
Tomorrow dawned, so he mounted his steed

غدا سلف فأصعد بالرباب

1. Tomorrow dawned, so he mounted his steed
And yearned, though yearning is not for comrades

١. غَدا سَلَفٌ فَأَصعَدَ بِالرَبابِ
وَحَنَّ وَما يَحِنُّ إِلى صِحابِ

2. His tears called forth griefs that multiplied
And twilights over ruins that moulder and decay

٢. دَعا عَبَراتِهِ شَجَنٌ تَوَلّى
وَشاماتٌ عَلى طَلَلٍ يَبابِ

3. And showed a cheek once hidden, and another
Of tears that testify to separation

٣. وَأَظهَرَ صَفحَةً سُتِرَت وَأُخرى
مِنَ العَبَراتِ تَشهَدُ بِالتَبابِ

4. It was as if the abode, when its features vanished,
Was like this shinbone or some of the writ

٤. كَأَنَّ الدارَ حينَ خَلَت رُسومٌ
كَهَذا العَصبِ أَو بَعضِ الكِتابِ

5. When lovers were recalled in it, an eye would ache
That aches for lovers over their abodes

٥. إِذا ذُكِرَ الحِبابُ بِها أَضَرَّت
بِها عَينٌ تَضَرُّ عَلى الحِبابِ

6. The abode of the living at Ar-Rukhkha in Yemen
Is ruin, and the abode is on the way to ruin

٦. دِيارُ الحَيِّ بِالرُكحِ اليَماني
خَرابٌ وَالدِيارُ إِلى خَرابِ

7. They aroused longing and sent back youthfulness
To one distinguished in condition and plight

٧. رَجَعنَ صَبابَةً وَبَعَثنَ شَوقاً
عَلى مُتَحَلَّبِ الشَأنَينِ صابِ

8. And nothing remains of a changing world
Except its events, foe of the wolves

٨. وَما يَبقى عَلى زَمَنٍ مُغيرٍ
عَدا حَدَثانُهُ عَدوَ الذِئابِ

9. And the life of a man turns against him
Capriciously, and bliss is on the way to change

٩. وَدَهرُ المَرءِ مُنقَلِبٌ عَلَيهِ
فُنوناً وَالنَعيمُ إِلى اِنقِلابِ

10. And every brother will depart from his brother
While most of what you love is on the way to loss

١٠. وَكُلُّ أَخٍ سَيَذهَبُ عَن أَخيهِ
وَباقي ما تُحِبُّ إِلى ذَهابِ

11. And when she who was Umm Bakr left us
And remoteness stretched out after dejection

١١. وَلَمّا فارَقَتنا أُمُّ بَكرٍ
وَشَطَّت غُربَةً بَعدَ اِكتِئابِ

12. And I spent the night needing her in my breast
With a fire from her burning between the veils

١٢. وَبِتُّ بِحاجَةٍ في الصَدرِ مِنها
تَحَرَّقُ نارُها بَينَ الحِجابِ

13. I traced her image and sat complaining
To her of what I faced in my confusion

١٣. خَطَطتُ مِثالَها وَجَلَستُ أَشكو
إِلَيها ما لَقيتُ عَلى اِنتِحابِ

14. I speak to a glimpse of her in the earth
Like the speech of one seeking refuge from punishment

١٤. أُكَلِّمُ لَمحَةً في التُربِ مِنها
كَلامَ المُستَجيرِ مِنَ العَذابِ

15. As if I were complaining to her
Of my concerns, though complaining is to dust

١٥. كَأَنِّيَ عِندَها أَشكو إِلَيها
هُمومي وَالشِكاةُ إِلى التُرابِ

16. May God water the tombs at the plot of Abd
And the Eastern quarters, days of tombs

١٦. سَقى اللَهُ القِبابَ بِتَلِّ عَبدى
وَبِالشَرقينِ أَيّامَ القِبابِ

17. And days we had that were short but pleasant
Over cubs sleeping of the wild dogs

١٧. وَأَيّاماً لَنا قَصُرَت وَطابَت
عَلى فُرعانَ نائِمَةَ الكِلابِ

18. Distant indeed has the visitation become! I spend the night weeping,
With yearning surveying me from every door

١٨. لَقَد شَطَّ المَزارُ فَبِتُّ صَبّاً
يُطالِعُني الهَوى مِن كُلِّ بابِ

19. And my pact with Al-Fura` and Umm Bakr –
Ladies heavy of buttocks, pleasant of scent!

١٩. وَعَهدي بِالفُراعِ وَأُمِّ بَكرٍ
ثَقالِ الرِدفِ طَيِّبَةِ الرُضابِ

20. Huntresses with every valor,
Who flow, when they walk, in floods of musk

٢٠. مِنَ المُتَصَيِّداتِ بِكُلِّ نَبلٍ
تَسيلُ إِذا مَشَت سَيلَ الحُبابِ

21. Imaged – the eyes are confused by her –
As if her talk were the drunkenness of wine

٢١. مُصَوَّرَةٌ يَحارُ الطَرفُ فيها
كَأَنَّ حَديثَها سُكرُ الشَرابِ

22. Nights I do not complain to the rebuker
Nor the blamer, from the unruliness of youths

٢٢. لَيالِيَ لا أَعوجُ عَلى المُنادي
وَلا العُذّالِ مِن صَعَمِ الشَبابِ

23. And a sayer who saw me care nothing
For the censure of blamers toward rebuke

٢٣. وَقائِلَةٍ رَأَتني لا أُبالي
جُنوحَ العاذِلاتِ إِلى عِتابِ

24. You have wearied of the rebuke every day
And evil is what led you to rebuke

٢٤. مَلِلتَ عِتابَ أَغيَدَ كُلَّ يَومٍ
وَشَرٌّ ما دَعاكَ إِلى العِتابِ

25. If replying stirs up war against you
Why do you not refrain from reply?

٢٥. إِذا بَعَثَ الجَوابُ عَلَيكَ حَرباً
فَما لَكَ لا تَكُفُّ عَنِ الجَوابِ

26. I protect the kernel of my affection
And reserve the noble for the pith

٢٦. أَصونُ عَنِ اللِئامِ لُبابَ وُدّي
وَأَختَصُّ الأَكارِمَ بِاللُبابِ

27. And which gallant among the eloquent could suffice me
In addressing and speech?

٢٧. وَأَيُّ فَتىً مِنَ البَوغاءِ يُغني
مَقامي في المُخاطَبِ وَالخِطابِ

28. And my invitation gathers the traces of my people -
They are the lions, the audacious, under cover

٢٨. وَتَجمَعُ دَعوَتي آثارَ قَومي
هُمُ الأُسدُ الخَوادِرُ تَحتَ غابِ

29. Rulers of glory and elevated honor
Who repel presumption against the stricken

٢٩. وُلاةُ العِزِّ وَالشَرَفِ المُعَلّى
يَرُدّونَ الفُضولَ عَلى المُصابِ

30. And a people who deny the clouds of my people -
We raised above them the height of the clouds

٣٠. وَقَومٌ يُنكِرونَ سَحابَ قَومي
رَفَعنا فَوقَهُم غُرَّ السَحابِ

31. And we are virtuous when we grow angry
With dreams lofty as plateaus

٣١. وَأَبراراً نَعودُ إِذا غَضِبنا
بِأَحلامٍ رَواجِحَ كَالهِضابِ

32. And if we hasten with a raid against a people,
We are not hasty in punishment

٣٢. وَإِن نُسرِع بِمَرحَمَةٍ لِقَومٍ
فَلَسنا بِالسِراعِ إِلى العِقابِ

33. We nominate an unjust man and reproach a disheveled one,
And we are content with praise instead of reward

٣٣. نُرَشِّحُ ظالِماً وَنَلُمُّ شَعثاً
وَنَرضى بِالثَناءِ مِنَ الثَوابِ

34. You see us, when the heights differ,
And the abased have resorted to the rugged--

٣٤. تَرانا حينَ تَختَلِفُ العَوالي
وَقَد لاذَ الأَذِلَّةُ بِالصِعابِ

35. We lead battalions and drive others
As if their armor were the blackness of night

٣٥. نَقودُ كَتائِباً وَنَسوقُ أُخرى
كَأَنَّ زُهاءَهُنَّ سَوادُ لابِ

36. When the lands of Bani Ma`ad are alarmed
We protect them with clubs of wrath

٣٦. إِذا فَزَعَت بِلادُ بَني مَعَدٍّ
حَمَيناها بِأَغلِمَةٍ غِضابِ

37. And every long-armed graybeard among them
Steps forth with gathered loins

٣٧. وَكُلِّ مُتَوَّجٍ بِالشَيبِ يَغدو
طَويلَ الباعِ مُنتَجَعَ الجِنابِ

38. Of those who harbor the fates of death,
His rest will be in the shade of staves

٣٨. مِنَ المُتَضَمِّنينَ شَبا المَنايا
يَكونُ مَقيلُهُ ظِلَّ العُقابِ

39. When youth passes, die beautifully!
For pleasures are only in youth

٣٩. إِذا حَسَرَ الشَبابُ فَمُت جَميلاً
فَما اللَذّاتُ إِلّا في الشَبابِ