1. O gentle Siyan, you and gentleness are with me
Both of you are gentle of breath, beloved
١. يا طَيبَ سِيّانَ عِندي أَنتِ وَالطيبُ
كِلاكُما طَيِّبُ الأَنفاسِ مَحبوبُ
2. If I had met you alone behind the eye,
You would have corrected in me what gentleness cannot correct
٢. لَو قَد لَقيتُكِ خَلفَ العَينِ خالِيَةً
أَصلَحتِ مِنّي الَّذي لا يُصلِحُ الطيبُ
3. If you were not a girl, you would have been a pearl
Precious to a king, crowned
٣. لَو كُنتِ غَيرَ فَتاةٍ كُنتِ لُؤلُؤَةً
غالى بِها مَلِكٌ بِالتاجِ مَعصوبُ
4. O gentle one, grant us some of your generosity that we hope for
And make us covetous, for there is no sin in hoping
٤. يا طَيبَ جودي بِنَيلٍ مِنكِ نَأمُلُهُ
وَأَطمِعينا فَما في مَطمَعِ حوبُ
5. By God, you are gentle and leave no man
With a heart restless as burning embers
٥. لِلَّهِ طَيبَةُ لا تُبقي عَلى رَجُلٍ
بِقَلبِهِ هاجِسٌ كَالنارِ مَشبوبُ
6. The bracelets of anxiety under the night leaning over me
A moon hidden behind the veil has healed me
٦. أُساوِرُ الهَمَّ تَحتَ اللَيلِ مُجتَنِحاً
قَد شَفَّني قَمَرٌ في السِترِ مَحجوبُ
7. Death takes me suddenly out of constant passion for her
And yearning seizes me with its flames
٧. يَغشانيَ المَوتُ مِن وَجدٍ لَها دَيَماً
وَالشَوقُ تَأخُذُني مِنهُ أَهاضيبُ
8. My heart has a shepherd who never leaves it
And wonders of love are in my conscience
٨. لِلقَلبِ راعٍ إِلَيها لا يُفارِقُهُ
وَفي الضَميرِ مِنَ الحُبِّ الأَعاجيبُ
9. Scorched with desire for a soul to live by
Separation and youth are torment
٩. لَهفانَ قَد يَشتَهي رَوحاً يَعيشُ بِهِ
بادي الصَبابَةِ وَالهِجرانُ تَعذيبُ