
My two friends from Ka'b, be the support of your brother

خليلي من كعب أعينا أخاكما

1. My two friends from Ka'b, be the support of your brother
In his fate, truly the generous are a support

١. خَليلَيَّ مِن كَعبٍ أَعينا أَخاكُما
عَلى دَهرِهِ إِنَّ الكَريمَ مُعينُ

2. Do not be stingy with the stinginess of the son of Qaz'ah, indeed he
Fears that his help may be hoped for in sorrow

٢. وَلا تَبخَلا بُخلَ اِبنِ قَزعَةَ إِنَّهُ
مَخافَةَ أَن يُرجى نَداهُ حَزينُ

3. As if Obaidullah had not met a glorious man
And did not know that favors can be done

٣. كَأَنَّ عُبَيدَ اللَهِ لَم يَلقَ ماجِداً
وَلَم يَدرِ أَنَّ المَكرُماتِ تَكونُ

4. So say to Abu Yahya when will you attain high rank
And in every good deed upon you a debt

٤. فَقُل لِأَبي يَحيى مَتى تُدرِكُ العُلا
وَفي كُلِّ مَعروفٍ عَلَيكَ يَمينُ

5. If you come to him in need and he closes his door
You will not meet him unless you lie in wait

٥. إِذا جِئتَهُ في حاجَةٍ سَدَّ بابَهُ
فَلَم تَلقَهُ إِلّا وَأَنتَ كَمينُ