1. The sorrows I have endured have brought me success,
And the night, for after it is the dawn.
١. قاسِ الهُمومَ تَنَل بِها نُجُحا
وَاللَيلَ إِنَّ وَراءَهُ صُبُحا
2. Let no despondent speech of one who hurts
Dishearten you, though it wounds you deeply.
٢. لا يُؤيِسَنَّكَ مِن مُخَدَّرَةٍ
قَولٌ تُغَلِّظُهُ وَإِن جَرَحا
3. Women are difficult, then amenable,
The formidable turns possible after first being impregnable.
٣. عُسرُ النِساءِ إِلى مُياسَرَةٍ
وَالصَعبُ يُمكِنُ بَعدَ ما رَمَحا
4. How can one who sleeps fretfully the whole night through
Enduring a wakeful pillow, rise feeling refreshed at morn?
٤. بَل كَيفَ يَحمِلُ طولَ لَيلَتِهِ
قَلِقُ الوِسادِ يَبيتُ مُجتَنِحا
5. Said the lover, his secret need divulged,
And the doctor, a balm for his heart when it was cut.
٥. قالَ اِبنُ حاجَتِهِ الَّتي كُتِمَت
وَطَبيبُهُ لِلقَلبِ إِن قَرِحا
6. Why does your day give you no joy
That you may live that day refreshed and halcyon?
٦. ما بالُ يَومِكَ لا تُسَرُّ بِهِ
لِتَروحَ ذاكَ اليَومَ أَو تَلِحا
7. I answered him with truthful words
That even an enemy might believe, though given to rancor.
٧. فَأَجَبتُهُ بِمَقالَةٍ صَدَقَت
وَأَخوكَ تَصدُقُهُ وَإِن كَلَحا
8. That my beloved has folded away his visit;
Thus I lament what he has suppressed, though I long that he bare it.
٨. إِنَّ الحَبيبَ طَوى زِيارَتَهُ
وَشَجيتُ بِالمَكتومِ إِن صَرَحا
9. I grieve for one whose company I cannot do without,
Whose love dwells in my heart, though he abandon me.
٩. أَرَقي لِشَخصٍ ما يُفارِقُني
وَيُحِبُّهُ قَلبي وَإِن نَزَحا
10. When he wearied of me and my discourse of him
He turned away.
١٠. لَمّا تَبَيَّنَ أَنَّني كَلِفٌ
بِحَديثِهِ وَبِقُربِهِ صَفَحا
11. My tongue attests to my passion for him
And my tears attest each time they flow.
١١. شَهِدَ اللِسانُ بِما أُجِنُّ لَهُ
وَالدَمعُ يَشهَدُ كُلَّما سَفَحا
12. In my abode I knew misery
I loved him and he rewarded me with estrangement.
١٢. أَشقى بِما لاقَيتُ مِن سَكَني
أَحبَبتُهُ وَأَثابَني نَزَحا
13. Would that I had never known him, after he left me -
Would that I had kept my distance, for pure and refined was he.
١٣. نَدَماً عَلَيهِ غَداةَ فارَقَني
هَلّا أُباعِدُهُ فَإِن مَلُحا
14. O my heart's remoteness from his affection!
He has become reconciled while still no reconciliation between us.
١٤. يا بُعدَ قَلبي مِن مَوَدَّتِهِ
أَمسى بِصالِحَةٍ وَما صَلَحا
15. He once granted me his youthfulness
And I held fast to his love when he bestowed it.
١٥. قَد كانَ يَمنَحُني صَبابَتَهُ
وَأَثَبتُهُ وُدّي بِما مَنَحا
16. Then my good fortune changed because of his nature
To hardship, so that I toiled as never before.
١٦. فَتَبَدَّلَت سُعدى بِشيمَتِها
شِيَماً لِتَكدَحَ غَيرَ ما كَدَحا
17. Happy though deserted, she does not add to my misery,
While I despair, pierced by passion's arrow.
١٧. صَبَرَت سُعَيدَةُ لا تُساعِفُني
وَجَزِعتُ مِن مَسِّ الهَوى مَرَحا
18. Wretched the heart that cannot show her steadfastness
Until she jest and make light of it all.
١٨. تَعِسَ الفُؤادُ أَلا يُصابِرُها
حَتّى تَكونَ كَمازِحٍ مَزَحا
19. And the watchful eye seems to offer sincere advice
While giving none.
١٩. وَمُسَهِّرٍ في العَينِ تَحسَبُهُ
يُبدي نَصيحَتَهُ وَما نَصَحا
20. She sealed my heart with her seal
Then blamed me for loving her - how ugly!
٢٠. خَتَمَت عَلى قَلبي بِخاتَمِها
وَيَلومُني في حُبِّها قَبُحا
21. I believed him, and lied to him,
Until he pledged me his troth - and gained nothing thereby.
٢١. وَظَلِلتُ أَصدُقُهُ وَأَكذِبُهُ
حَتّى يُبايِعَني وَما رَبِحا
22. Do not tempt me with love while still a youth
Whose life is before him, though he vie.
٢٢. لا تَلحَني حُبّاً وَأَنتَ فَتى
فَمَشايِعي قَلبي وَإِن طَمَحا
23. For my heart is held suspended at one melodious throat
After the wine that for a moment glistened bright.
٢٣. وَهوَ المُعَلَّقُ عِندَ غانِيَةٍ
بَعدَ النَوالِ بِبارِقٍ لَمَحا
24. Had God added to her sweet intimacy
A love fine as the gleam of a grain of mustard seed, I'd fear
٢٤. لَو زادَهُ رَبّي لِخُلَّتِهِ
حُبّاً كَعَينِ الذَرَّةِ اِفتَضَحا
25. Lest sadness expel me if ever it soured
Or gladness if she drew near.
٢٥. أَخشى الرَدى حَزَناً إِذا شَحِطَت
وَأَخافَهُ بِدُنُوِّها فَرَحا
26. Passion has been renewed, and I renew my quest for her
To save me from a life grown burdensome.
٢٦. جَدَّ الهَوى فَجَدَدتُ أَطلُبُها
لِتُريحَ مِن عَيشِ الَّذي سَرَحا
27. No other has importuned as I for her well-being,
Whether youth or grown mature.
٢٧. لَم يَلقَ مِثلي في مُواظَبَةٍ
لِشِفائِها مِمَّن صَبا وَصَحا
28. My heart forbade thoughts of her
But increased my blindness whenever it raged.
٢٨. نَهى فُؤادي عَن تَذَكُّرِها
وَيَزيدُني عِيّاً إِذا جَمَحا
29. Would that fate brought us back the days gone by,
Those days that slipped away.
٢٩. لَيتَ المُنى رَدَّت لَنا زَمَناً
كَزَمانِنا ذاكَ الَّذي نَزَحا
30. When my way in to her was furtive as I stole
To meet one whose bracelets graced a slender arm.
٣٠. إِذ مَدخَلي سَرَقٌ أَسارِقُهُ
لِلِقاءِ أَحوَرَ زَيَّنَ الوُشُحا
31. The scent of musk betraying her softness
Brought me back to life whenever it wafted.
٣١. حَسَنُ الدَلالِ عَلى ثَنِيَّتِهِ
مِسكٌ يُحَيِّيني إِذا نَفَحا
32. With a necklace around her slender throat,
She swayed gracefully back and forth.
٣٢. بَرِحَت بِأَتلَعَ في قَلائِدِهِ
وَغَدَت تَهُزُّ رَوادِفاً رُجُحا
33. I cannot forget our meeting place or her friendship,
Or the barking of her white puppy when it barked.
٣٣. لَم أَنسَ مَجلِسَنا وَقَينَتَها
وَنُباحَ مِزهَرِها إِذا نَبَحا
34. Her hands were laden with jewels, adorning herself
With hearing me and my hearing her - that made us happy.
٣٤. بِيَدَي مُسَوَّرَةٍ تُزَيِّنُهُ
بِسَماعِها وَسَماعُها سُرَحا
35. Till she took the reins and inclined toward them
Crooning a melody that mingled with their neighing.
٣٥. حَتّى إِذا أَخَذَت بِرُمَّتِهِ
وَحَنَت عَلَيهِم لَجيَناً مَرِحا
36. The soiree ended, those there fell asleep,
While she handed me the ewer and the wine cups.
٣٦. اِرتَجَّ وَاِندَفَعَت تُعارِضُهُ
غَنّاءَ خالَطَ صَوتُها بُحَحا
37. She would divulge secrets then conceal them again
Under cover of darkness, showing no shame.
٣٧. في مَجلِسٍ رَقَدَت غَوائِلُهُ
وَصَلَت بِهِ الإِبريقَ وَالقَدَحا
38. But when her sheltering darkness lifted
And the songbirds awoke and rang out,
٣٨. تَرِدُ السَرائِرَ ثُمَّ تُصدِرُها
تَحتَ الظَلامِ وَلا تُري كَشَحا
39. The dawn chased away a lovesick dreamer
Who craved the intimacy of night, if it would incline.
٣٩. حَتّى إِذا اِنكَشَفَت دُجُنَّتُهُ
وَتَنَبَّهَ العُصفورُ أَو صَدَحا
40. A cool drink for her on waking heavy-headed,
And the scent of her breath when it was sweet.
٤٠. طَرَدَ الصَباحُ لِعاشِقٍ غَزِلٍ
يَهوى جُنوحَ اللَيلِ إِن جَنَحا
41. I passed the night at the abode of the fawn-like beloved only
To have her snatched from me at dawn.
٤١. سَقياً لِتِلكَ عَلى تَثاقُلِها
وَلِطيبِ عارِضِها إِذا رَشَحا
42. A love that with the passage of days has not waned,
And I still desire union with her, no matter how remote.
٤٢. بِتُّ النَجِيَّ عَلى نَمارِقِها
وَسُلِبتُها في الصُبحِ إِذ وَضَحا