
Sulaima came, calling you insistently,

راحت سليمى تدعوك بالعند

1. Sulaima came, calling you insistently,
Today and tomorrow without cease.

١. راحَت سُلَيمى تَدعوكَ بِالعَنَدِ
وَبِالمُنى في غَدٍ وَبَعدَ غَدِ

2. She said we'll meet you right on the seventh,
I said, her words chill my heart.

٢. قالَت سَنَلقاكَ فَرطَ سابِعَةٍ
فَقُلتُ يا بَردَها عَلى الكَبِدِ

3. If only this talk she described to us,
Could be bought with wealth or child.

٣. لَيتَ الحَديثَ الَّذي وَصَفتِ لَنا
يَكونُ بَيعاً بِالمالِ وَالوَلَدِ

4. Then she turned and I awaited her tryst,
Hoping she'd fulfill it without delay.

٤. ثُمَّ اِنثَنَت وَاِنتَظَرتُ مَوعِدَها
أَرجو وَفاءً بِهِ عَلى الأَمَدِ

5. Until when I counted seven days,
And exceeded seven, beyond the count.

٥. حَتّى إِذا ما عَدَدتُ سابِعَةً
وَزِدتُ سَبعاً فَضلاً عَلى العَدَدِ

6. She said my guardian lion surrounds me,
With a watchful eye, so how dare the lion come near?

٦. قالَت بِعَيني عَينٌ مُوَكَّلَةٌ
وَالأُسدُ حَولي فَكَيفَ بِالأُسُدِ

7. I continued to fool and trick him,
Until we met one day, barely escaping.

٧. ما زِلتُ أَغتَرُّهُ وَأَختِلُهُ
حَتّى اِلتَقَينا يَوماً وَلَم نَكَدِ

8. Until when she gestured with her glances,
And narrowed her eyes without blinking.

٨. حَتّامَ أَدعو الصِبى وَأَتبَعُهُ
وَالمَوتُ دانٍ وَاللَهُ بِالرَصَدِ

9. O most generous with greetings, and
Most miserly with affection and friendship.

٩. كُلُّ اِمرِئٍ تارِكٌ أَحِبَّتَهُ
وَصائِرٌ تُربَةً مِنَ البَلَدِ

10. My soul hangs on her,
Without her, my body has no goodness left.

١٠. قَد كُنتُ أَمشي إِلَيكِ جائِرَةً
فَالآنَ حينَ اِقتَصَدتُ فَاِقتَصِدِ

11. Passion imposes on me, to find
My happiness, though it's not destined.

١١. فَقُلتُ لَمّا اِلتَوَت بِنائِلِها
وَسَمَّلَت عَينَها وَلَم تَذُدِ

12. They blamed me for my vigil, shall I leave it
And excuse me from it out of loneliness?

١٢. يا أَسمَحَ الناسِ بِالسَلامِ وَيا
أَبخَلَهُم بِالصَفاءِ وَالصَفَدِ

13. My seclusion with her grew long, and she didn't
Seclude with one who stays up late, leaning on pillows.

١٣. يا قَومِ نَفسي لَها مُعَلَّقَةٌ
ما بَعدَ نَفسي بِصالِحٍ جَسَدي

14. Complaining of a passion that kills him,
A sadness from which he complains to no one.

١٤. شَطَّ عَلَيَّ الهَوى يُكَلِّفُني
لُقيانَ سُعدى وَلَيسَ بِالصَدَدِ

15. My eyesight dims from her absence, if
One day she drew near, my eyes would be cured of blindness.

١٥. كُرّوا عَلَيَّ الرُقادَ أَترُكُها
وَعَلِّلوني بِها مِنَ الوَحَدِ

16. A friend said to me, agreeing,
My cup is full, yet I sleep not a wink.

١٦. طالَ اِنفِرادي بِها وَما اِنفَرَدَت
بِساهِرِ اللَيلِ مائِلِ الوُسُدِ

17. Don't rush the matter before its time,
What's destined will come, though the soul boils within.

١٧. يَشكو إِلَيها هَوىً يُمَوِّتُهُ
غَمّاً وَلا يَشتَكي إِلى أَحَدِ

18. So I said the recklessness of youth pursues me
And greed hurries me on, unbridled.

١٨. أَرمَدُ مِن نَأيِها وَلَو قَرُبَت
يَوماً شَفَت عَينَهُ مِنَ الرَمَدِ

19. Leave me and Salma to live in her pleasures,
Whether she brings ease or I die worn out.

١٩. وَصاحِبٍ قالَ لي وَوافَقَني
مَلآنَ وَجداً وَباتَ لَم يَجِدِ

20. Oh pity, I was alone with her as a child,
My sins with her are not to be counted.

٢٠. لا تَعجَلِ الأَمرَ قَبلَ مَوقِتِهِ
ما حُمَّ آتٍ وَالنَفسُ في كَبِدِ

21. So we entrusted each other against
The suspicions, to convey the words of malicious enviers.

٢١. فَقُلتُ غَيُّ الشَبابِ يَتبَعُني
وَالحِرصُ عَجلانُ غَيرُ مُتَّئِدِ

22. I've repented of what you disliked, so consider
Forgiveness, for I came with no pretensions.

٢٢. دَعني وَسَلمى أَعِش بِلَذَّتِها
إِن ساعَفَت أَو أَمُت مِنَ الكَمَدِ

23. When we met she said to her companion,
Tell him, we're satisfied, so let him sleep and not worry.

٢٣. يا وَيحَها طِفلَةً خَلَوتُ بِها
لَيسَت ذُنوبي فيها مِنَ العَدَدِ

24. Such was our affection,
When we're blamed by a reproacher and outcast.

٢٤. فَأَعهِدينا مِنَ الظُنونِ عَلى
تَبليغِ واشٍ مِن قَولِ ذي حَسَدِ

25. With her we while away time however we dislike it,
Hiding bitterness, healing the wounds of sorrow,

٢٥. قَد تُبتُ مِمّا كَرِهَتِ فَاِحتَسِبي
غُفرانَ ما جِئتُ غَيرَ مُعتَمِدِ

26. Until life turned aside from its bitterness,
To the voice of one singing gaily with her.

٢٦. لَمّا وَجَدنا قالَت لِقَينَتِها
قولي رَضينا فَنَم وَلا تَجِدِ

27. So excuse a lover when he loses his neighbor,
When will you understand who you've lost and miss?

٢٧. كانَت عَلى ذاكَ مِن مَوَدَّتِنا
إِذ نَحنُ مِن عاتِبٍ وَمُصطَرِدِ