
My night grew long, and my heart became a wing,

طال ليلي وبات قلبي جناحا

1. My night grew long, and my heart became a wing,
And I grew weary of blamers and advisors.

١. طالَ لَيلي وَباتَ قَلبي جَناحا
وَمَلَلتُ العُذّالَ وَالنُصّاحا

2. They bid the lover show patience for one
Whose love has made his body fall to the ground.

٢. يَأمُرونَ المُحِبَّ بِالصَبرِ عَمَّن
قَد بَرى الحُبُّ جِسمَهُ فَاِستَطاحا

3. Wretched is their advice to one feeling sadness
From worshippers of shelters.

٣. بِئسَ ما يَأمُرونَ مُستَشعِرَ الهَم
مِ يُقاسي مِن عَبدَةَ الأَتراحا

4. O reader reminded of God,
Do you see wrong in the union of love?

٤. أَيُّها القارِئُ المُذَكِّرُ بِاللَ
هِ تَرى في وِصالِ حِبٍّ جُناحا

5. He said there is no harm in talk
If it goes not beyond mere talk.

٥. قالَ لا بَأسَ بِالحَديثِ إِذا ما
لَم يَزيدا عَلى الحَديثِ جِماحا

6. What good, O succor, can a lover hope for
In the darkness of his heart? A comfort?

٦. أَيُّ خَيرٍ يا عَونُ يَرجو مُحِبُّ
في سَوادِ الفُؤادِ مِنهُ بَراحا

7. How can one in sorrow hope to find solace
When love has increased his misery?

٧. كَيفَ يَرجو سُلُوَّ صَبٍّ حَزينٍ
زادَهُ الحُبُّ حينَ شاعَ اِرتِياحا

8. If you come and go only to waken,
It is not awakening I desire.

٨. إِن تَكُن إِنَّما تَروحُ وَتَغدو
بِاِنتِصاحِ فَما أُريدُ اِنتِصاحا

9. Let your coming and going be far from us
Now that her love has departed from us.

٩. فَدَع الغَدوَ وَالرَواحَ عَلَينا
ما غَدا حُبُّها عَلَينا وَراحا

10. I kept my love hidden a long time but when
I was straitened by love of Abdah, I spoke of it.

١٠. قَد كَتَمتُ الهَوى مَلِيّاً فَلَمّا
ضِقتُ ذَرعاً بِحُبِّ عَبدَةَ باحا

11. Would that I knew of Umm ‘Amr - and ‘Amr
Was neither ignorant nor joking.

١١. لَيتَ شِعري عَن أُمِّ عَمروٍ وَعَمروٌ
لَم يَكُن جاهِلاً وَلا مَزّاحا

12. Some talk of hers hit him with sickness.
Would that he had died before her and found rest.

١٢. أَحَديثٌ مِنها رَماهُ بِطَبٍّ
لَيتَهُ ماتَ قَبلَها فَاِستَراحا

13. But he hopes for what cannot be obtained, and but for
What he hopes, he would have donned the garments of death.

١٣. بَل يُرَجّي ما لا يُنالُ وَلَولا
ما يُرَجّي اِكتَسى المُسوحَ وَساحا

14. Umm ‘Amr, your love continues to find
Its way to console me until I am shamed.

١٤. أُمَّ عَمروٍ ما زالَ حُبُّكِ يَغتا
لُ عَزائي حَتّى اِفتَضَحتُ اِفتِضاحا

15. How can you not have mercy on a loving soul
Dead from your love, a terrible death?

١٥. كَيفَ لا تَرحَمينَ شَخصاً مُحِبّاً
مَيِّتاً مِن هَواكِ مَوتاً صُراحا

16. He used to tend the lamp but when
Love distracted him, he lost the lamp.

١٦. كانَ يَرعى المِصباحَ حيناً فَلَمّا
ضافَهُ الحُبُّ ضَيَّعَ المِصباحا

17. If you meant to torment him
With jest, you have cut off all jest.

١٧. إِن تَكوني أَرَدتِ أَن تَفجَعيهِ
بِمُزاحٍ فَقَد قَطَعتِ المُزاحا

18. Attached to life through her, and if she
Lived he rejoiced, wept over her when she died.

١٨. واصِلاً لِلحَياةِ مِنها وَإِن عا
شَ وَماتَت بَكى عَلَيها وَناحا

19. If you witness my death, O succor,
While you intend good,

١٩. إِن شَهِدَتَ الوَفاةَ يا عَونُ مِنّي
في مَقامٍ وَكُنتَ تَنوي صَلاحا

20. Summon a flock of sailors to witness my death
With spices - for I love sailors.

٢٠. فَاِدعُ سِربَ المِلاحِ يَشهَدنَ مَوتي
بِحَنوطٍ إِنّي أُحِبُّ المِلاحا

21. For love of the miserly Abdah, I see
No solace for my heart but her.

٢١. مِن هَوى عَبدَةَ البَخيلَةِ إِنّي
لا أَرى غَيرَها لِقَلبي رَواحا

22. You, succor, are Satan's aid if you do not help me.
Then begone from me, you good-for-naught!

٢٢. أَنتَ عَونُ الشَيطانِ إِن لَم تُعِنّي
فَاِرعَ ما قُلتُ تَشفِ مِنّي قِماحا

23. And summon my people against Umm ‘Amr - for I
Have bound myself in her love.

٢٣. وَاِدعُ قَومي بِأُمِّ عَمروٍ فَإِنّي
عاقِدٌ حُبَّها عَلَيَّ وِشاحا

24. I spend my days in anxiety, my nights
In wakefulness, until dawn breaks.

٢٤. مُستَهامُ النَهارِ مُرتَفِقُ اللَي
لِ إِلى أَن أُعايِنَ الإِصباحا

25. I have not ceased, since loving Ubayda, to love
All but her, until I loved the winds.

٢٥. لَم أَزَل مِن هَوى عُبَيدَةَ أَهوى
ما يَليها حَتّى هَويتُ الرِياحا

26. I cannot forget the dawn when she rose to pray
And my heart flew off and fell.

٢٦. لَستُ أَنسى غَداةَ قامَت تَهادى
لِلمُصَلّى فَطارَ قَلبي وَطاحا

27. Of women, when they want to light
The darkness, they make it a lamp.

٢٧. في نِساءٍ إِذا أَرَدنَ ضِياءً
لِظَلامٍ جَعَلنَها مِصباحا

28. So for them the darkness of night shone,
While I am denied even the dimmest glow.

٢٨. فَأَضاءَت لَهُنَّ داجِيَةَ اللَي
لِ وَجَلَّت عَمّا تَجِنُّ الوِحاحا