
Mu'adh left the mean behind, his discourse

ومعذل هجر اللئام حديثه

1. Mu'adh left the mean behind, his discourse
A gallant wit, of noble bearing and jest.

١. وَمُعَذَّلٍ هَجَرَ اللِئامُ حَديثَهُ
مُتَعالَمٍ بِفُتُوَّةٍ وَمُزاحِ

2. The breeze disputed with the radiant morn
The clatter of the working hands' unrest,

٢. نازَعَتهُ الرَيحانَ في نَفَسِ الضُحى
وَسَماعِ عامِلَةِ اليَدَينِ رَداحِ

3. A goblet with a little to content
Paired with a flower like a roe-deer dressed.

٣. وَزُجاجَةٍ لِلشَربِ فيها مَقنَعٌ
قُرِنَت بِأَزهَرَ كَالغَزالِ مُباحِ

4. Smooth, with a flavour delicate and pure
As tears that mingle limpidly in zest,

٤. سَلِسٍ بِلَيِّنَةِ المَذاقِ رَقيقَةٍ
كَالدَمعِ تَخلِطُ لينَها بِجِماحِ

5. The reddening juice that makes the feaster like
Apples suffused with freshness manifest,

٥. وَرُضابِ ذي أَشَرٍ أَغَرَّ كَأَنَّما
غُبِقَت مَشارِبُهُ مِنَ التُفّاحِ

6. A cheek, that when night dons her cloak, avails
To recompense the comrade for the lamp's arrest.

٦. خَوَدٍ إِذا جَنَحَ الظَلامُ فَإِنَّها
تَكفي المُؤانِسَ فَقدَةَ المِصباحِ