
O Khaled, I have not approached you with any blessing

أخالد لم أخبط إليك بنعمة

1. O Khaled, I have not approached you with any blessing
Except that I am well and you are generous

١. أَخالِدُ لَم أَخبِط إِلَيكَ بِنِعمَةٍ
سِوى أَنَّني عافٍ وَأَنتَ جَوادُ

2. So if you give to me I will pour out my praises to you
And if you refuse no barrier can be set against you

٢. فَإِن تُعطِني أُفرِغ إِلَيكَ مَحامِدي
وَإِن تَأبَ لا يُضرَب عَلَيكَ سِدادُ

3. My mount is on the verge and my heart bids farewell
To the land of the misers is not a land

٣. رِكابي عَلى حَرفٍ وَقَلبي مُشَيَّعٌ
وَغَيرُ بِلادِ الباخِلينَ بِلادُ

4. If a city denies me or I deny it
I move on with the one who leaves me in the dark

٤. إِذا أَنكَرَتني بَلدَةٌ أَو نَكَرتُها
نَهَضتُ مَعَ البازي عَلَيَّ سَوادُ

5. O Khaled between reward and praise is my need
So whichever comes to me, you are its pillar

٥. أَخالِدُ بَينَ الأَجرِ وَالحَمدِ حاجَتي
فَأَيُّهُما تَأتي فَأَنتَ عِمادُ

6. No worker loses between reward and praise
For him from both at the end is provision

٦. وَما خابَ بَينَ الأَجرِ وَالحَمدِ عامِلٌ
لَهُ مِنهُما عِندَ العَواقِبِ زادُ

7. O Khaled, reproach it, for listening to it is beautiful
And its consequence is piety and integrity

٧. أَخالِدُ ناهِزها فَإِنَّ سَماعَها
جَميلٌ وَمَأتاها تُقىً وَسَدادُ