
The one who captured your heart as her own

إن التي زعمت فؤادك ملها

1. The one who captured your heart as her own
Was created to be loved by you as you were created to love her

١. إِنَّ الَّتي زَعَمَت فُؤادَكَ مَلَّها
خُلِقَت هَواكَ كَما خُلِقتَ هَوىً لَها

2. Fair and innocent in the bliss of her youth so she was formed
With smoothness, thus she softened and gentled you

٢. بَيضاءُ باكَرَها النَعيمُ فَصاغَها
بِلُبانَةٍ فَأَرَقَّها وَأَجَلَّها

3. She veiled her greeting so I said to my companion
She was never much ours and but little hers

٣. حَجَبَت تَحِيَّتَها فَقُلتُ لِصاحِبي
ما كانَ أَكثَرَها لَنا وَأَقَلَّها

4. And when I found in her the whispers of temptation
My conscience interceded for her with me so I forgave her

٤. وَإِذا وَجَدتُ لَها وَساوِسَ سَلوَةٍ
شَفَعَ الضَميرُ لَها إِليَّ فَسَلَّها