
My companion rebukes me, though my heart is not to blame,

صحا تربي وما قلبي بصاح

1. My companion rebukes me, though my heart is not to blame,
And has become stubborn against good counsel.

١. صَحا تِربي وَما قَلبي بِصاحِ
وَأَصبَحَ عانِداً حَبلَ النِصاحِ

2. I used to be easygoing, almost frivolous,
But met one who ruined my fun.

٢. وَكُنتُ مِنَ المِزاجِ أَكادُ أَسلو
فَقَد لاقَيتُ قاطِعَةَ المِزاحِ

3. I toss sleepless, remaining wakeful through the night,
As if my heart wants to fly off from me.

٣. أَبيتُ مُرَوَّعاً وَأَظَلُّ صَبّاً
كَأَنَّ القَلبَ مِنّي ذو جَناحِ

4. And whoever tastes a bit of my love's agony,
Know that I have drunk deep of anguish.

٤. وَمَن يَكُ ذاقَ مِن عِشقي قَراحاً
فَإِنّي قَد شَرِبتُ مِنَ القَراحِ

5. When I remember the devout, tears pour forth unbidden,
And I cannot forget that dawn when she wept and said:

٥. وَلَستُ بِذاكِرٍ عَبّادَ إِلّا
تَبادَرَتِ المَدامِعُ بِاِنسِفاحِ

6. "Do you wake at dawn or go roaming at first light?"
I said: "Roaming comes closer to a lover than dawn."

٦. وَلا أَنسى غَداةَ بَكَت وَقالَت
أَتَغدو أَم تَروحُ مِنَ الرَواحِ

7. Sa'eed blames you for his affection,
But there is no fault in loving Abda.

٧. فَقُلتُ لَها الرَواحُ بِذاكِ أَحجى
وَأَقرَبُ بِالمُحِبِّ مِنَ الصَباحِ

8. You were fooled that Sa'eed's blame, my dear,
Comes from stinginess - no, I am freer than the breeze.

٨. يَلومُكَ في مَوَدَّتِها سَعيدٌ
وَما في حُبِّ عَبدَةَ مِن جُناحِ

9. Let the lover's blame subside when passion envelops him,
For women's love has spun such confusion.

٩. فَغَرَّكَ أَنَّ لَومَكَ يا سَعيدٌ
بِتَمنَعَ بَل أَحَرُّ مِنَ النَزاحِ

10. You cannot dissuade love with blame,
Nor calm the infatuated with rebuke.

١٠. فَدَع لَومَ المُحِبِّ إِذا تَهادى
بِهِ حُبُّ النِساءِ لَحاكَ لاحِ

11. When we beg a kiss from her, she teases,
Coyly feigning reluctance and jest.

١١. فَإِنَّكَ لا تَرُدُّ هَوىً بِلَومٍ
وَلا طَرَبَ المُتَيَّمِ بِاِمِّصاحِ

12. Her smile is honey flowing pure,
With the tang of ginger and scent of basil.

١٢. تُعَلِّلُ حينَ نَسأَلُها نَوالاً
حِراداً بِالتَدَلُّلِ وَالمِزاحِ

13. She was pampered in luxury, so the envious glances
Of the blue-eyed could not touch her.

١٣. كَأَنَّ بِريقِها عَسَلاً جَنِيّاً
وَطَعمَ الزَنجَبيلِ وَريحَ راحِ

14. Yes, I am devoted to her; my life is her gift,
Love's offering, on the breath of the winds.

١٤. تَراخَت في النَعيمِ فَلَم تَنَلها
حَواسِدُ أَعيُنِ الزُرقِ القِباحِ

15. And if it destroys me, may my ruin last,
So her wellbeing and virtue remain intact.

١٥. نَعَم عُلِّقتُها فَلَها حَياتي
هَدايا الحُبِّ في نَفَسِ الرِياحِ

16. You cast off my love and broke my rope,
But I did not care to discard your affection.

١٦. وَإِن أَهلِك فَدامَ عَلَيَّ هُلكي
لَها طولُ السَلامَةِ وَالصَلاحِ

17. My generosity in union is for one impassioned
By your memory, in the evening and at dawn.

١٧. طَرَحتِ مَوَدَّتي وَصَرَمتِ حَبلي
وَلَم أَهمِم لِوُدِّكِ بِاِطِّراحِ

18. He is sick with love for you, though legions
Of love's death have marched against him.

١٨. فَجودي بِالوِصالِ لِمُستَهامٍ
بِذِكرِكِ في المَساءِ وَفي الصَباحِ

19. Heal me, doctor, and gently cure my illness -
Today is your birthday, congratulations!

١٩. يَهيمُ بِكُم وَقَد دَلَفَت إِلَيهِ
جُيوشُ الحُبِّ بِالمَوتِ الصُراحِ

20. When you ask after me, it kindles a heart
That does not multiply in comfort.

٢٠. طَبيبي داوِني وَتَأَنَّ سُقمي
لَكَ اليَومَ التِلادُ عَلى النَجاحِ

21. How can one sick, melancholy, starving,
Be cured by loaves that cannot satisfy?

٢١. إِذا سَلَّيتَني أَوهَجتَ مِنها
فُؤاداً لا يُساعِفُ بِاِرتِياحِ