
You brought me glad tidings, and glad tidings to a youth

منيتني بشرا وبشر فتى

1. You brought me glad tidings, and glad tidings to a youth
Who does not buy praise with giving

١. مَنَّيتَني بِشراً وَبِشرُ فَتىً
لا يَشتَري الحَمدَ بِإِعطاءِ

2. A cure after a cure, from the sons of Dabaq
The owner of fate and sustenance

٢. عِلجٌ بِعِلجٍ مِن بَني دابِقٍ
صاحِبِ تَقديرٍ وَإِبقاءِ

3. In himself is preoccupation, and in his house
Is the openness of brothers and fathers

٣. في نَفسِهِ شُغلٌ وَفي بَيتِهِ
فُضوحُ إِخوانٍ وَآباءِ

4. O you who brought glad tidings, what is with her who stopped
At the conquest crying among enemies?

٤. يا بِشرُ ما بالُ الَتي وَقَفَت
بِالفَتحِ تَبكي بَينَ أَعداءِ

5. O you who brought glad tidings, the pigeon of the sons of Yashkur
Told me of her many things

٥. يا بِشرُ حَمّامُ بَني يَشكُرٍ
حَدَّثَني عَنها بِأَشياءِ