1. My night lingered, so I did not depart,
And the dawn slept, so I did not rise,
١. تَثاقَلَ لَيلي فَما أَبرَحُ
وَنامَ الصَباحُ فَما أُصبِحُ
2. I was a youth obsessed with pleasure,
And for me, amusement was unlocked,
٢. وَكُنتُ اِمرَءاً بِالصِبا مولَعاً
وَبِاللَهوِ عِندي لَهُ مَفتَحُ
3. I would spend the evening in joy,
And the morning playing happily,
٣. لَقَد كُنتُ أُمسي عَلى طَربَةٍ
وَأُصبِحُ مِن مَرَحِ أَمرَحُ
4. But when the Imam of guidance forbade me,
And the splendid rising shone for me,
٤. فَلَمّا نَهاني إِمامُ الهُدى
وَلاحَ لي المَطلَعُ الأَفيَحُ
5. And a maid whose allure was stunning,
She was chaste, but if she jested, she would wink,
٥. وَجارِيَةٍ دَلُّها رائِعٌ
تَعِفُّ فَإِن سامَحَت تَمزَحُ
6. As if a musk rat lay slaughtered
In her pocket, on her neck,
٦. كَأَنَّ عَلى نَحرِها فَأرَةً
مِنَ المِسكِ في جَيبِها تُذبَحُ
7. As if the braids on her back
Were black serpents coiled on her hump,
٧. كَأَنَّ القُرونَ عَلى مَتنِها
أَساوِدُ شَتَّ بِها أَبطَحُ
8. She had an eloquent, captivating speech,
Like the kohl of brides, carefully applied,
٨. لَها مَنطِقٌ فاخِرٌ فاتِنٌ
كَحَلي العَرائِسِ يُستَملَحُ
9. And two eyes in which emotion flowed,
And a face for which prostration was owed,
٩. وَعَينانِ يَجري الرَدى فيهِما
وَوَجهٌ يُصَلّى لَهُ أَسجَحُ
10. And a breast whose sight demanded bowing down,
To which even the devout lowered their brows,
١٠. وَثَديٌ لِرُؤيَتِهِ سَجدَةٌ
يَدينُ لَهُ الناسِكُ الأَجلَحُ
11. And a mouth, that if tasted, you would not die,
And life would be sweet and carefree for you,
١١. وَثَغرٌ إِذا ذُقتَهُ لَم تَمُت
وَطابَ لَكَ العَيشُ وَالمَسرَحُ
12. And a soft cheek and a palm which if
She gestured with it, people praised,
١٢. وَخَدٌّ أَسيلٌ وَكَفٌّ إِذا
أَشارَت لِقَومٍ بِها سَبَّحوا
13. And a leg adorned with anklets,
As if she was firm and threw spears,
١٣. وَساقٌ تُزَيِّنُ خَلخالَها
عَلى أَنَّها صَعبَةٌ تَرمَحُ
14. She would laugh at intense cold,
Glittering as lightning flashed,
١٤. وَتَضحَكُ عَن بَرَدٍ بارِدٍ
تَلالى كَما لَمَعَ الوَحوحُ
15. Of perfect proportions, tall and ample,
The parting of her hair braided and long,
١٥. مُبَتَّلَةٌ فَخمَةٌ فَعمَةٌ
هَضيمُ الكَشحِ بَوصُها أَرجَحُ
16. When she was remembered, my tears outpaced me,
And for her sake my liver almost ruptured,
١٦. إِذا ذُكِرَت سَبَقَت عَبرَتي
وَكادَت لَها كَبِدي تَقرَحُ
17. From her whiteness she gathered the anxiety of the youth,
As whey gathers cream to the surface,
١٧. مِنَ البيضِ تَجمَعُ هَمَّ الفَتى
كَما يَجمَعُ اللَبَنَ الإِنفَحُ
18. She revealed the schemes of a crafty demon,
Who corrupted faith, not counseling sincerely,
١٨. جَلَت عَن مَعاصِمِ جِنِّيَّةٍ
تَغِشُّ بِها الدينَ لا تَنصَحُ
19. And the fraud of a swindler in a jewel,
Pleasing to the eye of any who glanced,
١٩. وَزَجّاءَ بَرجاءَ في جَوهَرٍ
تَروقُ بِها عَينُ مَن يَلمَحُ
20. She went beyond the gatherings of her peers,
As a mangy camel sticks out from the herd,
٢٠. خَروجٌ عَلى جَمعِ أَترابِها
كَما يَخرُجُ الأَبلَقُ الأَقرَحُ
21. The Caliph prohibited me from mentioning her,
And I strove to please whatever delighted him,
٢١. نَهاني الخَليفَةُ عَن ذِكرِها
وَكُنتُ بِما سَرَّهُ أَكدَحُ
22. So I turned away from my need of her,
And I almost died from being denied her,
٢٢. فَأَعرَضتُ عَن حاجَتي عِندَها
وَلَلمَوتُ مِن تَركِها أَروَحُ
23. For in my soul is a love of her,
With conversations that have no relief,
٢٣. عَلى أَنَّ في النَفسِ مِن حُبِّها
أَحاديثَ لَيسَ لَها مَطرَحُ
24. I left behind parties and companions,
And denied myself what would ruin me,
٢٤. تَرَكتُ سُدَيفاً وَأَصحابَهُ
وَأَحرَمتُ ما يَجتَني شَرمَحُ
25. The debauched one bid the young man farewell,
And the dog greeted me, without barking,
٢٥. وَقالَ المُفَرَّكُ ثابَ الفَتى
وَسالَمَني الكَلبُ لا يَنبَحُ
26. So this is the time my wickedness has vanished,
And I embarked upon religion, no longer reckless,
٢٦. فَهَذا أَوانَ اِنقَضَت شِرَّتي
وَشَرَّعتُ في الدينِ لا أَطلُحُ
27. I tested the son of Nahya, but he had
Nothing but eating or armoring himself,
٢٧. بَلَوتُ اِبنَ نِهيا فَما عِندَهُ
سِوى أَن سَيَأكُلُ أَو يَسلَحُ
28. That was a lad from the chiefs of the Nabataeans,
Who had grown accustomed to shamelessness,
٢٨. وَذاكَ فَتىً مِن سُراةِ النَبيطِ
تَعَوَّدَ شَيئاً فَما يُفلِحُ
29. He loves marriage but avoids piety,
That is the way of the Nabataean, he does not excel,
٢٩. يُحِبُّ النِكاحَ وَيَأبى الصَلاحَ
كَذاكَ النَباطِيُّ لا يَصلُحُ
30. If you wish, you will find him lying down,
With a man on his back praising God,
٣٠. إِذا شِئتَ لاقَيتَهُ رابِضاً
عَلى ظَهرِهِ رَجُلٌ يَسبَحُ
31. You see him happy with his son's sodomy,
As if it were a disgrace to be exposed,
٣١. تَراهُ يُسَرُّ بِنَيكِ اِبنِهِ
عَلى أَنَّهُ سُبَّةٌ تَفضَحُ
32. When it was just like the mother of the bride,
When her daughter is married, she rejoices.
٣٢. وَما كانَ إِلّا كَأُمِّ العَروسِ
إِذا نُكِحَت بِنتُها تَفرَحُ