
In you lies glory's trait which has sufficed me

فيك للمجد شيمة قد كفتني

1. In you lies glory's trait which has sufficed me
From you, when meeting with the demander

١. فيكَ لِلمَجدِ شيمَةٌ قَد كَفَتني
مِنكَ عِندَ اللِقاءِ بِالمُتَقاضي

2. So if glory is aid against distress
I demanded it by leaving the demand

٢. فَإِذا المَجدُ كانَ عَوناً عَلى المَر
ءِ تَقاضَيتُهُ بِتَركِ التَقاضي