
O Talha, you were

أيا طلحة قد كنت

1. O Talha, you were
Of the best of the best

١. أَيا طَلحَةُ قَد كُنتَ
عَلى خَيرٍ مِنَ الخيرِ

2. You saw the truth of your paternal cousins
As a matter other than negligence

٢. تَرى حَقَّ بَني عَمِّ
كَ أَمراً غَيرَ تَقصيرِ

3. And you were constantly preoccupied
With flipping dinars

٣. وَما تَنفَكُّ مَشغولاً
بِتَقليبِ الدَنانيرِ

4. So you have turned
To selling flasks

٤. فَأَصبَحتَ تَحَوَّلتَ
إِلى بَيعِ القَواريرِ

5. Thus is the fate of the world
Changing upon people with change

٥. كَذاكَ الدَهرُ مَطوِيٌّ
عَلى الناسِ بِتَغييرِ

6. So sell me a cage from you
For a thousand undiminished

٦. فَبِعني قَفَصاً مِنكَ
بِألفٍ غَيرَ مَنزورِ

7. Thirty and sixty
And ten without reduction

٧. ثَلاثينَ وَسِتّينَ
وَعَشراً غَيرَ تَمصيرِ

8. Take them like lanterns
In the hands of revellers

٨. فَخُذها كَالمَصابيحِ
عَلى أَيدي المَعاصيرِ

9. Two chrysolites
And from ruby of Hazzour

٩. سَريحَينِ مِنَ الدُرِّ
وَمِن ياقوتِ حَزّورِ

10. It lights up the house and the homes
And the depths of graves

١٠. يُضيءُ البَيتَ وَالدارَ
وَأَجوافَ المَطاميرِ

11. And blessed is the eye of the onlooker
In the darkness of night

١١. وَنِعمَ العَينُ لِلناظِ
رِ في ظَلماءِ دَيجورِ

12. O Talha, you fell short
And I am not pleased with falling short

١٢. أَيا طَلحَةُ قَصَّرتَ
وَلا أَرضى بِتَقصيرِ

13. I love the easy attainer
And make easy every one in difficulty

١٣. أُحِبُّ النائِلَ السَهلَ
وَأَقلي كُلَّ مَعسورِ

14. So exert yourself or weigh yourself
For the yoke is known by the ox

١٤. فَشِن نَفسَكَ أَو زِنها
فَإِنَّ البُردَ بِالنيرِ