1. When I do not wish to hasten a friend's request
I withhold, and some withholding is better than giving in.
١. إِذا لَم أَرِد تَعجيلَ حاجَةِ صاحِبٍ
مَنَعتُ وَبَعضُ المَنعِ خَيرٌ مِنَ المَطلِ
2. You promised, yet were not compelled, and willingly failed -
By my life! You have reached the height of meanness and ignorance.
٢. وَعَدتَ وَلَم تُكرَه وَأَخلَفتَ طائِعاً
لَعَمري لَقَد بالَغتَ في البُخلِ وَالجَهلِ