1. O Abu Hashfan, I come to you
Though the matter is dire with you
١. أَبا الحَشفانِ آتيكَ
وَإِن جَدَّ بِكَ الأَمرُ
2. Your back will meet reconciliation
And the falcon will meet your front
٢. سَيلقَى دُبرَكَ الصَلتُ
وَيَلقى قُبلَكَ الصَقرُ
3. On him are pearls and coat of mail
That shattered him, the admirable one
٣. عَلَيهِ الدُرُّ وَالياقو
تُ قَد فَصَّلَهُ الشَذرُ
4. If a despicable one insults you
Then you are the greatest forgiver
٤. إِذا جاراكَ لوطِيٌّ
فَأَنتَ المُسهِبُ الكُبرُ
5. Indeed it spread for Hammad
With a sickness in his infatuation a mention
٥. لَقَد شاعَ لِحَمّادٍ
بِداءٍ في اِستِهِ ذِكرُ
6. Does not the mention of death and grave forbid you, O Hammad
No but what you see of gathering
٦. أَما يَنهاكَ يا حَمّا
دُ ذِكرُ المَوتِ وَالقَبرُ
7. And what is the heretic and Gathering
Do I, in you, seek the good
٧. أَلا بَل ما تَرى حَشراً
وَما الزِنديقُ وَالحَشرُ
8. And good in a man is chivalry
Neither has your front split
٨. أَعِندي تَطلُبُ النَيكَ
وَنَيكُ الرَجُلِ النُكرُ
9. Nor in your possession for me a reward
So leave me and acquire patience
٩. وَما قُبلُكَ مَشقوقٌ
وَلا في اِستِكَ لي أَجرُ
10. For excellent is the quality, patience
Otherwise, swallow embers
١٠. فَدَعني وَاِكتَسِب صَبراً
فَنِعمَ الشيمَةُ الصَبرُ
11. It will heal what is in you, the embers
Truly, ignorance missed you
١١. وَإِلّا فَاِحشُها جَمراً
سَيَشفي ما بِكَ الجَمرُ
12. So eat your testicles, O cuckold
You hoped for wine in my house
١٢. فَقَد أَخطَأَكَ الجَديُ
فَكُل خُصيَيكَ يا وَبرُ
13. Yet you do not know me, O wine
١٣. رَجَوتَ الخَمرَ في بَيتي
وَما تَعرِفُني الخَمرُ