1. Alas, O seal of the kingdom
Whose command lies in attaining it
١. أَلا يا خاتَمَ المُلكِ ال
لَذي في نَيلِهِ إِمرَه
2. Have you no sustenance for me
That I may hope for, not even a drop?
٢. أَما عِندَكَ لي رِزقٌ
أُرجّيهِ وَلا قُطرَه
3. I have from you nothing but longing
And disquiet and regret
٣. أَما لي مِنكَ إِلّا الشَو
قُ وَالوَسواسُ وَالحَسرَه
4. You have enchanted the free man
But sorcery does not suit you
٤. سَحَرتِ الرَجُلَ الحُرَّ
وَما حَلَّت لَكِ السَحرَه
5. Worry raises me up
And passion calls me early
٥. وَرَفَّ الهَمُّ يَبريني
وَيَدعوني الهَوى بُكرَه
6. As if for love of you
My heart lies on burning coals
٦. كَأَنَّ القَلبَ مِن حُبِّ
كِ مَوضوعٌ عَلى جَمرَه
7. And he whom you have met
Was born in nature
٧. وَما يَلقَى الَّذي لاقَي
تُ مَولودٌ عَلى الفِطرَه
8. My heart is busy with you
And my mind drunk with you
٨. فُؤادي بِكِ مِشغولٌ
وَعَقلي مِنكِ في سَكرَه
9. I want to kill myself sometimes
And I fear the sword and notoriety
٩. أُريدُ القَتلَ أَحياناً
وَأَخشى السَيفَ وَالشُهرَه
10. If I pass the night in love of you
I wake in the morning drunk
١٠. إِذا ما بِتُّ مِن حُبِّ
كِ أَصبَحتُ عَلى خُمرَه
11. And you refuse what I love
And you do not come from hardness
١١. وَتَأبَينُ الَّذي أَهوى
وَما تَأتينَ مِن عُسرَه
12. If we met, by God
Or saw you in covering
١٢. وَلو تَلقينَنا وَاللَ
هِ أَو نَلقاكِ في سُترَه
13. We would fulfill a need from you
And not commit immorality
١٣. قَضَينا حاجَةً مِنكِ
وَلَم نُقدِم عَلى فَجرَه
14. I complain of passion for the seal
That insists me with sighing
١٤. وَصاحٍ مِن هَوى الخاتَ
مِ يَلحاني عَلى زَفرَه
15. So I blamed him with another
That caused abandonment
١٥. فَما أَعتَبتُهُ إِلّا
بِأُخرى أَورَثَت فَترَه
16. They blame me for the seal
Their company was not good
١٦. يَلومونَ عَلى الخاتَ
مِ لا طابَت لَهُم عِشرَه
17. If the blind man saw her
His life would not be good
١٧. وَلَو يُبصِرُها العُمّا
رُ ما طابَت لَهُم عُمرَه
18. Oh, would that I knew
Is there any power in wishes
١٨. أَلا لَيتَ ما شِعري
فَهَل في اللَيتِ مِن قُدرَه
19. Do you suffice with what I suffered
When the sight narrowed for me?
١٩. أَتَجزينَ بِما ألقى
فَقَد ضاقَت بِيَ البَصرَه
20. And I told her my generosity
With a promise from you or a look
٢٠. وَقَد قُلتُ لَها جودي
بِوَعدٍ مِنكِ أَو نَظرَه
21. So the heart fainted from love of you
And the two eyes from tears
٢١. فَأَودى القَلبُ مِن حُبِّ
كِ والعَينانِ مِن عَبرَه
22. She said, “You are like the satiated
You do not twist on brokenness.”
٢٢. فَقالَت أَنتَ كَالشَبعا
نِ لا تَلوي عَلى كِسرَه
23. There came to me from you what I disliked
And what is disliked by me is betrayal
٢٣. أَتاني مِنكَ ما أَكرَ
هُ وَالمَكروهُ لي غُدرَه
24. When passion was intense you were
A mirage appearing in the desert
٢٤. إِذا لَجَّ الهَوى كُنتَ
سَراباً لاحَ في قَفرَه
25. And if you were this, you were
A crescent appearing in dust
٢٥. وَإِن كُنتَ كَذي كُنتَ
هِلالاً لاحَ في غُبرَه