
Khalid was exemplary in his deeds, following the example of Barmack,

حذا خالد في فعله حذو برمك

1. Khalid was exemplary in his deeds, following the example of Barmack,
So glory to him, splendid and innate,

١. حَذا خالِدٌ في فِعلِهِ حَذوَ بَرمَكٍ
فَمَجدٌ لَهُ مُستَطرَفٌ وَأَصيلُ

2. And those who aspire were called before him
With words implying their demise contained a sign,

٢. وَكانَ ذَوو الآمالِ يُدعَونَ قَبلَهُ
بِلَفظٍ عَلى الإِعدامِ فيهِ دَليلُ

3. They were named with a question wherever they settled,
Even if among them was a noble elder,

٣. يُسَمَّونَ بِالسُؤّالِ في كُلِّ مَوطِنٍ
وَإِن كانَ فيهِم نابِهٌ وَجَليلُ

4. So he named them visitors, covering over them,
Thus his curtains over the guided are veils.

٤. فَسَمّاهُمُ الزُوارَ سِتراً عَلَيهِمُ
فَأَستارُهُ في المُهتَدينَ سُدولُ