
My love, why did I become lonely

أحبى فيم خليت

1. My love, why did I become lonely
And why did the rope tear apart?

١. أَحُبّى فيمَ خُلّيتُ
وَفيمَ الحَبلُ مَبتوتُ

2. Did you tantalize me with the longing I had for you
So I was excluded?

٢. أَأَدلَلتِ بِما عِندي
مِنَ الشَوقِ فَأُقصيتُ

3. Some of the estrangement you inflicted upon me came to me
And I was inflicted upon.

٣. أَتاني بَعضُ ما أَلقَي
تِ مِن هَجري وَأُلقيتُ

4. I had barely reached evening before
The living paled and I was wrapped up.

٤. فُما أَمسَيتُ حَتّى صَر
رَخَ الحَيُّ وَسُجّيتُ

5. Indeed, I was above the fountains
And my head was bent down.

٥. لَقَد كُنتُ عَلى العَي
نَينِ وَالرَأسِ فَنُحّيتُ

6. My love, if mercy drew near to your heart I would be brought close.
When you are distant I become miserable

٦. أَحُبّى لَو دَنَت مِن قَل
بِكِ الرَحمَةُ أُدنيتُ

7. And when you are near I become respected.
Abu Amr honored me

٧. إِذا باعَدتِ أُضنيتُ
وَإِن قَرَّبتِ عُزّيتُ

8. And I was honored to stay away from you.
So I did not hear the longing

٨. وَعَزّاني أَبو عَمروٍ
وَقِدماً عَنكِ عُزّيتُ

9. Calling out loudly to my hearing.
The longing has killed my limbs

٩. فَلَم أَسمَع مِنَ الشَوقِ
عَلى سَمعي فَنوديتُ

10. And some of the longing has killed me.

١٠. أَماتَ الشَوقُ أَوصالي
وَبَعضُ الشَوقِ تَمويتُ

11. Is it not enough for you that I am from you
(Kept awake) the whole night in captivity?

١١. أَما حَسبُكِ أَنّي مِن
كِ طولَ اللَيلِ مَسبوتُ

12. And that tears are a spring
And that the heart is fluttering?

١٢. وَأَنَّ الدَمعَ مُنهَلٌّ
وَأَنَّ القَلبَ مَرفوتُ

13. If you wish I feign composure
But I cannot be patient if you wish it.

١٣. إِذا شِئتِ تَصَبَّرتُ
وَلا أَصبِرُ إِن شيتُ

14. Oh, if only I was given from you
What you have given I would be given!

١٤. أَلا يا لَيتَني مِنكِ ال
لَذي أَعطيتَ أُعطيتُ

15. And I blamed you for my insomnia
As I blamed whoever kept me awake.

١٥. وَأَعتَبتُكِ مِن سَومي
كَما أَعتَبَ مَن سوتُ

16. It is as if, the day I met you,
I was left confused behind the eye.

١٦. كَأَنّي يَومَ لاقَيتُ
كِ خَلفَ العَينِ مَبهوتُ

17. It is as if from that love of yours
I became mute and silent.

١٧. كَأَنّي ذاكِ مِن حُبِّ
كِ أَو أَخرَسُ سِكّيتُ

18. Whenever I intended to look into a need
I forgot.

١٨. إِذا أَزمَعتُ أَن أَنظُرَ ف
ي الحاجَةِ أَنسيتُ

19. Indeed, I went and did not know
Whether it was a spell or fatigue.

١٩. لَقَد رُحتُ وَما أَدري
أَسِحرٌ ذاكَ أَم ليتُ

20. My love, I have no patience
And if you made it easy for me I would come.

٢٠. أَحُبّى لَيسَ لي صَبرٌ
وَإِن رَخَّصتِ لي جيتُ

21. By Allah, even the whale cannot be patient
In the desert wilderness!

٢١. وَلا وَاللَهِ ما يَصبِ
رُ في البَرِّيَّةِ الحوتُ

22. A jinni called me to you
From the gardens, a demon.

٢٢. دَعاني لَكَ جِنِّيٌّ
مِنَ الجِنّانِ عِفريتُ

23. With a face of radiant beauty
Adorned with neck and softness.

٢٣. بِوَجهٍ زاهِرِ الحُسنِ
زَهاهُ الجيدُ وَالليتُ

24. As if the spirit and breeze in it
Is mingled musk, dissolved.

٢٤. كَأَنَّ الرَوحَ وَالرَيحا
نَ فيهِ المِسكُ مَفتوتُ

25. It flowed in the water of your cheeks
And grew in the white fangs.

٢٥. جَرى في ماءِ خَدَّيكِ
وَفي الأَنيابِ تَنبيتُ

26. It is as if the words from your mouth
Are pearls and rubies for us.

٢٦. كَأَنَّ القَولَ مِن فيكِ
لَنا دُرٌّ وَياقوتُ

27. If you turn away, people will die when told "Die!"
And if you come, eyes are Marut and Harut.

٢٧. إِذا أَدبَرتِ ماتَ النا
سُ إِن قيلَ لَهُم موتوا

28. I made you, O Habba, my enemy
After you were once my beloved.

٢٨. وَإِن أَقبَلتِ فَالعَينا
نِ هاروتٌ وَماروتُ

29. Yet I did not panic though I was
Panicked when you frightened me.

٢٩. أَعادي فيكِ يا حُبّى
وَقَبلَ اليَومَ عوديتُ