1. O bird, we shall be birds tomorrow
My soul, for separation makes one rise early
١. يا طَيرُ إِنّا في غَدٍ طَيرُ
روحِي فَإِنَّ البَينَ تَبكيرُ
2. I seek my want from the Noble
Without it are grief and repulsion
٢. قَد أَطلُبُ الحاجَةَ مِن مُشرِفٍ
مِن دونِها زَأرٌ وَتَنفيرُ
3. An Iraqi woman has given me a draught
As if when she was revealed, it was light
٣. وَقَد تَعاطيني عِراقِيَّةٌ
كَأَنَّها إِذ جُلِيَت نورُ
4. Ask not about our whole affair
From my trace, well-omened and buried
٤. لا تَسأَلي عَن شَأنِنا كُلِّهِ
مِن أَثَري عافٍ وَمَقفورُ
5. Not all I have do I boast about
Malice is folded and good wide published
٥. ما كُلُّ ما عِندي أُثَنّى بِهِ
يُطوى الخَنا وَالخَيرُ مَنشورُ
6. A poet whose eye was hurt through us
At times, discernment guides him not
٦. وَشاعِرٍ تَقَذى بِنا عَينُهُ
حيناً وَلا يَهديهِ تَبصيرُ
7. I said to him when his demons clamoured
And many cock-and-bull stories about him abounded
٧. قُلتُ لَهُ إِذ هَدَرَت جِنُّهُ
وَكَثُرَت عَنهُ الأَخابيرُ
8. Had it not been for my respite becoming
A way into you and a lute singing you
٨. لَولا أَناتي أَصبَحَت شُرَّعاً
فيكَ وَغَنّى بِكَ طَنبورُ
9. There appeared a warner to you from an adviser
And the lute, serpents hissing
٩. بَدا نَذيرٌ لَكَ مِن ناصِحٍ
وَالعودُ حَيّاتٌ مَناكيرُ
10. I wonder at one striving towards my embers
When the nobles called me
١٠. عَجِبتُ مِن ساعٍ إِلى جَمرَتي
حينَ أَصاخَت لي المَعاشيرُ
11. He comes to my fire though I did not invite him
Abu 'Amr is surely entombed
١١. يَسعى إِلى ناري وَلَم أَدعُهُ
إِنَّ أَبا عَمروٍ لَمَقرورُ
12. I visited the estates of Banu Hashim
And the whites, airborne flocks, visited me
١٢. قَد زُرتُ أَملاكَ بَني هاشِمٍ
وَزارَني البيضُ المَعاصيرُ
13. Of every doe, slender of waist
High-born, revered her growth and manner
١٣. مِن كُلِّ حَوراءَ هَضيمِ الحَشا
غالى بِها نَبتٌ وَتَوقيرُ
14. Perfume is enhanced when she turns
A mouth and a glance wherein is languor
١٤. يَزيدُها طيباً إِذا أَقبَلَت
ثَغرٌ وَطَرفٌ فيهِ تَفتيرُ
15. An ornament which hovers over it
As if it, in the Persian cloak, a furnace
١٥. وَحِليَةٌ يُحفِلُها عُصفُرٌ
كَأَنَّه في البِرسِ تَنّورُ
16. And I sometimes visit a glorious brother
By whose hands dinars are split
١٦. وَرُبَّما زُرتُ أَخاً ماجِداً
تَشقى بِكَفَّيهِ الدَنانيرُ
17. Woe to me for Abu Wabis
What ails him? Stinginess and neglect
١٧. لِلّهِ نَدماني أَبو وابِصٍ
ما شَأنُهُ بُخلٌ وَتَقصيرُ
18. A knight whose cup matches his palm
In munificence, while some men are swine
١٨. فَتىً يُباري كَأسُهُ كَفَّهُ
جُوداً وَبَعضُ القومِ خَنزيرُ
19. I came early to his fire
Yearning, and dwellings were not cramped for me
١٩. باكَرتُهُ أَعشو إِلى نارِهِ
شَوقاً وَما ضاقَت بِيَ الدُورُ
20. So he kept roasting me, and I let him wander
Each one made happy by what he does
٢٠. فَظَلَّ يَقليني وَأَفتَرُّهُ
كُلٌّ بِما يَصنعُ مَسرورُ
21. Until the day had completely passed
And the secret was announced by glad tidings
٢١. حَتّى إِذا اليَومُ مَضى كُلُّهُ
وَباحَ بِالمَكتومِ سُرسورُ
22. There espied us in its gathering an infidel
Successor to the sun who takes cover
٢٢. وَراعَنا في ميمِهِ كافِرٌ
خَليفَةُ الشَمسِ وَتستيرُ
23. The lies of Abu Wabis led him astray
Vehemently, so the endings jostled him
٢٣. وَاِغتلَّها زَورُ أَبي وابِصٍ
شَتاً فَهَزَّتهُ المَآخيرُ
24. The doe-eyed girls called for us, upon them life
How excellent pure doe-eyed girls
٢٤. دَعا لَنا الحورُ عَلَيها الحَيا
يا حَبَّذا الحورُ المَعاطيرُ
25. We sip it slowly with wanderings in the goblet
It is among us a picture perfect image
٢٥. بِتنا نُعاطيها رُهاوِيَّةً
وَهيَ عِكافٌ بَينَنا صورٌ
26. It enhances drinking, and jewels have adorned it
As if it were, in the topaz, a bakehouse
٢٦. تُزَيِّنُ الشَربَ وَقَد زانَها
في الدُرِّ شَبَّتهُ التَماصيرُ
27. Languid, if kissed, it would bend
As the fine spears bent
٢٧. جوفٌ مُصيخاتٌ وَإِن قُبِّلَت
حَنَّت كَما حَنَّ المَشاويرُ
28. They sing melodies from Medina
And an instrument of Mecca was strumming for it
٢٨. يَشدونَ أَصواتاً مَدينِيَّةً
وَضَربَ مَكِّيٍّ لَهُ صورُ
29. The pipes weep for it at times
Grief, and the lutes discourse of it
٢٩. تَبكي المَزاميرُ لَها تارَةً
شَجواً وَتَحكيها المَزاهيرُ
30. While I am enchanted by its trilling
Now the bamboos and pipes ring
٣٠. وَأَنا مَحبورٌ بِتَغريدِها
إِمّا تَداعى البَمُّ وَالزيرُ
31. Then that passed, and I did not bewail it
The bliss of life embittered by uproar
٣١. ثُمَّ اِنقَضى ذاكَ فَلَم أَبكِهِ
غالَ نَعيمَ العَيشِ تَكديرُ
32. Leave that, for the nobility of Hashim
Are sons of David, acting with speed
٣٢. دَع ذا فَإِنَّ الغُرَّ مِن هاشِمٍ
أَبناءُ داوودَ المَساعيرُ
33. They set out to war with its like
Game, when the preyer flees
٣٣. يَغدونَ لِلحَربِ بِأَقرانِها
صيدٌ إِذا هابَ العَواويرُ
34. Among them are outstanding chiefs
To whom throngs thow themselves
٣٤. بِالسَيبِ مِنهُم نَفَرٌ سادَةٌ
إِلَيهِمُ تُلقي الجَماهيرُ
35. Say to those who foolishly seek to debase them
The winds do not overtake the clouds
٣٥. قُل لَلغُواةِ الطالِبي شَأوِهِم
لا يُدرِكُ الريحَ المَجاميرُ
36. How many a noble of Banu Hashim
Guided aright by providence and prosperity
٣٦. كَم مِن كَريمٍ مِن بَني هاشِمٍ
مُهدىً بِهِ الصِحَّةُ وَالخيرُ
37. For kingship, there is Abbas and his sons
Afoot, and for the rabble, swine
٣٧. لِلمُلكِ عَبّاسٌ وَأَبناؤُهُ
قِدماً وَلِلحُشِّ الخَنازيرُ
38. The like of Solomon, and who is the like of him?
Under the fray and the famed sword
٣٨. مِثلَ سُلَيمانَ وَمَن مِثلُهُ
تَحتَ الوَغى وَالسَيفُ مَشهورُ
39. Two halves of munificence and might
That the vile mob cannot appraise
٣٩. نِصفانِ مِن جودٍ وَمِن عِزَّةٍ
لا يَستَميهِ العَسكَرُ الخورُ
40. In his breast, clemency; in his coat of mail
A lion with the bejewelled crown
٤٠. في صَدرِهِ حِلمٌ وَفي دِرعِهِ
لَيثٌ عَليهِ التاجُ مَزرورُ
41. The whites give happy tidings when they meet him
At times, and the wild geese strut
٤١. تَستَبشِرُ البيضُ بِلُقيانِهِ
طَوراً وَتَختالُ المَنابيرُ
42. Dew sweats amber upon him
As though completed by it, coldness
٤٢. يَعرِقنَ خِرّيتاً عَلَيهِ النَدى
كَالبُردِ إِذ تَمَّ بِهِ النيرُ
43. His bestowal gushes, and his promise
A good opinion and face triumphant
٤٣. عَطاؤُهُ دَفقٌ وَمَوعودُهُ
طيبُ الثَنا وَالوَجهُ مَنصورُ
44. He expends wealth and preserves repute
And no unsound word issues from him
٤٤. يَستَهلِكُ المالَ وَيُبقي الحِجا
وَلَيسَ مِنهُ الكَلِمُ العورُ
45. Praise is ordained upon his face
Musk wraps it in waves
٤٥. قَد قُدِّرَ الحَمدُ عَلى وَجهِهِ
تَحُفُّهُ الشُمُّ المَغاويرُ
46. By God, I have none but his probity
And the righteous king is blessed
٤٦. وَاللَهِ ما عِندي سِوى بِرِّهِ
وَالمَلِكُ الصالِحُ مَبرورُ
47. His well-being like water in its abundance
Munificence by which he gives drink at dawn
٤٧. صِحَّتُهُ كَالماءِ في مَدِّهِ
يَقري بِهِ جودٌ وَتَبكيرُ
48. So my enviers are vexed, and I saturate him
With praise – for praise is dyeing
٤٨. فَغَمَّ حُسّادي وَحَبَّرتُهُ
بِالحَمدِ إِن الحَمدَ تَحبيرُ
49. He adorns Solomon of Banu Hashim
As beauty adorns the well-robed
٤٩. زانَ سُليمانَ بَني هاشِمٍ
كَما يَزينُ الكاعِبَ السورُ
50. Of his forbearance, forbearance; of his wisdom, wisdom
And from his bounty, facilitation
٥٠. مِن حِلمِهِ حِلمٌ وَمِن حَزمِهِ
حَزمٌ وَمِن نَعماهُ تَيسيرُ
51. Smiter of necks and deliverer of them
His sword chaste musk perfumed
٥١. ضَرّابُ أَعناقٍ وَفَكّاكُها
فَسَيفُهُ مِسكٌ وَتَأمورُ
52. He effaces the meanness of his brothers with munificence
And destiny erases sins
٥٢. يَمحو بِجودٍ بُخلَ إِخوانِهِ
وَالذَنبُ تَمحوهُ المَقاديرُ