1. I bear witness that Zayd's wives
Are lost property to Ibn Uqail
١. شَهِدتُ عَلى الزَيدِيِّ أَنَّ نِساءَهَ
ضِياعٌ إِلى أَيرِ العُقَيلِيِّ تَزفِرُ
2. I have tested the Zayds, and amongst their elders
There is neither sweetness nor purity among the young
٢. بَلَوتُ بَني زَيدٍ فَما في كِبارِهِم
حُلومٌ ولا في الأَصغَرينَ مُطَهَّرُ
3. So inform the Zayds and say to their elite
Even if there are no respected elite among them
٣. فَأَبلِغ بَني زَيدٍ وَقُل لِسُراتِهِم
وَإِن لَم يَكُن فيهِم سُراةٌ تُوَقَّرُ
4. Woe to their mother! My poems
Are thunderbolts, some supportive, some destructive
٤. لأُمِّكُمُ الوَيلاتُ إِنَّ قَصائِدي
صَواعِقُ مِنها مُنجِدُ وَمُغَوِّرُ
5. They are extremely ignoble, fearing no baseness
Preferring neither good nor the preference of good
٥. أَجَدَّهُمُ لا يَتَّقون دَنِيَّةً
وَلا يُؤثِرونَ الخَيرَ وَالخَيرُ يُؤثَرُ
6. They count the children of adultery among their number
So their number among the people is greater
٦. يَلُفّونَ أَولادَ الزِنى في عِدادِهِم
فَعِدَّتُهُم مِن عِدَّةِ الناسِ أَكثَرُ
7. When they saw one whose habit was like theirs
They circled around him, and the wicked are kin to the wicked
٧. إِذ ما رَأَوا مَن دَأبُهُ مِثلُ دَأبِهِم
أَطافوا بِهِ وَالغَيُّ لِلغَيِّ أَصورُ
8. If they were to abandon the depravity that is in them
Their mother would not recognize them when she looked
٨. وَلو فارَقوا ما فيهِمُ مِن دَعارَةٍ
لَما عَرَفَتهُم أُمُّهُم حينَ تَنظُرُ
9. They took pride in attaching themselves to me one evening
So I said: take pride if there is pride in villainy
٩. لَقَد فَخَروا بِالمُلحَقين عَشِيَّةً
فَقُلتُ اِفخَروا إِن كانَ في اللُؤمِ مَفخَر
10. They want my visits, and without meeting me
The lanterns of the gates of heaven bloom
١٠. يُريدونَ مَسعاتي وَدونَ لِقائِها
قَناديلُ أَبوابِ السَماواتِ تَزهَرُ
11. So say about the Zayds what Mu'arib said
The bleeding cups of the cupper will be shattered tomorrow
١١. فَقُل في بَني زَيدٍ كَما قالَ مُعرِبٌ
قَواريرُ حَجّامٍ غَداً تَتَكَسَّرُ