
O Love! Long have we yearned to visit you

يا حب طال تمنينا زيارتكم

1. O Love! Long have we yearned to visit you
Though you are the closest neighbors in this land

١. يا حُبَّ طالَ تَمَنّينا زِيارَتَكُم
وَأَنتُمُ الجيرَةُ الأَدنَونَ في البَلَدِ

2. You have made me ill, and with you lies the cure
If you would heal me from deep within my bones

٢. أَدوَيتِني وَدَواءُ الحُبِّ عِندَكُمُ
لَو كُنتِ تَشفينَني مِن داخِلِ الكَمَدِ

3. Love is beyond price, though you grant me
All that people accumulate of wealth and children

٣. لا يَعدِلُ الحُبَّ عِندي لَو بَذَلتِ لَنا
ما يَجمَعُ الناسُ مِن مالٍ وَمِن وَلَدِ

4. I hope for your gift each day, leaving me
Tomorrow and the day after still hoping

٤. أَرجو نَوالَكِ في يَومي فَيُخلِفُني
وَفي غَدٍ قَد أَرَجّيهِ وَبَعدَ غَدِ

5. While you distract me with perfume
And fabric of Brocade and Braid

٥. وَأَنتِ عَمّا أُلاقي فيكِ لاهِيَةٌ
بِالعِطرِ وَالمَلبَسِ القَزِّيِّ وَالسَبَدِ

6. I refuse to weep unless with you I adorn my eyes
For in adorning them with you, my weeping is cured

٦. أَبيتُ أَرمَدَ ما لَم أَكتَحِل بِكُمُ
وَفي اِكتِحالٍ بِكُم شافٍ مِنَ الرَمَدِ

7. And every love will heal with their beloved
Whether she leads to ruin or the right path

٧. وَكُلُّ حِبٍّ سَيَستَشفي بِحِبَّتِهِ
ساقَت إِلى الغَيِّ أَو ساقَت إِلى الرَشَدِ

8. I swear by your life, listen to me Abad
If I sought more than this love, I would gain nothing

٨. إِنّي وَعَيشِكِ يا عَبّادَ فَاِستَمِعي
لَو أَبتَغي فَوقَ هَذا الحُبِّ لَم أَزِدِ

9. When you are remembered it's as if my heart
Is bewitched by Harut or Marut's sorcery

٩. كَأَنَّ قَلبي إِذا ذِكراكُمُ عَرَضَت
مِن سِحرِ هاروتَ أَو ماروتَ في عُقَدِ

10. No breeze has blown from your land
Without cooling my burning liver

١٠. ما هَبَّتِ الريحُ مِن تِلقاءِ أَرضِكُمُ
إِلّا وَجَدتُ لَها بَرداً عَلى الكَبِدِ

11. When I peek at another, I still see
A specter of you keeping watch

١١. وَلا تَيَمَّمتُ أُخرى أَستَسِرُّ بِها
إِلّا وَجَدتُ خَيالاً مِنكِ بِالرَصَدِ

12. Is this not worthy of some affection from you
My heart startled with grief and wakefulness?

١٢. فَهَل لِهَذا جَزاءٌ مِن مَوَدَّتِكُم
مُرَوَّعَ القَلبِ بِالأَحزانِ وَالسَهَدِ

13. It would gladden my heart and you'd grow dearer
If what I hope from you comes true

١٣. يَروقُ قَلبي وَتَزدادينَ لي غِلَظاً
ما ذاكَ فيما أُرَجّي مِنكِ بِالسَدَدِ

14. Shy away from love if you are a believer
That you would kill a soul without just cause

١٤. تَحَرَّجي بِالهَوى إِن كُنتِ مُؤمِنَةً
بِاللَهِ أَن تَقتُلي نَفساً بِلا قَوَدِ

15. If you fear sharing your love with another
Know it is secured between soul and body

١٥. إِن كُنتِ تَخشَينَ شِركاً في مَوَدَّتِكُم
فَقَد تَثَبَّتَ بَينَ الروحِ وَالجَسَدِ