1. Do I see the dawn for this night,
Or the fulfillment of one I've loved as solace?
١. أَأَبجَرُ هَل لِهَذا اللَيلِ صُبحُ
وَهَل بِوِصالِ مَن أَحبَبتُ نُصحُ
2. Do I see - for I've fallen in love, so blame me not
For the wounds of yearning that mar my liver.
٢. أَأَبجَرُ قَد هَويتُ فَلا تَلُمني
عَلى كَبِدي مِنَ الهِجرانِ قُرحُ
3. My tears flowed and exposed the feelings
Hidden within, like the scent of musk exudes from its pod,
٣. جَرى دَمعي فَأَخبَرَ عَن ضَميرٍ
كَجاري المِسكِ دَلَّ عَلَيهِ نَفحُ
4. As if I were with the Bani Yazid the day they departed,
Guided by their guide towards Busra, inclined away.
٤. كَأَنّي يَومَ سارَ بَنو يَزيدٍ
يَؤُمُّ دَليلُهُم بُصرى وَيَنحو
5. I set out impetuously from the house of Rass,
My glance circulating as the pleiades circle in their orbit.
٥. خَرَجتُ بِنَشوَةٍ مِن بَيتِ رَأسٍ
تَدورُ بِهامَتي وَالطَرفُ طَمحُ
6. "Where did the Bani Yazid go?" I ask,
When the true news has reached me.
٦. أَسائِلُ أَينَ سارَ بَنو يَزيدٍ
وَعِندي مِنهُم الخَبَرُ المِصَحُّ
7. Do I see, in the pass, a caravan inclining
Like a ladder or stalks of talh wood?
٧. أَأَبجَرُ هَل تَرى بِالنَقبِ عيراً
تَميلُ كَأَنَّها سَلَمٌ وَطَلحُ
8. Beauties emerged in the mirage, appearing and disappearing,
Phantoms dancing for them in the quivering air.
٨. خَرَجنَ عَلى النَقا مُتَواتِراتٍ
نَواعِبَ في السَرابِ لَهُنَّ شَبحُ
9. And so I was amazed at an unworthy man,
And gave the noble maiden to a miser.
٩. فَواعَجَبا صَفَوتُ لِغَيرِ صافٍ
وَأَعطَيتُ الكَريمَةَ مَن يَشِحُّ
10. A rich man, but with no spirit of generosity -
Like the hide of an old goat that cannot be tanned.
١٠. وَذي مالٍ وَلَيسَ بِذي غَناءٍ
كَزُبِّ الشَيخِ لا يَعلوهُ نَضحُ
11. I was patient with him until his vileness appeared,
His brotherhood seeming but bread and salt.
١١. صَبَرتُ عَلَيهِ حَتّى بانَ فَسلاً
كَأَنَّ إِخاءَهُ خُبزٌ وَمِلحُ
12. One who butters up chiefs, yet is generous at hand
To me with praise, and bounty to him.
١٢. وَفَيّاضِ اليَدَينِ عَلى المَوالي
لَهُ فَضلٌ يُعاشُ بِهِ وَمَنحُ
13. He brought me his affection and money,
And made me a client; and some of the Nile's flooding is profit.
١٣. مِنَ المُتَحَرِّفينَ يَداً وَجوداً
عَلَيَّ مَديحُهُ وَعَلَيهِ نُجحُ
14. So much for him; but say of Umm Bakr -
I see she does not give, and I do not complain;
١٤. أَتاني وُدُّهُ خَدَماً وَمالاً
وَعَيَّلَني وَبَعضُ النَيلِ وَتحُ
15. I saw an apparition of her in the sand,
And to see whom you love brings well-being.
١٥. مَضى هَذا فَقُل في أُمِّ بَكرٍ
أَراها لا تَجودُ وَلَستُ أَصحو
16. And the day I met her at my cistern
Was like driving cattle to be watered at an old well.
١٦. رَأَيتُ لَها عَلى الرَوحاءِ طَيفاً
وَرُؤيَةُ مَن تُحِبُّ عَلَيهِ صُلحُ
17. Questions concerning Umm Bakr come in waves -
She wins, and the flagon circulates to you.
١٧. وَيَومَ لَقيتُها بِجِنابِ حَوضى
كَعَضبِ العيرِ سيقَ إِلَيهِ رِبحُ
18. When I wish, anxiety from the departed settles on me,
Or a disturbing bout of passion.
١٨. تَتابَعَتِ الثَوائِجُ لِاِمِّ بَكرٍ
تَفوزُ بِها وَحالَ عَلَيكَ قَدحُ
19. And they said, "If only you would pardon the Christians!"
By God, you have no pardon for your brother!
١٩. إِذا ما شِئتُ راحَ عَلَيَّ هَمٌّ
مِنَ الغادينَ أَو طَرَبٌ مُلِحُّ
20. I yearn for the charms of Umm Bakr,
And without seeing her, long widowhood and marriage!
٢٠. وَقالوا لَو صَفَحتَ عَنِ النَصارى
وَلا وَاللَهِ ما بِأَخيكَ صَفحُ
21. I control myself; final events do not alarm me,
Nor does the inherited death-pall make me blench.
٢١. أَحِنُّ إِلى مَحاسِنِ أُمِّ بَكرٍ
وَدونَ لِقائِها دُكحٌ وَنُكحُ
22. Be proud and scornful, not like Ibn Nihya
Whose spear does not avail his spear thrust.
٢٢. وَأَضبَطُ لا تُوَزِّعُهُ المَنايا
أَبَلَّ مُشَيَّعٌ بِالمَوتِ سَمحُ
23. Hammād ibn Nihya blames grey hairs,
Yet earns no praise from the youths.
٢٣. تَعَزَّ وَلا تَكُن مِثلَ اِبنِ نِهيا
لَهُ رُمحٌ وَلا يُغنيهِ رُمحُ
24. The clucking of monkeys suits him -
If he strokes his bald pate, even that is profit!
٢٤. يَذُمُّ الشَيبَ حَمّادُ بنُ نِهيا
وَلَيسَ لَهُ مِنَ الشُبّانِ مَدحُ
25. By it is a wound from the sharpened spear,
Yet no wound from things repeated in verse.
٢٥. يُوافِقُهُ اِرتِكاضُ القِردِ فيهِ
وَإِن مَسَحَ الضُراطَ فَذاكَ رِبحُ
٢٦. بِهِ جُرحٌ مِنَ الرُمحِ المُذَكّى
وَلَيسَ بِهِ مِنَ المَأثورِ جُرحُ