1. They reproached me, saying Reema cannot be attained,
Yet meeting Reema is what I seek.
١. أَشادِنَ إِنَّ ريمَةَ لا تُصادُ
وَإِنَّ لِقاءَ ريمَةَ مُستَزادُ
2. They reproached me, what think you of a friend
Betrothed to Reema or hopes for union with her?
٢. أَشادِنَ كَيفَ رَأيُكِ في صَديقٍ
بِهِ عَقدٌ بِريمَةَ أَو وِجادُ
3. Reema's eyes have mocked my worship,
Ill-omened is the deputy of drowsiness.
٣. بِريمَةَ خالَفَت عَيني سُهوداً
وَبِئسَ خَليفَةُ النَومِ السُهادُ
4. They reproached me, if you were to help me
My eyes that have no rest would find relief.
٤. أَشادِنَ لَو أَعَنتِ فَإِنَّ عَيني
لَها سَبَلٌ وَلَيسَ لَها رُقادُ
5. I battle anxiety alone, clinging
To my liver as lice cling.
٥. أُغادي الهَمَّ مُنفَرِداً لَصوقاً
عَلى كَبِدي كَما لَصِقَ القُرادُ
6. I rejoice being restored when it was thought
I no longer conversed or responded.
٦. وَأَفرَحُ أَن أُعادَ وَقَد أُراني
أُذادُ عَنِ الحَديثِ وَلا أُعادُ
7. They reproached me, night after night has passed
I endure them as my pillow was disturbed.
٧. أَشادِنَ قَد مَضى لَيلٌ وَلَيلٌ
أُكابِدُهُ وَقَد قَلِقَ الوِسادُ
8. What youth was struck with what struck me?
Smitten by love or seeking more of it?
٨. فَأَيُّ فَتىً أُصيبَ بِمِثلِ ما بي
يُصابُ عَلى الهَوى أَو يُستَزادُ
9. They reproached me, she is free and I
Cannot sleep or rest.
٩. أَشادِنَ إِنَّها طِلقٌ وَإِنّي
أَبا لَكِ لا أَنامُ وَلا أَكادُ
10. No seeker has my condition but
I was miserable for her while she is indifferent.
١٠. وَما عَن نائِلٍ كَلَفي وَلَكِن
شَقيتُ بِها وَمُزنَتُها جَمادُ
11. When she drew near she blamed me,
And if she was distant her nature was avoidance.
١١. إِذا ما باعَدَت قَرُبَت بِرَأيٍ
وَإِن قَرُبَت فَشيمَتُها البِعادُ
12. She said you are too old now, you are not one of us,
No going back to what passed between you.
١٢. وَقالَت قَد كَبِرتَ فَلَستَ مِنّا
وَلَيسَ لِما مَضى مِنكَ اِرتِدادُ
13. It suffices me to jest with youths
And a cup whose wine sours.
١٣. فَحَسبي مِن مُهازَلَةِ الغَواني
وَمِن كَأسٍ لِسَورَتِها فَسادُ
14. I have left frivolity but life without it
Is not life, for life has no end.
١٤. تَرَكتُ اللَهوَ بَل نَفِدَ التَصابي
وَأَيُّ العَيشِ لَيسَ لَهُ نَفادُ
15. A friend's need weighed heavy on him
I took it though it was no light burden.
١٥. وَحاجَةِ صاحِبٍ ثَقُلَت عَلَيهِ
حَمَلتُ وَلا يَقومُ لَها الوِجادُ
16. Two yellow cows and a camel I bought
Though the black would have been comelier.
١٦. وَصَفراوَينِ مِن بَقَرٍ وَراحٍ
أَصَبتُهُما وَما حَسُنَ السَوادُ
17. The dove reminds me of departed friends
At the ruins, no reunion.
١٧. وَذَكَّرَني الحَمامُ فِراقَ إِلفٍ
عَلى الرَوحاءِ لَيسَ لَهُ مَعادُ
18. A day in the camp of Jusham bin Bakr
I enjoyed but regretMultiply me.
١٨. وَيَومٌ في ذُرى جُشَمِ بنِ بَكرٍ
نَعِمتُ بِهِ وَنَدماني زِيادُ
19. When I wish, a generous singer
Of status though not noble birth
١٩. إِذا ما شِئتُ غَنّاني كَريمٌ
لَهُ حَسَبٌ وَلَيسَ لَهُ تِلادُ
20. Pours his voice upon us
As heavy rain pours.
٢٠. يَصُبُّ لِسانُهُ طُرَفاً عَلَينا
كَما تَتَساقَطُ النُطَفُ السَدادُ
21. When the blond girl incited us
My companion sang and we were secluded together.
٢١. فَلَمّا حَثَّتِ الصَهباءُ فينا
وَغَرَّدَ صاحَبي وَخَلا المِسادُ
22. We drank from the daughters of the vine until
We drained it, leaving no life in it.
٢٢. شَرِبنا مِن بَناتِ الدَنِّ حَتّى
تَرَكنا الدَنَّ لَيسَ لَهُ فُؤادُ
23. A living I obtained with struggle
Is the sweetest living that struggle brings.
٢٣. وَعَيشٌ قَد ظَفَرتُ بِهِ كِداداً
أَلَذُّ العَيشِ ما جَلَبَ الكِدادُ
24. Possessions I bestowed upon them
Not equal to the Nile at fullest flood.
٢٤. وَأَملاكٌ وَهَبتُ لَهُم ثَنائي
وَلَيسَ كَزاخِرِ النيلِ الثِمادُ
25. For some I was generous but some
Were like sea water, undesired.
٢٥. وَجَدتُ لِبَعضِهِم جوداً وَبَعضٌ
كَماءِ البَحرِ أَكدَرُ لا يُرادُ
26. Generosity is no pretense but
Horses run the course set for them.
٢٦. وَلَيسَ الجودُ مُنتَحَلاً وَلَكِن
عَلى أَحسابِها تَجري الجِيادُ
27. A lad with whom I stayed but
With a spirit exposing hardship.
٢٧. فَتىً مِمَّن نَزَلتُ بِهِ وَلَكِن
بِرَوحٍ تُكشَفُ الكُرَبُ الشِدادُ
28. The plague of Bani Mahallab's foes
He goes out against them and they flee.
٢٨. قَريعُ بَني المَهَلَّبِ حينَ يَغدو
بِهِ يَبكي العِدا وَبِهِ يُجادُ
29. When the winds blow past Rooh's tomb
Gold flows and the structure stands beautifully.
٢٩. إِذا مَرَتِ الرِياحُ يَمينَ رَوحٍ
جَرَت ذَهَباً وَطابَ لَها الجِلادُ
30. His weapon contains a mighty king
Before whom is awe and his rule judicious.
٣٠. يَضُمُّ سِلاحُهُ مَلِكاً هُماماً
عَلَيهِ مَهابَةٌ وَلَهُ اِقتِصادُ
31. The torrents of Iraq when unleashed
Upon its heroes bring white mourning.
٣١. وَرِئبالُ العِراقِ إِذا تَداعَت
عَلى أَبطالِها البيضُ الحِدادُ
32. By his grace live the weak and lowly
As the land lives when rain comes.
٣٢. يَعيشُ بِفَضلِهِ ناءٍ وَدانٍ
كَما تَحيا عَلى الغَيثِ البِلادُ
33. A slave girl from lofty stock
Led to kings, she cannot be guided.
٣٣. وَجارِيَةٍ مِنَ الغُرِّ العَوالي
تُزَفُّ إِلى المُلوكِ وَلا تُقادُ
34. She delights you when met but you do not see her
Yet the generous gives his wealth for her.
٣٤. تَسُرُّكَ بِاللِقاءِ وَلا تَراها
وَيُعطي مالَهُ فيها الجَوادُ
35. I say to her, having gone out by night
In counsel, and counsel takes effort:
٣٥. أَقولُ لَها وَقَد خَرَجَت بِلَيلٍ
مُناصَحَةً وَلِلنُصحِ اِجتِهادُ
36. Visit Rooh, you will not find one like Rooh
Should old age bind you.
٣٦. زُري رَوحاً فَلَن تَجدي كَرَوحٍ
إِذا أَزِمَت بِكِ السَنَةُ الجَمادُ
37. When a place fit for a king loses Rooh
He who comes to it finds no rest.
٣٧. إِذا خَلّى مَكانَ المُلكِ رَوحٌ
فَلَيسَ لِمَن يُطيفُ بِهِ رُقادُ
38. An envier of the dome built for Rooh
Extolled its pillars which ancients and time have erected
٣٨. وَحاسِدُ قُبَّةٍ بُنِيَت لِرَوحٍ
أَطالَ عِمادَها سَلَفٌ وَآدوا
39. So I said to him, I see you envy Rooh
For sovereignty is envied by subjects.
٣٩. فَقُلتُ لَهُ أَراكَ حَسَدتَ رَوحاً
كَذاكَ المُلكُ يَحسُدُهُ العِبادُ
40. Endure, die not in envy and sorrow
For Rooh whose reign while you have naught.
٤٠. تَشَدَّد لا تَمُت حَسَداً وَغَمّاً
لِرَوحٍ مُلكُهُ وَلَكَ الكِيادُ
41. Rooh has led the armies against you
With fathers who commanded and led,
٤١. أَغَرُّ عَلى المَنابِرِ أَريَحِيٌّ
كَأَنَّ جَبينَهُ القَمَرُ الفِرادُ
42. Of those who descended on death
And if they brought you good, have returned.
٤٢. وَضامِنُ عَسكَرٍ وَعِنانُ خَيلٍ
نَهيدُ بِهِ العَدُوَّ وَلا نُهادُ
43. How will you fare if you war with Rooh?
You will fail and loads of woe burden you.
٤٣. كَأَنَّ المُستَزيدي فَضلِ رَوحٍ
غَوارِبَ دَجلَةَ الجَونِ اِستَزادوا
44. The kings of two lands contested him
And virtues prevail but are not overcome.
٤٤. أَذَلَّ لِطالِبِ العُضُلاتِ رَوحٌ
فَواضِلَهُ وَعَزَّ بِهِ الجِهادُ
45. Abu Khalaf, yours is the highest nobility
And the house of Bani Mahallab and family line.
٤٥. وَقَومٌ نالَهُم بِجَدىً وَقَومٌ
أَصابَتهُم كَتائِبُهُ فَكادوا
46. When present you are their axis
And if absent you are not sought.
٤٦. أَلا يا أَيُّها الرَجُلُ المُباهي
بِأُسرَتِهِ وَلَيسَ لَهُ عِمادُ
47. The tribes return to you bearing gifts
As `Aad returned to the idols.
٤٧. لَقَد قادَ الجُنودَ عَلَيكَ رَوحٌ
بِآباءٍ لَهُ أَمَروا وَقادوا
48. Your hospitality is vast and your gifts plentiful
Your adornment, the sunoor and spears.
٤٨. مِنَ المُتَنَزِّلينَ عَلى المَنايا
وَإِن جَلَبوا لَكَ المَعروفَ عادوا
49. One hand of yours remains for the lofty
The other for generosity is lauded.
٤٩. وَكَيفَ تَراكَ إِن حارَبتَ رَوحاً
هَبِلتَ وَتَحتَكَ العَيرُ الكُدادُ
50. You ascend to the heights and advance war
While slumber eludes your vigilance.
٥٠. مُلوكُ القَريَتَينِ تَنازَعَتهُ
وَأَخلاقٌ تَسودُ وَلا تُسادُ
٥١. أَبا خَلَفٍ لَكَ الشَرَفُ المُعَلّى
وَبَيتُ بَني المُهَلَّبِ وَالعِدادُ
٥٢. إِذا شَهِدوا فَأَنتَ لَهُم دُوارٌ
وَإِن غابوا فَلَيسَ بِكَ اِفتِقادُ
٥٣. تَثوبُ لَكَ القَبائِلُ مُجلِباتٍ
كَما ثابَت عَلى النُصُبَينِ عادُ
٥٤. فِناؤُكَ واسِعٌ وَنَداكَ ضافٍ
وَحِليَتُكَ السَنَوَّرُ وَالنِجادُ
٥٥. وَما زالَت يَدٌ لَكَ لِلعَوالي
وَأُخرى لِلسَماحَةِ تُستَجادُ
٥٦. تَراحُ إِلى العُلا وَتَسوسُ حَرباً
وَلا يورى لِيَقظَتِكَ الزِنادُ