
The lute longs for your nearness, yet fears

تشتهي قربك الرباب وتخشى

1. The lute longs for your nearness, yet fears
The prying eye and shelters from his ears.

١. تَشتَهي قُربَكَ الرَبابُ وَتخشى
عَينَ واشٍ وَتَتَّقي أَسماعَه

2. Within his heart you dwell, a draft of wine
Whose taste allures, whose headache he must fear.

٢. أَنتَ مِن قَلبِها مَحَلُّ شَرابٍ
تَشتَهي شُربَهُ وَتَخشى صُداعَه