
Hurayb wept, so comfort him with solace

بكى حريب فوقره بتعزية

1. Hurayb wept, so comfort him with solace
The son of Nuhayya died, though they were friends

١. بَكى حُرَيبٌ فَوَقِّرهُ بِتَعزِيَةٍ
ماتَ اِبنُ نِهيا وَقَد كانا شَريكَينِ

2. They negotiated when young about their wives
And made lawful between them all things

٢. تَفاوَضا حينَ شابا في نِسائِهِما
وَحَلَّلا كُلَّ شَيءٍ بَينَ رِجلَينِ

3. Hurayb now has what he gave him, and became
Like two riders hoping for the strength of two

٣. أَمسى حُرَيبٌ بِما أَسدى لَهُ وَغَدا
كَراكِبِ اِثنَينِ يَرجو قُوَّةَ اِثنَينِ

4. Until when they went the wrong way
They parted and fell between two paths

٤. حَتّى إِذا أَخذا في غَيرِ وَجهِهِما
تَفَرَّقا وَهَوى بَينَ الطَريقَينِ