1. Oh people, leave me be
For I'll not abandon loving the beautiful
١. أَلا يا قَومِ خَلّوني وَشَأني
فَلَستُ بِتارِكٍ حُبَّ الغَواني
2. They warned me, O Umamah, against your love
Yet I did not accept the words of those who warned me
٢. نَهَوني يا أُمامَةَ عَن هَواكُم
فَلَم أَقبَل مَقالَةَ مَن نَهاني
3. If you won't make me happy, then promise and favor me
Sincerely, lest I die in agony
٣. فَإِن لَم تَسعَدي فَعِدي وَمُنّي
خَلاعاً لا أَموتُ عَلى بَيانِ