
O my friend, tell us in our old age,

يا خليلا نبا بنا في المشيب

1. O my friend, tell us in our old age,
Has he turned to the remedies of the physician?

١. يا خَليلاً نَبا بِنا في المَشيبِ
لَم يُعرِّج عَلى مَشارِ الطَبيبِ

2. He who faced matters alone was neither wise nor struck,
Indeed we do not ask for the hated,

٢. لَيسَ مَن قابَلَ الأُمورَ وَحيداً
بِحَليمٍ فيها وَلا بِمُصيبِ

3. He turns away from falsehood and lies,
So consult an advisor, though crafty,

٣. إِنَّ البَغيضَ إِلَينا لا نُطالِبُهُ
يَتَجَلّى عَن باطِلٍ مَكذوبِ

4. For there is fortune in obeying the crafty advisor,
Disaster may strike the lad who obeyed his brother,

٤. فَاِستَشِر ناصِحاً أَريباً فَإِنَّ ال
حَظَّ في طاعَةِ النَصيحِ الأَريَبِ

5. And compliance with women is no stroke of luck,
And Ka'ab of the family of Sa'd ibn Bakr,

٥. قَد يُصيبُ الفَتى أَطاعَ أَخاهُ
وَمُطيعُ النِساءِ غَيرُ مُصيبِ

6. Whose eyelids captivated me at sunset,
She says, "You were wary of people about us

٦. وَكِعابٍ مِن آلِ سَعدِ بنِ بَكرٍ
رَعَمَتني جُفونُها في المَغيبِ

7. I never feared them in chastity."
No - and whoever praises the pilgrims, he has what

٧. وَتَقولُ اِتَّقَيتَ فينا أُناساً
لَم أَكُن أَتَّقيهُمُ في العُروبِ

8. Was not my thought, fearing the watchman's eye,
Except the Imam restrained me from

٨. لا وَمَن سَبَّحَ الحَجيجُ لَهُ ما
كانَ ظَنّي اِتِّقاءَ عَينِ الرَقيبِ

9. You, so say about his sin, not my sins,
My heart is like a wing towards those

٩. غَيرَ أَنَّ الإِمامَ أَمسَكَني عَن
كِ فَقولي في ذَنبِهِ لا ذُنوبي

10. Who stay up worshipping while you do not answer,
If the lad could fly, I would fly

١٠. إِنَّ قَلبي مِثلُ الجَناحِ إِلى مَن
باتَ يَدعو وَأَنتَ غَيرُ مُجيبِ

11. From yearning, returning to the yearning beloved,
If I meet one who takes my longing from me

١١. لَو يَطيرُ الفَتى لَطِرتُ مِنَ الشَو
قِ مُنيباً إِلى الحَبيبِ المُنيبِ

12. I would travel between youth and the south wind,
So she wept the weeping of the grieved, and said,

١٢. لَو أُلاقي مَن يَحمِلُ الشَوقَ عَنّي
رُحتُ بَينَ الصَبا وَبَينَ الجَنوبِ

13. "Every life is farewell before long,"
You were my soul that I sacrificed, so show kindness,

١٣. فَبَكَت بِكيَةَ الحَزينِ وَقالَت
كُلُّ عَيشٍ مُوَدَّعٌ عَن قَريبِ

14. Enjoy your bounty without causing harm,
If you asked the scholars about me, they would say

١٤. كُنتَ نَفسي الفِدا فَبِنتَ فَقيداً
اِرعَ وُدّي نَعِمتَ غَيرَ مُريبِ

15. "Repent to God from the harshness of the beloved,"
My soul overcame me against you, though you are

١٥. لَو سَأَلتَ العُلّامَ عَنّي لَقالوا
تُب إِلى اللَهِ مِن جَفاءِ الحَبيبِ

16. A refugee in the shade of a tottering kingdom,
How can I hope for a day like my day at the stony tracts

١٦. غَلَبَتني نَفسي عَلَيكَ وَإِن كُن
تَ مَساكاً في ظِلِّ مُلكٍ قَشيبِ

17. And our days at the ridge of Al-Kathib,
When we lead the cattle and compete in running,

١٧. كَيفَ أَرجو يَوماً كَيَومي عَلى الرَس
وَأَيّامِنا بِحَقفِ الكَثيبِ

18. And passion comes at sunset,
Our destinies are like two hands joined

١٨. إِذ نَسوقُ المُنى وَنَغتَبِقُ الرا
حَ وَيَأتي الهَوى عَلى تَغييبِ

19. This to this in affection and purity,
Handling properly and touching truth

١٩. قَدَرانا مِثلَ اليَدَينِ تَلَقّى
هَذِهِ هَذِهِ بِوُدٍّ وَطيبِ

20. When we are alone we see them inseparable,
So that time has passed and left

٢٠. تَتَعاطى جيداً وَتَلمِسُ حُقّاً
حينَ نَخلو نَراهُما غَيرَ حوبِ

21. A time that amazed us with wonders,
Peace be upon you, you lodged in the kingdom while I wasted away

٢١. فَاِنقَضى ذَلِكَ الزَمانُ وَأَبقى
زَمَناً راعَنا بِأَمرٍ عَجيبِ

22. Like a stranger struck with affliction,

٢٢. فَعَلَيكَ السَلامُ خَيَّمتَ في المُل
كِ وَغودِرتُ كَالمُصابِ الغَريبِ