
If the lion in its lair is tamed,

لو نكح الليث في استه خضعا

1. If the lion in its lair is tamed,
And dies of hunger, its hopes unclaimed,

١. لَو نُكِحَ اللَيثُ في اِستِهِ خَضَعا
وَماتَ جوعاً وَلَم يَنَل طَمَعا

2. Like the sword in its sheath, with none to wield,
Though spat on by all, it would never yield.

٢. كَذَلِكَ السَيفُ عِندَ هِزَّتِهِ
لَو بَصَقَ الناسُ فيهِ ما قَطَعا