
O my friends in the evening, be patient

يا صاحبي العشية احتسبا

1. O my friends in the evening, be patient
Love has seriously afflicted the young man, and he did not play

١. يا صاحِبَيَّ العَشِيَّةَ اِحتَسِبا
جَدَّ الهَوى بِالفَتى وَما لَعِبا

2. By Allah, by Allah, I do not sleep, and
I cannot control my teary eyes out of agitation

٢. وَاللَهِ وَاللَهِ ما أَنامُ وَلا
أَملِكُ عَيني دُموعَها طَرِبا

3. Will time let us remember one
Who was a neighbor, then became estranged and went away?

٣. أَبقى لَنا الدَهرُ مِن تَذَكُّرِ مَن
قَد كانَ جاراً فَبانَ وَاِغتَرَبا

4. To Allah my tears! I shall not speak to him
Tomorrow morning in the house, downcast

٤. لِلَّهِ دَمعي أَلّا أُكَلِّمَهُ
يَومَ غَدا في السُلافِ مُنشَعِبا

5. It was not my sin that I suffered because of him
And the evil eye of someone was the reason between us

٥. ما كانَ ذَنبي أَنّي شَقيتُ بِهِ
وَشُؤمَ عَينٍ كانَت لَنا سَبَبا

6. I shed my tears over the beloved, so I astonished
Men, while I was not wonderful

٦. أَفرَغتُ دَمعي عَلى الحَبيبِ فَأَع
جَبتُ رِجالاً وَلَم أَكُن عَجَبا

7. Before me, the young man was loyal, but
Love of parting came over him, or he sought another

٧. قَبلي تَصابى الفَتى وَمالَ بِهِ
حُبُّ المَعاصيرِ عَفَّ أَو طَلَبا

8. My love for Salma and seeing her
Was but a speck in my overflowing tears

٨. ما كانَ حُبّي سَلمى وَرُؤيَتُها
إِلّا قَذىً في مَدامِعي نَشِبا

9. I want to forget her, but he reminds me of
What he gained with the two neighbors

٩. أُريدُ نِسيانَها فَيُذكِرُني
ما باتَ في الجارَتَينِ مُكتَسَبا

10. How much pleasure we got, enjoying it
And a gathering the memory of which became anguish

١٠. لِلَّهِ سَلمى إِذ لا تُطيعُ بِنا ال
واشي وَإِذ لا نُطيعُ مَن عَتَبا

11. There remains only the imagination, reminding me
Of what she was, and what I desired

١١. تَدنو مَعَ الذِكرِ كُلَّما نَزَحَت
حَتّى أَرى شَخصَها وَما اِقتَرَبا

12. Leave Salma, whose yearning causes anguish for her seeker
Reason cannot precede what is destined

١٢. وَيَومَ أَشكو إِلى أُسامَةَ مَك
نونَ الهَوى فَاِستَطارَ وَاِلتَهَبا

13. I shall leave insanity to the eyes, and not
Leave drinking wine in the evenings and at dusk

١٣. قالَت سُلَيمى أَعِندَنا شُغُلٌ
عَنكَ وَلَكِن لا تُحسِنُ الحَلَبا

14. And a king whom kings bow down to
Just, providing sustenance for the Arabs

١٤. أَكرِم خَليطاً تَنَل كَرامَتَهُ
لَستَ بِجانٍ مِن شَوكِهِ عِنَبا

15. Looking after our affairs and honor
Spending the day in prosperity and prestige at night

١٥. زَينَ الجَواري خُلِقتِ مِن عَجَبٍ
وَالحِرصُ عَجلانُ يَفضَحُ الأَدَبا

16. Fortune and mules continually
Collecting land tax which is taken to him

١٦. وَبِالنَقى وَالعُيونُ حاضِرَةٌ
عَيَّنَّنا كُلَّ شارِقٍ عَقِبا

17. And sometimes the eyes flash
Lightning for him against those who rebel

١٧. دَسَّت إِلَيَّ البَنّانَ تُخبِرُني
عَنها فَمَنّى وَرُبَّما كَذَبا

18. A man of Quraysh in religion and nobility
I gave him my love for what he gave

١٨. كانَت عَلى ذاكَ ثُمَّتَ اِنقَلَبَت
كَما دَعَوتُ الزَماعَ فَاِنقَلَبا

19. Resentment of a friend does not deceive him
Nor does his anger overcome him if he is angry

١٩. كَم مِن نَعيمٍ نِلنا لَذاذَتَهُ
وَمَجلِسٍ عادَ ذِكرُهُ نَصَبا

20. He gives you what the winds blow, and does not
Covet anyone's religion, even if they are close

٢٠. لَم يَبقَ إِلّا الخَيالُ يُذكِرُني
ما كانَ مِنها وَكانَ مُطّلَبا

21. Courageous, dignified, his arrogance adorned
With forbearance, and dignity along with what he avoided

٢١. دَع عَنكَ سَلمى شَجىً لِطالِبَها
لا يَسبِقُ الرَأيُ دونَ ما كُتِبا

22. A rain pool after rain quenches you
With fresh cool water flowing for whoever drank

٢٢. سَأَترُكُ الغُرَّ لِلعُيونِ وَلا
أَترُكُ شُربَ الصَهباءِ وَالغَرَبا

23. With his skin the clothes smell fragrant, and with his
Touch he makes people and lineage fragrant

٢٣. وَمَلِكٌ تَسجُدُ المُلوكُ لَهُ
موفٍ عَلى الناسِ يَرزِقُ العَرَبا

24. You can smell his slippers in the replacement
Like the repentant smell fragrant basil

٢٤. راعٍ لِأَحسابِنا وَذِمَّتِنا
يُمسي دُواراً وَيَغتَدي نُصُبا

25. I wore iron and coats of mail besides him
And a Mahri she-camel, a noble creature

٢٥. لا يَفتُرُ البُختُ وَالبِغالُ مَوا
قيراً خَراجاً يُجبى لَهُ دَأَبا

26. Of supplies in the packsaddles and saddlebags
For persistent anxiety or overwhelming calamity

٢٦. وَرُبَّما شَبَّتِ العُيونُ لَهُ
بَرقاً فَكانَت رُؤُسَ مَن شَغَبا

27. When I remember a man spending the night
Giving thanks, we rode the usual mounts

٢٧. فَتى قُرَيشٍ ديناً وَمَكرُمَةً
وَهَبتُ وُدّي لَهُ بِما وَهَبا

28. Stamping the embers of anger, while the
Family was in turmoil and its youths in confusion

٢٨. لا يَأثَرُ الغِلَّ لِلخَليلِ وَلا
تَغلِبُهُ طَيرُهُ إِذا غَضِبا

29. She-camels arriving from every emigrant woman
In the heat and noon sun you can see following him

٢٩. يُعطيكَ ما هَبَّتِ الرِياحُ وَلا
يُطمَعُ في دينِهِ وَإِن قَرُبا

30. Crooked, consecutive on the curved road when the
Rider takes shade from the heat of his day

٣٠. شَهمٌ وَقورٌ يَزينُ غُرَّتَهُ
حِلمٌ وَزانَ الوَقارُ ما اِجتَنَبا

31. They swim in the heaven's pond as if
The wild asses cut straight through the clamor

٣١. يَكفيكَ مِن قَسوَرٍ أَجَشَّ وَكَال
ماءِ زُلالاً يَجري لِمَن شَرِبا

32. Until when they alight at the abode
Of kinswomen and maternal aunts, relieving distress

٣٢. بِجِلدَةٍ طابَت الثِيابُ وَبِال
مَسِّ يُطيبُ العِيانَ وَالحَسَبا

33. Between Abu Ja'far and Abu al-'Abbas
Like a mirage taking cover

٣٣. تُشَمُّ نَعلاهُ في النَديِّ كَما
شَمَّ النَدامى الرَيحانَ مُعتَقَبا

34. No! He is rather the annihilator of cares when
A person's heart feels them, out of necessity

٣٤. ساوَرتُ مِن دونِهِ العَقَنقَلَ وَال
جَوفَ أُزجّي المَهرِيَّةَ النُجُبا

35. I greeted him at daybreak while his palms
Poured gold for the visitors of his house

٣٥. مِنَ المُعَدّاتِ في اللُجَينِ وَفي ال
عَيصِ لِهَمٍّ أَلَحَّ أَو غَلَبا

36. He gave such bracelets, slaves, and
Real estate that I thought it was play

٣٦. إِذا ذَكَرتُ اِمرَأً يَبيتُ عَلى ال
حَمدِ رَكِبنا العادِيَّةَ الرُكَبا

37. With blessing that carries loyalty, following it
From death after hardship

٣٧. يَخبُطنَ جَمرَ الغَضى وَقَد خَفَقَ ال
آلُ وَغَشّى رَيعانُهُ الحَدَبا

38. He hurries to reward this and that and that other, and does not
Count his reward like one who counts

٣٨. مُستِقبِلاتٍ مِن كُلِّ هاجِرَةٍ
قَيظاً وَقَيضاً تَرى لَهُ حَبَبا

39. Indeed, he whose rule
Blessed people until they disputed over the reason

٣٩. عوجٌ تَوالى عَلى الذَميلِ إِذا ال
راكِبُ مِن حَرِّ يَومِهِ اِنتَقَبا

40. Is the brother of the one prayers were established for
He does not act stingily or speak falsely

٤٠. يَسبَحنَ في عَدرَةِ السَماءِ كَما
شَقَّ العَدَولِيُّ زاخِراً صَخِبا

41. His manners have made his nature white-haired
And he has inherited it if he claims affiliation

٤١. حَتّى إِذا خَيَّمَت بِعاقِبَةٍ
جاراتِ والٍ يُفَرِّجُ الكُرَبا

42. He starts the day with the blessings of prophethood; his
Banner does not lag if it stirs

٤٢. بَينَ أَبي جَعفَرٍ وَبَينَ أَبي ال
عَبّاسِ مِثلُ الرِئبالِ مُحتَجِبا

43. And our land gave glad tidings to the sky through him
And the people of graves were delighted at what followed

٤٣. لا بَل هُوَ المُخدِرُ الهُمامُ إِذا
أَحسَّ قَلبُ اِمرِئٍ بِهِ وَجَبا

44. By Allah, the people of graves, if they were brought back to life,
Would find bliss and acquire proper behavior

٤٤. صَبَّحتُهُ في الذَرورِ تُمطِرُ كَف
فاهُ لِزُوّارِ بَيتِهِ ذَهَبا

45. And Joseph the rebel, he has prepared for him
Until he fell into Hell, overturned

٤٥. لَمّا رَآني بَدَت مَكارِمُهُ
نوراً عَلى وَجهِهِ وَما اِكتَأَبا

46. Away, smashed, with whoever turns away from
The truth and disobeys the Mahdi in fear

٤٦. كَأَنَّما جِئتُهُ أُبَشِّرُهُ
وَلَم أَجِئ راغِباً وَمُحتَلِبا

47. Indeed, the son of Hajjaj's cupbearer is enough for you
Settled and stable, wherever he traveled

٤٧. فَرَّجَ عَنّي المَهدِيُّ مِن كَرَبِ الض
ضيقِ خِناقاً قاسَيتُهُ حُقَبا

48. Mahdi of the people of prayers, the fortune-teller reads him
An obscure, covered book, free of doubt

٤٨. أَعطى مِنَ الصُتمِ وَالوَلائِدِ وَال
عُبدانِ حَتّى حَسِبتُهُ لَعِبا

49. As if those who seek him for their needs
Are pilgrims heading to Mash'ar in groups

٤٩. وَبِركَةٍ تَحمِلُ الوَفاءَ تَلا
فاها مِنَ المَوتِ بَعدَ ما كَرَبا

50. He adorns the noble pulpit with his
Kindness and words when he preaches

٥٠. يَحثي لِهَذا وَذا وَذاكَ وَلا
يَحسِبُ مَعروفَهُ كَمَن حَسَبا

51. And the land glows with his virtues
As if a light were implanted in the sun

٥١. إِنَّ الَّذي أَنعَمَت خِلافَتُهُ
بِالناسِ حَتّى تَنازَعوا سَبَبا

52. Proudest when his hands drip
As his visitors throng around him in hordes

٥٢. شَقيقُ مَن قامَت الصَلاةُ بِهِ
لَم يَأتِ بُخلاً وَلَم يَقُل كَذِبا

53. And the utmost extent of the delegations when
They travel, hoping for his connection out of desire

٥٣. شيبَت بِأَخلاقِهِ خَلائِقُهُ
وَحازَ ميراثَهُ إِذا اِنتَسَبا

54. Their leader says, as they persist
After morning, the joy of one who persists

٥٤. يَغدو بِيُمنٍ مِنَ النُبُوَّةِ لا
يُخلِفُ عَرّاصُهُ إِذا اِضطَرَبا

55. When you go to the Mahdi, ask him,
You will find generosity and God-consciousness in him

٥٥. وَبَشَّرَت أَرضُنا السَماءَ بِهِ
وَسَرَّ أَهلَ القُبورِ ما عَقَبا

56. You see in him the mark of the Prophet, and if
He fought people, he ignited a flame for them

٥٦. لِلَّهِ أَهلُ القُبورِ لَو نُشِروا
لاقَوا نَعيماً وَاِستَجلَموا أَدَبا

57. United of heart when meeting, even if
The matter turns away from his heart in war

٥٧. وَيوسُفُ البَرمُ قَد عَبَأتَ لَهُ
حَتّى هَوى في الجَحيمِ مُنقَلَبا

58. Security has emerged in his rule
And he said about it, whoever reads books

٥٨. بُعداً وَسُحقاً لِمَن تَوَلّى عَنِ ال
حَقِّ وَعاصى المَهدِيَّ مُرتَعِبا

59. Muhammad bequeaths his caliphate to him
Moses and Aaron follow the father

٥٩. إِنَّ اِبنَ ساقي الحَجيجِ يَكفيكَ ما
حَلَّ مُقيماً وَأَيَّةً رَكِبا

٦٠. مَهدِيُّ آلِ الصَلاةِ يَقرَؤُهُ ال
قَسُّ كِتاباً دَثراً جَلا رِيَبا

٦١. كَأَنَّ طُلّابَهُ لِحاجَتِهِم
حَجٌّ يَأُمّونَ مَشعَراً شُزُبا

٦٢. يُزَيِّنُ المِنبَرَ الأَشَمَّ بِعِط
فَيهِ وَأَقوالِهِ إِذا خَطَبا

٦٣. وَتُشرِقُ الأَرضُ مِن مَحاسِنِهِ
كَأَنَّ نوراً في الشَمسِ مُجتَلَبا

٦٤. أَغَرُّ مُستَمطَرُ اليَدَينِ إِذا
راحَ عَلَيهِ زُوّارُهُ عُصَبا

٦٥. وَمُنتَهى غايَةِ الوُفودِ إِذا
ساروا يُرَجّونَ وَصلَهُ رَغَبا

٦٦. يَقولُ ساريهُمُ وَقَد دَأَبوا
بَعدَ الصَباحِ اِغتِباطُ مَن دَأَبا

٦٧. إِذا أَتَيتَ المَهدِيَّ سَأَلُهُ
لاقيتَ جوداً بِهِ وَمُحتَسَبا

٦٨. تَرى عَلَيهِ سيما النَبِيِّ وَإِن
حارَبَ قَوماً أَذكى لَهُم لَهَبا

٦٩. مُجتَمِعُ القَلبِ في اللِقاءِ إِذا ال
أَمرُ تَوَلّى مِن قَلبِهِ حَرَبا

٧٠. قَد سَطَعَ الأَمنُ في وِلايَتِهِ
وَقالَ فيهِ مَن يَقرَأُ الكُتُبا

٧١. مُحَمَّدٌ مورِثٌ خِلافَتَهُ
موسى وَهارونَ يَتبَعانِ أَبا