَفَكَّهُنَّ مِنَ الحَدائِد
51. The stingy becomes dispraised
While you dress in praise
٥١. أَهلي فِداؤُكَ مِن أَمي
رِ جَماعَةٍ راعٍ وَذائِد
52. And you have sufficed your folks one
God's house you are that one
٥٢. يَغدو البَخيلُ مُذَمَّماً
وَغَدَوتَ تَرفُلُ في المَحامِد
53. Mounted on the horrors of royalty
Haunter of the paths of lightning
٥٣. وَكَفَيتَ رَهطَكَ واحِداً
لِلَّهِ دَرُّكَ أَيَّ واحِد
54. And he wanders the longest handed
In their actions and upon you witness
٥٤. رَكّابُ أَهوالِ المُلو
كِ مُناوِياً سَبَلَ الرَواعِد
55. And shows you goodness tomorrow
And for that relaxed increased
٥٥. وَيَروحُ أَطوَلَهُم يَداً
في فِعلِهِم وَعَلَيكَ شاهِد
56. And you return when you please us
While the brother returns to you
٥٦. وَيُريكَ خَيراً في غَدٍ
وَلِذَلِكَ الغَتَلِيِّ زائِد
57. And you have fixed our aqueduct
And quenched us while spring frozen
٥٧. وَتَعودُ حينَ تَسُرُّنا
وَأَخو الفَعالِ عَلَيكَ عائِد
58. You repaired all our affairs
And fulfilled from us pacts
٥٨. وَلَقَد أَقَمتَ قَناتَنا
وَسَقَيتَنا وَالمُزنُ جامِد
59. And left Warzan's castle
Like the pastures of cows released
٥٩. أَصلَحتَ أَمرَ جَميعِنا
وَوَفَيتَ مِنّا بِالمَعاهِد
60. Equal are its forts
And forts of piled ruins
٦٠. وَتَرَكتَ قَلعَةَ وَرزَنٍ
كَمَسارِبِ البَقَرِ الرَوائِد
61. And I see Bussayra has shone
And adorned for the joining of tents
٦١. سِيّانَ مَعطِنُ أَهلِها
وَمَعاطِنُ الغُبرِ الجَدائِد
62. And on the terraces freshness
And on the sources and galleries
٦٢. وَأَرى البُصَيرَةَ أَشرَقَت
وَتَزَيَّنَت لِلِقا المَجاسِد
63. And indeed their racehorses tread
So you have out sped them while you sit
٦٣. وَعَلى المَسارِحِ نَضرَةً
وَعَلى المَصادِرِ وَالمَوارِد
64. With lies they have stricken the HIGH
And by the superiority of uncles and father
٦٤. وَلَقَد جَرَت حَلَباتُهُم
فَسَبَقتَهُنَّ وَأَنتَ قاعِد
65. So clash your flint on quartz
Or Qubaisa with settled residence
٦٥. بِخُؤولَةٍ قَرَعوا العُلى
وَبِفَضلِ أَعمامٍ وَوالِد
66. Or equal to Hatim have attained grace
And the light of your fire does not fade
٦٦. فَاِقدَح زِنادَكَ بِالمُهَل
لَبِ أَو قَبيصَةَ ذي المَراقِد
67. But oh you unique guided man
To relatives and foreign
٦٧. أَو حاتِمٍ بَلَغوا اليَفا
عَ وَضَوءُ نارِكَ غَيرُ خامِد
68. Know a man by his actions
Great contrast between soft and solid
٦٨. بَل أَيُّها الرَجُلُ المُصي
خُ إِلى الأَقارِبِ وَالأَباعِد
69. Superiority by the tribe of Muhallab
Is in enduring and calm seats
٦٩. اِعرِف فَتىً بِفَعالِهِ
شَتّانَ بَينَ نَدٍ وَجامِد
70. A people when spring is unjust
So their spring is not unjust
٧٠. الفَضلُ عِندَ بَني المُهَل
لَبِ في المُقاوِمِ وَالمُقاعِد
71. They do not stingy the stranger
And favor him who takes side
٧١. قَومٌ إِذا جُحِدَ الرَبي
عُ فَما رَبيعُهُمو بِجاحِد
72. And pampered on livelihood
In mercy and prey to hunt
٧٢. لا يَبخَلونَ عَلى القَصِي
يِ وَيُنعِمونَ عَلى المُسانِد
73. And I swear by the Lord of Mecca
And the Sajdah not taken
٧٣. وَمُرَفَّلينَ عَلى العَشي
رَةِ في الحُلومِ وَفي الوَطائِد
74. The excellence of Bani Muhallab
Since they were generosity contending is not reached
٧٤. وَلَقَد حَلَفتُ بِرَبِّ مَك
كَةَ وَالمُحَلِّقَةِ السَواجِد
75. So if you want their way
In affection and distant doubt
٧٥. ما نالَ فَضلَ بَني المُهَل
لَبِ مِنذُ كانوا جودُ جائِد
76. Return the friend of vengeance
And spend for nothing remains eternal
٧٦. فَإِذا أَرَدتَ سَبيلَهُم
في الوُدِّ وَالشَكِّ المُباعِد
٧٧. فَاِنكِ العِدى وَرِدِ الرَدى
وَاِبذُل فَما شَيءٌ بِخالِد