
O my friend, make clear to me your need

يا صاح بين حاجتي

1. O my friend, make clear to me your need
For eloquence comes with integrity

١. يا صاحِ بَيِّن حاجَتي
إِنَّ البَيانَ مَعَ السَدادِ

2. Speak one of two words:
Take a pledge from me, or undertake jihad against me

٢. صَرِّح بِإِحدى كِلمَتَي
نِ وَخُذ أَمانَكَ مِن جِهادي

3. The miser loves his stinginess
And the generous hates delay after promising

٣. بُخلُ البَخيلِ أَحَبَّهُ
مَطلُ الجَوادِ غَداةَ صادِ

4. You are rich even without wealth
While persistence comes from ambition

٤. أَنتَ الغِنى لَولا مِطا
لُكَ وَالمِطالُ مِنَ الكِيادِ

5. O friend, do not pursue vengeance
For it is the debt of the ignoble

٥. يا صاحِ لا تَلوِ العِدا
تِ فَإِنَّها دَينُ الهَوادي

6. The path branches into two
Choose between forgiving or punishing, there is no third option for the enemy

٦. إِنَّ السَبيلَ عَلى اِثنَتَي
نِ اِختَرهُما يا اِبنَ الجِيادِ

7. It is enough for you, no need for long worship
Or supplication from a caller

٧. إِمّا تُسامِحُ أَو تُجا
مِحُ لَيسَ ثالِثَةٌ لِعادِ

8. You included the need of a friend
So take the ways of righteousness in fulfilling it

٨. يَكفيكَ لا طَولَ العِبا
دِ وَلا اِجتِهاداً مِن مُنادِ

9. Death is something easy
And death fulfills all promises

٩. ضَمَّنتَ حاجَةَ صاحِبٍ
فَاِسلُك بِها سُبُلَ الرَشادِ

10. The truthfulness of a miser pleases me
And the lies of a generous upset me

١٠. المَوتُ شَيءٌ هَيِّنٌ
وَالمَوتُ إِنجازُ الوِعادِ

11. I keep my promise whether close or far
And when asked, I fulfill it

١١. صِدقُ البَخيلِ يَسُرُّني
وَيَسوؤُني كَذِبُ الجَوادِ

12. Either with compliance or objection
Rest from toil is better than struggle

١٢. إِنّي لَأُنجِزُ ما وَعَد
تُ عَلى الطَريفِ وَفي التِلادِ

13. The brother of a miser is subdued
Like a mule, not to be reproached

١٣. وَإِذا سُئِلتُ أَتَيتُها
ضَربَ الأَميرِ طُلا الأَعادي

14. O friend, make clear my need
And remember your guarantee on the day we meet again

١٤. إِمّا بِتَيّا أَو بِتَي
كَ وَراحَةٌ تَركُ الكِدادِ

15. There is no good in the life of an ignoble person
Or one who distances himself from affection

١٥. وَأَخو المَباخِلِ مُطرِقٌ
كَالعَردِ لَيسَ بِمُستَزادِ

16. So profess your love to only one
Or be like an untamed horse

١٦. يا صاحِ رَشِّح حاجَتي
وَاِذكُر ضَمانَكَ في المَعادِ

17. But how can souls refuse
To pursue their whims wherever they lead?

١٧. لا خَيرَ في دُنيا الكَري
مِ وَلا اللَئيمِ عَنِ الوِدادِ

18. One's fate is envied
And frivolity comes from a cheerful heart

١٨. فَاِندُب لِوِدِّكَ واحِداً
أَو كُن كَذي الفَرسِ الوِجادِ

19. Women are fond of cheerfulness
And I see righteousness leading to corruption

١٩. بَل كَيفَ تَأبى لِلنُفو
سِ وَغَيِّها في كُلِّ وادِ

20. So be patient with what you see unfolding
Fate cannot be warded off when hostile

٢٠. المَرءُ يُغبَطُ حَظُّهُ
وَاللَهوُ مِن ثَمَرِ الفُؤادِ

٢١. وَعَلى النِساءِ بَشاشَةٌ
وَأَرى الصَلاحَ إِلى فَسادِ

٢٢. فَاِصبِر لِقِسمَةِ ما تَرى
لا يُدفَعُ القَدَرُ المُعادي