
A poem by Abi Hisham, O men

من أبي هشام يا رجال قصيدة

1. A poem by Abi Hisham, O men
At which the youths and maidens weep

١. مِنَ أَبي هِشامٍ يا رِجالُ قَصيدَةٌ
تَبكي لَها الفِتيانُ وَالفَتَياتُ

2. Written with what tears have flowed, so pray
Forever for he who spoke it, blessings be

٢. كُتِبَت بِما جَرَتِ الدُموعُ فَصُلِّيَت
أَبَداً عَلى مَن قالَها الصَلَواتُ

3. From deep within yearning interloper
To she in whom his eyes weep their tears

٣. مِن داخِلِ الشَوقِ الدَخيلِ إِلى الَّتي
فيها تَروحُ لِعَينِهِ العَبَراتُ

4. So his heart is a bird living by her memory
And dying when sights of her are long denied

٤. فَفُؤادُهُ طُرّاً يَعيشُ بِذِكرِها
وَيَموتُ حينَ تُطِلُّهُ الزَفَراتُ

5. Yearning for the idol of Iraq, so his eyes
Are appointed to keep vigil for her dreams

٥. شَوقاً إِلى صَنَمِ العِراقِ فَعَينُهُ
قَد وُكِّلَت بِمَنامِها اليَقَظاتُ

6. No beautiful one of a group but for her
A sister who counts, though she has no sisters

٦. ما مِن جَميلَةِ مَعشَرٍ إِلّا لَها
أُختٌ تُعَدُّ وَما لَها أَخَواتُ

7. Not peeled by the sun, nor night's crescent moon
And these two are what examples are made of

٧. لا الشَمسُ تَقشِرُها وَلا قَمَرُ الدُجى
وَهُما اللَذانِ إِلَيهِما المَثُلاتُ

8. Tell the love smitten, if I'm killed by passion
Then let my blood be the cure for my love's woe

٨. قُل لِلغَواني إِن قُتِلتُ مِنَ الهَوى
فَلَكُنَّ مِن عَدوى دَمي بَرَآتُ

9. My sickness is Ubaydah, if I fall ill, and my health
Hers are the solitudes that comfort my soul

٩. سُقمي عُبَيدَةُ إِن سَقُمتُ وَصِحَّتي
وَلَها تَطيبُ لِنَفسي الخَلَواتُ

10. O Abd I swear by whom I worship
And His is the station and all Arafat contains

١٠. يا عَبدَ أَقسِمُ بِالَّذي أَنا عَبدُهُ
وَلَهُ المَقامُ وَما حَوَت عَرَفاتُ

11. Never will I choose but you as the intimate
So trust in that, and nobles are trustworthy

١١. لا أَصطَفي أَبَداً سِواكِ خَليلَةً
فَثِقي بِذَلِكَ وَالكِرامُ ثِقاتُ

12. And if in soil I lie, then you call me
I'd answer your voice, though bones be all that remains

١٢. وَلَوَ اَنَّني في التُربِ ثُمَّ دَعَوتِني
لَبَّيتُ صَوتَكِ وَالعِظامُ رُفاتُ

13. When I recall you, O Ubaydah, my soul is torn
And longing for you returns in waves

١٣. فَإِذا ذَكَرتُكِ يا عُبَيدَ تَقَطَّعَت
نَفسي عَلَيكِ وَعادَني حَسَراتُ

14. Happy is he who sleeps with you in the night
Accelerated for your bedmate are good deeds

١٤. طوبى لِمَن يُمسي وَأَنتِ ضَجيعُهُ
قَد عُجِّلَت لِضَجيعِكِ الحَسَناتُ