
O Abū Muslim, God does not change a blessing

أبا مسلم ما غير الله نعمة

1. O Abū Muslim, God does not change a blessing
He has bestowed on a servant until the servant changes it himself.

١. أَبا مُسلِمٍ ما غَيَّرَ اللَهُ نِعمَةً
عَلى عَبدِهِ حَتّى يُغيِّرَها العَبدُ

2. Did you in the Mahdī's kingdom attempt an act of treachery?
Beware! The treacherous ones are your Kurdish forefathers.

٢. أَفي دَولَةِ المَهدِيِّ حاوَلتَ غَدرَةً
أَلا إِنَّ أَهلَ الغَدرِ آباؤُكَ الكُردُ