
The scoundrels reproach you while the pillow is your only support,

نبا بك خلف الظاعنين وساد

1. The scoundrels reproach you while the pillow is your only support,
Your hands are your limit every night,

١. نَبا بِكَ خَلفَ الظاعِنينَ وِسادُ
وَما لَكَ إِلّا راحَتَيكَ عِمادُ

2. Until you see the face of dawn as a pillow.
As if, when yearning creeps upon you,

٢. لِحَدِّكَ مِن كَفَّيكَ في كُلِّ لَيلَةٍ
إِلى أَن تَرى وَجهَ الصَباحِ وِسادُ

3. Chains are drawn tight upon your face.
You spend the night wakeful, hoping for its passing,

٣. كَأَنَّكَ لِلشَوقِ الغَريبِ إِذا سَرى
مِنَ الوَجهِ مَشدودٌ عَلَيكَ صِفادُ

4. Yet for lovers' nights there is no end.
You toss and turn in a darkness as though

٤. تَبيتُ تُراعي اللَيلَ تَرجو نَفادَهُ
وَلَيسَ لِلَيلِ العاشِقينَ نَفادُ

5. Its blackness is connected to you, blackness.
Weariness has refused to close its tired eyes

٥. تَقَلَّبُ في داجٍ كَأَنَّ سَوادَهُ
إِذا اِنجابَ مَوصولٌ إِلَيهِ سَوادُ

6. To sleep, intent and heart are wakeful.
The struggle of the soul in what it pursued

٦. أَبى لَكَ إِغماضُ الخَلِيِّ جُفونَهُ
عَلى النَومِ عَينٌ صَبَّةٌ وَفُؤادُ

7. And your comprehension of the stubborn soul a struggle.
The great distance from a goal, if you travelled it

٧. وَطولُ جِهادِ النَفسِ فيما تَتَبَّعَت
وَإِدراكُكَ النَفسَ اللَجوجَ جِهادُ

8. To your love's estrangement, separation would not take you far.
Yet my mind, gathering after gathering, counsels you

٨. وَبُعدُ المَدى مِن غايَةٍ لَو جَرَيتَها
إِلى هَجرِ سُعدى ما هَجاكَ بِعادُ

9. Against what would not bring you ruin.
Will you not now heal yourself, find solace,

٩. وَلَكِنَّ عَقلي مَجلِساً بَعدَ مَجلِسٍ
لِنَفسِكَ مِمّا لا تَنالُ فَسادُ

10. Since she is lost to you and your heart distraught?
I see the soul has been miserly toward you in attaining it

١٠. أَفالآنَ تَستَشفي طَبيبَكَ سَلوَةً
وَقَد ظَعَنَت سُعدى وَقَلبُكَ رادُ

11. And miserly toward itself in happy fortune.
What is it to you if that does not give you respite?

١١. أَرى النَفسَ قَد ضَنَّت عَلَيكَ بِنَيلِها
وَضَنَّت عَلَيها بِالنَوالِ سُعادُ

12. What is it of you if that does not bring you rest?
A gazelle enticed me and I desired to hunt it,

١٢. وَما بِكَ إِن لَم تُعطَ تِلكَ جَلادَةٌ
وَما مِنكَ إِن لَم تَلقَ تِلكَ رُقادُ

13. Yet had I not so desired, I'd not have hunted.
When the breeze of love lifts from you its care,

١٣. لَقَد صادَني ريمٌ أَرَدتُ اِصطِيادَهُ
وَما كُنتُ لَولا ما أَرَدتُ أُصادُ

14. New love will divert it.
It has been candid about what a taunt whispers,

١٤. إِذا طارِفُ الحُبِّ اِنجَلى عَنكَ هَمُّهُ
ثَناهُ مِنَ الحُبِّ الدَخيلِ تَلادُ

15. You are wounded until you have become an echo.
Passions have pressed upon you, so you weep more,

١٥. لَقَد صَرَّحَت عَمّا تُجَمجِمُ طَعنَةٌ
شَجيتَ بِها حَتّى ظَلِلتَ تُعادُ

16. And for tears, the beloved is their ink.
Say to a friend who thinks ill, good counsel,

١٦. تَداعَت لَكَ الأَهواءُ فَاِزدَدتَ عَبرَةً
وَلِلدَمعِ مِن بَينَ الحَبيبِ مِدادُ

17. And in some of the loved one's precincts, guidance.
He delays what would give you comfort,

١٧. فَقُل في صَديقٍ يَحسَبُ الغِيَّ رَشدَةً
وَفي بَعضَ حَوزاتِ الخَليلِ رَشادُ

18. So you live - all of it harshness.
If I say, "I have met with misfortune

١٨. يُؤَخِّرُ ما تَعجيلُهُ لَكَ راحَةٌ
فَتَحيا كُروبٌ كُلُّهُنَّ شِدادُ

19. In your love," she says, "And more will yet come."
For us are hardness, gentle words,

١٩. إِذا قُلتُ إِنّي قَد لَقيتُ شَقاوَةً
بِحُبِّكَ قالَت لي وَسَوفَ تُزادُ

20. The agony of estrangement, bitterness and affection.
By God, I know not, though each is a tribulation,

٢٠. لَنا غِلظَةٌ مِنها وَلينُ مَقالَةٍ
وَلَوعَةُ هَجرٍ مَرَّةً وَوِدادُ

21. By what wiles of women we are undone.
A gazelle enticed me and I desired to hunt it,

٢١. فَوَاللَهِ ما أَدري وَكُلٌّ مُصيبَةٌ
بِأَيِّ مَكيداتِ النِساءِ نُكادُ

22. Yet had I not so desired, I'd not have hunted.
The fair faced - his share of you is kinship

٢٢. لَقَد صادَني ريمٌ أَرَدتُ اِصطِيادَهُ
وَما كُنتُ لَولا ما أَرَدتُ أُصادُ

23. While your share of him agony and ardour.
When you find comfort in the imminent separation

٢٣. جَميلُ المُحَيّا حَظُّهُ مِنكَ نِسبَةٌ
وَحَظُّكَ مِنهُ لَوعَةٌ وَسُهادُ

24. Hoping for mankind's sister when she is gone,
Deceitful promises are like her visitations

٢٤. إِذا أَنِسَت مِن عاجِلِ البَينِ
رَجاءً بِأُختِ الناسِ حينَ تُذادُ

25. As if her coming were shooting stars.
You have never been favoured by fate and beyond it

٢٥. غُرورُ مَواعيدٍ كَأَنَّ جَداءَها
جَدا بارِقاتٍ مُزنُهُنَّ جَمادُ

26. To the mother of calamity, beginning and return.
Will you not, if fate does not give you its head,

٢٦. عَلى الدَهرِ ما مَنَّتكَ سُعدى وَدونَهُ
لِأُمِّ المَنايا مُبتَدى وَمَعادُ

27. Humble it until you see it led?
Else leave off your youth and healing is

٢٧. فَهَل أَنتَ إِن لَم يُعطِكَ الدَهرُ رَأسَهُ
مُذَلِّلُهُ حَتّى تَراهُ يُقادُ

28. In the wake of she you love, while in you is ink.

٢٨. وَإِلّا فَدَع عَنكَ الصَبابَةَ فَالشِفا
عَلى إِثرِ مَن تَهوى وَفيكَ مِدادُ