
The harm from the repulsions of Abdata hurts me,

مسني من صدود عبدة ضر

1. The harm from the repulsions of Abdata hurts me,
So the daughters of my heart know no peace.

١. مَسَّني مِن صُدودِ عَبدَةَ ضَرُّ
فَبَناتُ الفُؤادِ ما تَستَقِرُّ

2. That is something in my heart from love for Abba,
An outward expression, yet an inward secret.

٢. ذاكَ شَيءٌ في القَلبِ مِن حُبِّ عَبّا
دَةَ بادٍ وَباطِنٌ يَستَسِرُّ

3. The living fled from my place and said:
Escape with patience, perhaps your eyes will see.

٣. نَفَرَ الحَيُّ مِن مَكاني فَقالوا
فُز بِصَبرٍ لَعَلَّ عَينَكَ تَبرو