1. Khushebb, is there any hope for a lover with you all?
Or not, for I am struggling with the rope of death
١. خُشّابَ هَل لِمُحِبٍّ عِندَكُم فَرَجُ
أَو لا فَإِنّي بِحَبلِ المَوتِ مُعتَلِجُ
2. If what is in me was in all of God's creation
They would not attain their beloveds' abodes
٢. لَو كانَ ما بي بِخَلقِ اللَهِ كُلِّهِمُ
لا يَخلُصونَ إِلى أَحبابِهِم دَرَجوا
3. For estrangement there is a fire in my heart and liver
When you are distant, and the vision of your snow-like face
٣. لِلهَجرِ نارٌ عَلى قَلبي وَفي كَبِدي
إِذا نَأَيتِ وَرُؤيا وَجهِكِ الثَلَجُ
4. It is as if your love is above me when I conceal it
And under my feet a swamp over which swamps surge
٤. كَأَنَّ حُبَّكِ فَوقي حينَ أَكتُمُهُ
وَتَحتَ رِجلَيَّ لُجٌّ فَوقَهُ لُجَجُ
5. I have been indiscreet about love, belittling its majesty
While you are like a bucket folded under the saddles
٥. قَد بُحتُ بِالحُبِّ ضَيقاً عَن جَلالَتِهِ
وَأَنتِ كَالصاعِ تُطوى تَحتَهُ السُرُجُ
6. Khushebb give freely, openly or stealthily
For I have been tested and the wishes have passed
٦. خُشّابَ جودي جِهاراً أَو مُسارَقَةً
فَقَد بُليتُ وَمَرَّت بِالمُنى حِجَجُ
7. How long will you sit, Khushebb, without coming out
Not giving us a day, not drawing near?
٧. حَتّى مَتى أَنتِ يا خُشّابَ جالِسَةً
لا تَخرُجينَ لَنا يَوماً وَلا تَلِجُ
8. If you were to experience what we experience you would allocate for us
A day in which we could live with you and rejoice
٨. لَو كُنتِ تَلقينَ ما نَلقى قَسَمتِ لَنا
يَوماً نَعيشُ بِهِ مِنكُم وَنَبتَهِجُ
9. There is no good in life if we are to be like this forever
Neither meeting, though the path to meet is paved
٩. لا خَيرَ في العَيشِ إِن كُنّا كَذا أَبَداً
لا نَلتَقي وَسَبيلُ المُلتَقى نَهَجُ
10. Whoever watches people will not attain his need
But the harsh speaking attains good things
١٠. مَن راقَبَ الناسَ لَم يَظفَر بِحاجَتِهِ
وَفازَ بِالطَيِّباتِ الفاتِكُ اللَهِجُ
11. Some people lacking purity have forbidden you
They live without an enemy or solve problems
١١. وَقَد نَهاكِ أُناسٌ لا صَفا لَهُمُ
عَيشٌ وَلا عَدِموا خَصماً وَلا فَلَجوا
12. They have lied saying it is forbidden for us to meet
There is no sin in an embrace or a kiss
١٢. قالوا حَرامٌ تَلاقينا فَقَد كَذَبوا
ما في اِلتِزامٍ وَلا في قُبلَةٍ حَرَجُ
13. Don't you feel, my soul ransoms you, a neighbor
That I have no relief except what you wish for me
١٣. أَما شَعَرتِ فَدَتكِ النَفسُ جارِيَةً
أَن لَيسَ لي دونَ ما مَنَّيتِني فَرَجُ
14. Whenever my eyes grow teary, I promise myself
Attaining you, I writhe
١٤. إِنّي أُبَشِّرُ نَفسي كُلَّما اِختَلَجَت
عَيني أَقولُ بِنَيلٍ مِنكِ تَختَلِجُ
15. And I have wished to meet you alone
One day, and that I in what you told me have no crookedness
١٥. وَقَد تَمَنَّيتُ أَن أَلقاكِ خالِيَةً
يَوماً وَأَنّي وَفيما قُلتِ لي عِوَجُ
16. I complain to God of a longing that gives me no respite
And desires churning in the darkness of my heart
١٦. أَشكو إِلى اللَهِ شَوقاً لا يُفَرِّطُني
وَشُرَّعاً في سَوادِ القَلبِ تَختَلِجُ
17. O Lord I have no patience to be away from a neighbor girl
Who charms from afar, and if she draws near, smiles
١٧. يا رَبِّ لا صَبرَ لي عَن قُربِ جارِيَةٍ
تَنأى دَلالاً وَفيها إِن دَنَت غَنَجُ
18. A radiant, fair maid, when she smiles
The house and abode are perfumed with her scent
١٨. غَرّاءَ حَوراءَ مِن طيبٍ إِذا نَكَهَت
لِلبَيتِ وَالدارِ مِن أَنفاسِها أَرَجُ
19. As if she were a rising moon escorted
By sweet-lipped brightness, in her eye a flutter
١٩. كَأَنَّها قَمَرٌ رابٍ رَوادِفُهُ
عَذبُ الثَنايا بَدا في عَينِهِ دَعَجُ